Shining evolutionary light on sleep and health
Charles Nunn
(Duke University)
Colloquium |
March 11, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Sylvia Cremer |
Quantum phases and fluctuations driven by strong correlations
Silke Bühler-Paschen
(Vienna University of Technology)
Colloquium |
March 25, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Electrical transport and spectroscopy studies of the delafossite layered metals
Andrew Mackenzie
(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids)
Colloquium |
April 8, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichev |
All about prime numbers
Roger Heath-Brown
(Oxford University)
Colloquium |
April 29, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Browning |
Structure and mechanism of membrane-embedded molecular machines
Leonid Sazanov
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
May 13, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and neural repair
Magdalena Götz
(Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Colloquium |
May 20, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Cell types as building blocks of neural circuits
Josh Sanes
(Harvard University)
Colloquium |
May 27, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Computational single-photon imaging
Gordon Wetzstein
(Stanford University)
Colloquium |
June 24, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Bernd Bickel |
Synthetic Biology: Building Molecular Scale Machines
Richard Murray
(California Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
September 9, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Calin Guet |
Quantum chaos, eigenvalue statistics and the Fibonacci sequence
Zeev Rudnick
(Tel Aviv University)
Colloquium |
September 23, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Timothy Browning |
Revisiting and Repurposing the Double Helix
Taekjip Ha
(Johns Hopkins University)
Colloquium |
October 7, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Johann Danzl |
Phase transitions and molecular timing in T cell signaling
Jay T. Groves
(University of California, Berkeley)
Colloquium |
October 21, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Martin Loose |
Tools for analyzing and controlling complex biological systems
Edward Boyden
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
November 4, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Graduate Student and PostDoc Associations |
Reading DNA methylation in the brain
Adrian Bird
(University of Edinburgh)
Colloquium |
November 11, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
Tissue vs Silicon: How neurobiology can save machine learning hardware
Nir Shavit
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
November 25, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Control theory in evolution
Alex Badyaev
(University of Arizona)
Colloquium |
December 16, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Fyodor Kondrashov |
Breeding new proteins, the evolutionary way
Erich Bornberg-Bauer
(University of Münster)
Colloquium |
January 13, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Fyodor Kondrashov |
[Canceled] Voronoi diagrams and manifold learning
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
(Inria Sophia-Antipolis)
Colloquium |
April 20, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Parties, doughnuts and coloring: some problems in graph theory
Maria Chudnovsky
(Princeton University)
Colloquium |
December 7, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Timothy Browning |
[Webinar] Learning physics from machine learning
Andrea Liu
(University of Pennsylvania)
Colloquium |
May 4, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
[Canceled] Observing the cosmic microwave background: status and prospects
Lyman Page
(Princeton University)
Colloquium |
May 11, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Calin Guet |
[Canceled] How computer science informs modern auction design
Tim Roughgarden
(Columbia University)
Colloquium |
May 18, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
[Webinar] Universal matter-wave interferometry
Markus Arndt
(University of Vienna)
Colloquium |
June 8, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Differential Resilience to Perturbation of Circuits with Similar Performance
Eve Marder
(Brandeis University)
Colloquium |
September 16, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Topological methods for artificial intelligence
Gunnar Carlsson
(Stanford University)
Lecture |
April 24, 2019 17:00 |
18:00 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
The second kind of impossible
Paul Steinhardt
(Princeton University)
Colloquium |
March 18, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
The Entropy Power Inequalities with quantum conditioning
Giacomo de Palma
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
February 14, 2019 15:45 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
A humble view from inside evolution: imagining our digital future
Helga Nowotny
(Vienna Science and Technology Fund)
Outreach |
March 6, 2019 17:00 |
18:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
Sex and the single genome
Beatriz Vicoso
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
January 28, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Sylvia Cremer |
Atomic qubits in silicon
Michelle Simmons
(University of New South Wales)
Colloquium |
February 1, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Two types of stomach stem cells for the homeostatic turnover of gastric corpus glands
Bon-Kyoung Koo
(IMBA, Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
March 6, 2019 13:00 |
14:00 |
Ani Kicheva |
Optimal Transport: continuous, discrete, and quantum
Jan Maas
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
February 11, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
NDT! Groups Jösch (Laura Burnett) and Danzl
Seminar/Talk |
April 2, 2019 16:30 |
17:45 |
NDT! Groups Siegert and Novarino
Seminar/Talk |
May 21, 2019 16:30 |
17:45 |
NDT! Groups Shigemoto (Marijo Jevtic) and Jösch (Roshan Satapathy)
Seminar/Talk |
June 18, 2019 16:30 |
17:45 |
NDT! Groups Csicsvari and Jonas
Seminar/Talk |
July 16, 2019 16:30 |
17:45 |
Stereodynamics of chemical reactions near absolute zero
Andreas Osterwalder
(EPFL, Switzerland)
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Cryo-EM symposium
Conference |
October 18, 2019 08:00 |
17:00 |
Science Education Day - Inquiry based learning
Outreach |
March 27, 2019 14:00 |
18:30 |
Quantization of heat flow in the fractional quantum Hall regime
Mitali Banerjee
(Columbia University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 25, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Hippocampal CA2 control of social behaviors.
Felix Leroy
(Columbia U)
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Jozsef Csicsvari |
Bayesian inference and deep learning
Laurence Aitchison
(Janelia Research Campus)
Seminar/Talk |
January 28, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Bayesian hierarchical models for large-scale discovery, estimation and prediction analysis of common complex disease
Matthew Robinson
(University of Lausanne)
Seminar/Talk |
January 31, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Nick Barton |
Coordinating Caching and Computation in Networks
Derya Malak
Seminar/Talk |
February 5, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Vladimir Kolmogorov |
CANCELLED*CANCELLED*How the genome is reorganized during zygotic reprogramming to totipotencyCANCELLED*CANCELLED*
Kikue Tachibana
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Evolution and function of DNA methylation within chromatin
Daniel Zilberman
(John Innes Centre)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Jiri Friml |
Data science of biology
Katarzyna Bozek
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Quantum Science with Single Atoms on Surfaces
Philip Willke
(Ewha Womans University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 13, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Hypothesis testing for graphs: Fundamental limits and practical methods
Debarghya Ghoshdastidar
(University of Tübingen)
Seminar/Talk |
February 14, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
Liquid exfoliation of layered crystals
Claudia Backes
(University of Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
February 14, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Björn Hof |
Scalable systems for continuous processing of data streams
Vasiliki Kalavri
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Curve counting and tropical geometry
Hannah Markwig
(University of Tübingen)
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Uli Wagner |
Motor primitives in time and space by targeted gain modulation in recurrent cortical networks
Tim Vogels
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Scale-invariance in quantum spin liquids
Kimberly Modic
(MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Cutoff and discrete product structure in ASEP
Peter Nejjar
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 7, 2019 16:15 |
18:15 |
Lazlo Erdös |
Complex enzymatic electron transfer mechanisms for energy conversion
Ross Milton
(Stanford University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 28, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Johann Danzl |
The ideal theorem, and Dedekind zeta functions on the critical line
Simon Rydin-Myerson
(Uni Göttingen)
Seminar/Talk |
March 7, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tim Browning |
Interactive Learning and Decision Making with Machines and People
Yuxin Chen
Seminar/Talk |
March 4, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Vladimir Kolmogorov |
Out of the Box Talk: research team lead and project management in industry
Elisabeth Mayer
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2019 17:15 |
18:45 |
IST Austria Career Services |
A novel approach for strongly correlated systems: geminal-based wavefunction ansätze
Döme Tibor
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2019 14:00 |
15:30 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Fully booked! - 10 Years of IST Austria
Alexander Van der Bellen, Michael Ignatieff
Outreach |
June 4, 2019 18:00 |
20:00 |
IST Austria |
On the Ramanujan conjecture over function fields
Will Sawin
(Columbia University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Vienna Probability Seminar: From 1 to 6 in branching Brownian motion
Lisa Hartung
(University of Mainz)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
Jan Maas |
Science as revolution
Paul Nurse
(The Francis Crick Institute)
Lecture |
June 5, 2019 17:30 |
18:45 |
Tom Henzinger |
Vienna Probability Seminar: Recursive tree processes and the mean-field limit of stochastic flows
Jan Swart
(The Czech Academy of Sciences)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
Jan Maas |
Cell migration in gut homeostasis and cancer invasion - role of microenvironment
Vignjevic Danijela
(Institut Curie)
Seminar/Talk |
February 6, 2019 16:00 |
17:30 |
Kasumi Kishi |
The many-body physics of dispersion forces between atomically thin crystals
John Tolsma
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 31, 2019 11:00 |
12:45 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Defining inhibitory microcircuits for limb and thoracic movement
Lora Sweeney
(Salk Inst. for Biological Studies)
Seminar/Talk |
February 27, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
Vienna Region Cryo-EM Seminar
Ludek Lovicar
(manager of IST Austria's electron microscopy facility)
Seminar/Talk |
January 30, 2019 09:30 |
10:30 |
Carrie Bernecky |
Does a Single Eigenstate of a Hamiltonian Encode the Critical Behaviour of its Finite-Temperature Phase Transition?
Keith Fratus
(UCSB Physics)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2019 11:00 |
12:30 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Functions of perturbed self-adjoint operators
Rupert Frank
(LMU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 31, 2019 16:30 |
18:30 |
Robert Seiringer |
Dynamical quantum phase transitions in U(1) quantum link models
Yi-Ping Huang
(Max Planck Institut, Dresden)
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Boundary renormalisation of stochastic PDEs
Máté Gerencsér
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Crossing probabilities of multiple Ising interfaces
Eveliina Peltola
(Université de Genève)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Lieb-Thirring inequality for wave functions vanishing on the diagonal set
Simon Larson
(KTH Stockholm)
Seminar/Talk |
February 21, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Central Limit Theorem for Bose-Einstein Condensates
Simone Rademacher
(University of Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays
Manuel Endres
Seminar/Talk |
June 4, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Precise Program Reasoning using Probabilistic Methods
Mukund Raghothaman
(University of Pennsylvania)
Seminar/Talk |
March 19, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Krish Chatterjee |
Hawking-Unruh effect and quasinormal decay in quantum Hall effect
Suraj Hegde
(UIUC, Illinois)
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Hodge theory of character varieties via Topological Quantum Field Theories
Angel Gonzalez Prieto
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Seminar/Talk |
March 7, 2019 13:00 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Neural circuits in the real world: Dynamic signal compression for robust motion vision in flies
Aljoscha Leonhardt
(MPI of Neurobiology)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Gross-Pitaevskii Limit of a Homogeneous Bose Gas at Positive Temperature
Andreas Deuchert
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
GeomTop Seminar: Graphs with at most one crossing
Alan Marcelo Arroyo Guevara
Seminar/Talk |
February 6, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Combinatorial Machine Learning and Incomplete MaxSAT Solving
Emir Demirovic
Seminar/Talk |
February 7, 2019 10:30 |
11:30 |
Vladimir Kolmogorov |
Ask a professor - everything you need to know about your postdoc experience
Misha Lemeshko and Martin Loose
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
IST Austria Career Services |
Logarithmic lambda-connections, singular opers and Hilbert schemes of points on ruled surfaces
Szilard Szabo
(Renyi, Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
April 4, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Effective global generation on manifolds with numerically trivial canonical bundle
Alex Kuronya
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
The eclectic cerebellum - from neurons to circuits and behavior
Stephanie Rudolph
(Harvard Medical School)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Sandra Siegert |
Time covariance (and stationarity) for last passage percolation models
Alessandra Occelli
(Uni Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
March 7, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Quantum seminar: Implementing nonreciprocity with two superconducting qubits in waveguide
Andrés Rosario Hamann
(University of Queensland, Australia)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Johannes Fink |
Self-organization and symmetry breaking in intestinal organoid development
Prisca Liberali
(FMI Basel)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Dominik Schröder Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
March 11, 2019 14:00 |
17:00 |
The Approximation Power of Deep Neural Networks: Theory and Applications
Gitta Kutyniok
(TU Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
June 13, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Nonlocal and nonabelian Majorana-based physics
Karsten Flensberg
(Niels Bohr Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
March 19, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Patrick Higginbotham |
Next-generation human cell reprogramming to study age-related neurodegeneration
Jerome Mertens
(University of Innsbruck)
Seminar/Talk |
February 25, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Gaia Novarino |
How the genome is reorganized during zygotic reprogramming to totipotency
Kikue Tachibana
Seminar/Talk |
March 7, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Barbara Casillas Perez, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
March 13, 2019 13:30 |
16:30 |
Dynamics of random interfaces and tilings of the plane
Fabio Toninelli
(CNRS Lyon)
Seminar/Talk |
March 4, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
From dynamic biomolecular structures to biological function using integrated NMR-based structural biology
Paul Schanda
(Inst. de Biologie Structurale (IBS))
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Florian Schur |
Fundamental Limits and Practical Algorithms in Inference: From Communication to Learning
Marco Mondelli
(Stanford University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 11, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Quantum topology from symplectic geometry
Vivek Shende
(UC Berkeley)
Seminar/Talk |
March 11, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Perceptual Engineering
Misha Sra
Seminar/Talk |
March 12, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Bernd Bickel |
Understanding distributed dataflow systems and applications
Ioannis Liagouris
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
March 18, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Krish Chatterjee |
Specialization of (stable) rationality in families with mild singularities
Johannes Nicaise
Seminar/Talk |
May 2, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tim Browning |
Effective equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres
Daniel El-Baz
(Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tim Browning |
Dynamics of Confined Cell Migration
Chase Broedersz
(LMU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
March 18, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Slow dynamics in constrained many-body quantum systems
Paolo P. Mazza
(SISSA, Trieste)
Seminar/Talk |
March 13, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Counting rational points on cubic hypersurfaces
Per Salberger
(Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 28, 2019 13:00 |
15:30 |
Tim Browning |
Rational points over global fields and applications.
Pankaj Vishe
(Durham University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 14, 2019 13:00 |
15:30 |
Tim Browning |
GeomTop Seminar: Connectivity of the Flip-Graph of Triangulations
Emo Welzl
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
March 6, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Carlen-Frank-Lieb conjecture and monotonicity of α-z Rényi relative entropy
Haonan Zhang
(Université de Franche-Comté and Polish Academy of Sciences)
Seminar/Talk |
March 7, 2019 17:00 |
18:00 |
Jan Maas |
Young Scientist Symposium 2019
Conference |
May 17, 2019 09:00 |
17:00 |
Open Campus
Outreach |
May 26, 2019 12:00 |
18:00 |
Hall algebra approach to cohomology rings
Olivier Schiffmann
(Département de Mathématiques d'Orsay)
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Minimizing GCD sums, multiplicative energy and applications
Marc Munsch
(Uni Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
April 4, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tim Browning |
Quantum seminar: Cavity QED with Spin Qubits
Guido Burkard
(University of Konstanz)
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
TWIST Talk Roland Kalb (proionic GmbH): A Startup Journey from a Greek Beach towards World Leadership in Manufacture of Ionic Liquids
Roland Kalb
xista Event |
April 4, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Markus Wanko |
Semi-classical limit of large fermionic systems at positive temperature
Arnaud Triay
((Universite Paris-Dauphine))
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Uniform Lipschitz functions on the triangular lattice have logarithmic variations
Ioan Manolescu
(University of Fribourg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 12, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
A variational characterisation of the $Sine_\beta$ point process
Martin Huesmann
(Universität Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2019 15:30 |
16:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Decompositions of log-correlated fields with applications
Eero Saksman
(University of Helsinki)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2019 17:00 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Supercritical percolation on nonamenable graphs
Tom Hutchcroft
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
May 7, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Disordered systems with complex bonds: from basic principles to biomimetic functionality
Carl Goodrich
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 19, 2019 09:00 |
10:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
(Twisted) Derived Categories of bielliptic and Enriques surfaces
Sofia Tirabassi
(University of Bergen and Stockholm University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Poisson local eigenvalue statistics for continuum random Schrödinger operators
Adrian Dietlein
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
The fractal dimension of Liouville quantum gravity: monotonicity, universality, and bounds.
Ewain Gwynne
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Sandpile group of graphs and digraphs
Lilla Tóthmérész
(Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
May 9, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Controlling active matter with curvature and topology
Daniel Pearce
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
April 16, 2019 13:00 |
14:00 |
Martin Loose |
An NMR toolbox to study the surface of nanocrystals; Enabling superconducting, memristive and catalytic applications
Jonathan de Roo
(Ghent University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 12, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
Hecke Größencharakters and the L-Function Ratios Conjecture
Ezra Waxman
(Charles University in Prague)
Seminar/Talk |
May 2, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tim Browning |
Cavity QED with Molecules
Claudiu Genes
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Katarina Valoskova, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
April 11, 2019 10:00 |
13:00 |
GeomTop Seminar: "Relaxed Diophantine Equations for Geometric Primitives in Integer Space"
Ranita Biswas
(IST Austria (Edelsbrunner group))
Seminar/Talk |
March 20, 2019 12:30 |
13:45 |
Signaling relays in immunity and hematopoiesis
Katja Brückner
(University of California San Francisco)
Seminar/Talk |
April 11, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Katarina Valosková |
Differential role of amygdalar PPARs in conditioned fear, anxiety and cognitive behaviour in the presence and absence of nociceptive tone
Jéssica Cristina Coelho Gaspar
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
The Vienna Region Cryo-EM Seminar
Vladyslav Kravchuk AND Juraj Ahel
Seminar/Talk |
March 27, 2019 09:30 |
11:00 |
Carrie Bernecky |
The neural circuit basis of behavioral individuality
Benjamin L. de Bivort
(Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology)
Seminar/Talk |
March 27, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Cohomological algebras and factorization algebras
Eric Vasserot
(Université Paris Diderot)
Seminar/Talk |
April 18, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Stimulus complexity shapes response correlations in primary visual cortex
Gergo Orban
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Seminar/Talk |
April 11, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
GeomTop Seminar: Applying Persistent Homology in Machine Learning
Chris Hofer
(Salzburg University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 27, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Cell migration promotes dynamic cellular interactions to control cerebral cortex morphogenesis
Laurent Nguyen
(University of Liège, Belgium)
Seminar/Talk |
April 5, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Can Europe catch up in artificial intelligence?
Bernhard Schölkopf
(Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
Lecture |
June 6, 2019 18:00 |
19:00 |
Tom Henzinger |
Claudia Espinoza Martinez, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
April 24, 2019 10:00 |
13:00 |
Barycenters in quantum information theory
Daniel Virosztek
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Sharp Interface Limit for the Allen-Cahn Equation with a Contact Angle
Helmut Abels
(Universität Regensburg)
Seminar/Talk |
July 4, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Julian Fischer |
Quantum Seminars
Seminar/Talk |
May 7, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
GeomTop Seminar: "Interplay of Geometry and Thermodynamics in Physics and Biology"
Roland Roth
(Uni Tübingen)
Seminar/Talk |
April 3, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Free Probability, Random Matrices, and Non-Commutative Rational Functions
Roland Speicher
(Universität des Saarlandes)
Seminar/Talk |
May 21, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Hysteresis treatments: Exploiting cellular memory to prevent resistance evolution
Roderich Römhild
(Uppsala University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 10, 2019 11:30 |
12:45 |
Calin Guet |
Quantum Seminars: Coherent terahertz magneto-optics of topological insulators and semiconductors
Alexey Shuvaev
(TU Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 30, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Some determinantal formulas in the representation theory of p-adic general linear groups
Alberto Minguez
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 11, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tim Browning |
The mean field Schrödinger problem
Julio Backhoff
(Universität Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Computation of the critical point for the random-cluster model on ℤ2 via parafermionic observables.
Daria Smirnova
(Université de Genève)
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
GeomTop Seminar: CANCELLED!
Seminar/Talk |
April 10, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Hardness of approximation: From the PCP theorem to the 2-to-2 games theorem
Subhash Khot
(New York University)
Colloquium |
November 29, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Uli Wagner |
Geometric stochastic heat equations
Yvain Bruned
(University of Edinburgh)
Seminar/Talk |
April 18, 2019 14:45 |
15:45 |
Jan Maas |
Brascamp Lieb inequalities for fermions and non-commutative mass transport
Eric Carlen
(Rutgers University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 18, 2019 13:45 |
14:45 |
Jan Maas |
Parton paradigm for the fractional quantum Hall effect
Ajit Coimbatore Balram
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
May 14, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Graph limits and spectral theory
Agnes Backhausz
(Eotvos Lorand University and Renyi Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Computational analyses of the evolution of bacterial translation
Gaurav Diwan
(Bioquant, University of Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
April 15, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Fyodor Kondrashov |
New coupling techniques for exponential ergodicity of SPDEs in the hypoelliptic and effectively elliptic settings
Oleg Butkovsky
(TU Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2019 17:00 |
18:00 |
Jan Maas |
GeomTop Seminar: "What can geometry teach us about topological drawings of graphs?"
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
April 17, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Percolation Phase Transition via the Gaussian Free Field
Aran Raoufi
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
May 21, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Chemogenetic modulation of orexin/hypocretin neuronal activity ameliorates cognitive, behavioral and metabolic impairments in A53T mouse model of Parkinson`s disease
Milos Stanojlovic
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
A Minkowski-type result for linearly independent subsets of ideal lattices
Gergely Harcos
(MTA Rényi Institute, Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
October 3, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Multiplexed readout of four qubits in 3D circuit QED architecture using a broadband Josephson Parametric Amplifier
Suman Kundu
(TIFR India)
Seminar/Talk |
May 6, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Optimal Transport and Density Functional Theory
Mathieu Lewin
(Universite Paris-Dauphine)
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2019 15:45 |
16:45 |
Robert Seiringer |
Dissecting our mind based on evolutionary conservation
Hitoshi Okamoto
(RIKEN Center for Brain Science)
Seminar/Talk |
May 24, 2019 16:30 |
18:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
Applications of the orbit method to analysis of automorphic forms
Paul Nelson
(EHT Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Effective asymptotic for a sum of class numbers
Giacomo Cherubini
(Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tim Browning |
Commemoration Lecture - The other ends of history: from Neoliberalism to Illiberalism.
Philipp Ther
(University of Vienna)
Outreach |
November 27, 2019 17:00 |
18:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
Potential caspase-myosin interaction as a regulator of asymmetric cell division in Caenorhabditis elegans
Nikhil Mishra
(LMU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
May 6, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Spatio-temporal electronic correlations: From quantum criticality to $\pi$-tons
Karsten Held
(TU Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
June 18, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Quantum Seminars: Quantum chemistry calculations on a superconducting qubit quantum processor
Stefan Filipp
(IBM Research, Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
October 8, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Big Bang Theory Party
May 15, 2019 17:30 |
20:30 |
Extended Viscous Fluid Simulation with Two-Way Coupling and Parameter Identification
Tetsuya Takahashi
(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Seminar/Talk |
May 3, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Chris Wojtan |
Cavity cooling of optically levitated nanoparticles: Towards quantum experiments at room temperature
Uros Delic
(Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
July 2, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Optical manipulation of ferromagnet
Sanchar Sharma
(TU Delft)
Seminar/Talk |
May 28, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Neural Computations for Vision
Markus Meister
(Caltech, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering)
Seminar/Talk |
June 13, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
GeomTop Seminar: Triangulating manifolds: An overview with a focus on Riemannian simplices
Mathijs Wintraecken
Seminar/Talk |
May 8, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
The Importance of Signaling Pathway Downregulation for Central Nervous System Development and Homeostasis
Sergi Simo
(University of California, Davis)
Seminar/Talk |
May 14, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Student Open Day 2019
Outreach |
November 22, 2019 09:00 |
17:00 |
Junctions of weakly-coupled strongly-interacting systems
Andrea Trombettoni
(CNR-IOM and SISSA, Trieste)
Seminar/Talk |
May 13, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Giacomo Bighin / Lemeshko Group |
Devils inside the brain: Can we outwit them?
Anand Kant Das
(Institute for Applied Physics - Biophysics group)
Seminar/Talk |
May 14, 2019 11:00 |
12:30 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
Neurovascular coupling in health and disease.
Anusha Mishra
(Oregon Health & Science University, USA)
Seminar/Talk |
May 17, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
GeomTop Seminar: Ham-Sandwich cuts and center transversals in subspaces
Patrick Schnider
Seminar/Talk |
May 15, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Function and Regulation of Centrosomes during Immune Responses
Eva Kiermaier
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
May 21, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Michael Sixt |
Quantum Rifling: Revisiting the Stern-Gerlach experiment with a twist
Daniel Szombati
(University of Queensland, AUS)
Seminar/Talk |
May 28, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Johannes Fink |
GeomTop Seminar: Polynomials vanishing on Cartesian products: Theory and algorithms
Micha Sharir
Seminar/Talk |
May 22, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Theoretical Analyses of Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms
Martin Krejca
(Hasso Plattner Institute, Universtät Potsdam)
Seminar/Talk |
May 27, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
"Inorganic polyphosphates in plants: sensor domains, metabolic enzymes... and an unsuspected bicistronic mRNA".
Laura Lorenzo Orts
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
June 3, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
GeomTop Seminar: Online Unit Clustering and Covering in Euclidean Space
Csaba Toth
(California State University Northridge)
Seminar/Talk |
May 29, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Research Careers in Industry for Life Scientists
Seminar/Talk |
June 27, 2019 16:30 |
18:00 |
Daniela Klammer |
Understanding Ras Sensitivity to Mutation by High-Throughput Mutagenesis
John Kuriyan
(Howard Hughes Medical Institute Departments of Molecular & Cell Biology and Department of Chemistry, UC Berkely)
Seminar/Talk |
June 4, 2019 14:00 |
15:30 |
Florian Schur |
Stephan Zhechev, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
June 28, 2019 10:00 |
13:00 |
Reciprocal activation within a kinase-effector complex underlying persistence of structural LTP
Yasunori Hayashi
(Department of Pharmacology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)
Seminar/Talk |
July 15, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
The Aldous diffusion on continuum trees
Soumik Pal
(University of Washington Seattle)
Seminar/Talk |
June 11, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Interplay between the Loewner and Dirichlet energies: Conformal welding and Flow-lines
Yilin Wang
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
June 11, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
TWIST Talk: The Future of Healthcare
Ulrich Mühlner
xista Event |
June 12, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Alexander Schwartz |
Squish and squeeze: Nuclear mechanics in physiology and disease
Jan Lammerding
(Cornell University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 17, 2019 13:00 |
14:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Creating new non-equilibrium phases of matter by "polyfractal" driving
Kartiek Agarwal
(McGill University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 24, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Regularity and Convergence to Equilibrium for Chemical Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Quoc Bao TANG
(Universität Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
June 24, 2019 16:00 |
18:30 |
Julian Fischer |
True Artificial Intelligence will Change Everything
Jürgen Schmidhuber
(Co-founder & Chief Scientist, NNAISENSE, Scientific Director, Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, Professor of AI, USI & SUPSI, Switzerland)
Seminar/Talk |
June 24, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Dan Alistarh |
Discovery of novel interneurons in the auditory system
Laurence Trussell
(Oregon Health & Science University)
Seminar/Talk |
July 22, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Peter Jonas |
A reconstituted mammalian mRNA transport system selectively transports defined amounts of axonal mRNAs
Sebastian Maurer
(Centre for Genomic Regulation)
Seminar/Talk |
July 16, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Martin Loose |
GeomTop Seminar: [30 min incl Q&A] Triangulating submanifolds: An elementary and quantified version of Whitneys method
Seminar/Talk |
June 19, 2019 13:30 |
14:45 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Everything I Needed to be Successful I Learned in Kindergarten.
Astronaut Sandra H. Magnus
(AstroPlanetview, LLC)
Seminar/Talk |
June 19, 2019 10:30 |
11:30 |
Colloidal quantum dot superlattices: physical chemistry, solid state physics and applied properties
Daniel M. Balazs
(Cornell University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 26, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Integrative analysis of genomics and metabolomics data elucidate causal mechanism in a rare eye disease
Roberto Bonelli
(Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)
Seminar/Talk |
June 24, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Sandra Siegert |
Perception-aware Fabrication
Michal Piovarči
(USI Lugano)
Seminar/Talk |
June 25, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Bernd Bickel |
Tensor Field Design in Volumes
Eugene Zhang
(Oregon State University)
Seminar/Talk |
July 9, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Chris Wojtan |
Interactive Visualization of Planar Kaleidoscopic Orbifolds
Yue Zhang
(Oregon State University)
Seminar/Talk |
July 9, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Chris Wojtan |
Extreme Eigenvalues of critical Erdoes-Rényi graphs
Johannes Alt
(University of Geneve)
Seminar/Talk |
July 11, 2019 15:30 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Quantum Seminars: Non-perturbative Cavity QED
Peter Rabl
(TU Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
September 10, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Mini-course consisting of two sessions: Rough paths, Rough volatility and Regularity Structures
Peter FRIZ
(TU Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
July 4, 2019 10:15 |
11:45 |
Jan Maas |
Mini-course consisting of two sessions: Rough paths, Rough volatility and Regularity Structures
Peter FRIZ
(TU Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
July 5, 2019 10:15 |
11:45 |
Jan Maas |
Collective Phenomena in lattices of nanoelectromechanical oscillators
Matthew H. Matheny
(California Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
July 4, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Graduation Ceremony
July 9, 2019 17:00 |
18:30 |
Dark matter search with quantum nondemolition detection of magnons by a superconducting qubit
Yutaka Shikano
(Keio University / Quantum Computing Center)
Seminar/Talk |
July 9, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Martin Zemlicka (RG Fink) |
Modular integrin nanoclusters are signalling units of cell matrix adhesions.
Rishita Changede
(National University of Singapore)
Seminar/Talk |
July 9, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Mirco Giacobbe, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
July 23, 2019 16:00 |
19:00 |
Library Services for Open Science
August 21, 2019 08:00 |
18:00 |
Patrick Danowski |
GeomTop Seminar: Probabilistic Convergence and Stability of Random Mapper Graphs
Adam Brown
Seminar/Talk |
July 17, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
An integrin-mediated adhesion between embryonic tissue and vitelline membrane affects gastrulation of insects
Stefan Münster
(MPI Dresden)
Seminar/Talk |
July 19, 2019 15:00 |
16:30 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
From Networks to Function Computational Models of Organogenesis
Dagmar Iber
Seminar/Talk |
July 25, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Karola Käfer, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
August 1, 2019 10:30 |
13:30 |
How to dress radio-frequency photons with tunable momentum
Boris Shteynas
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
August 7, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Neuromodulation of plasticity - from synapse to behaviour
Ole Paulsen
(Dept of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
July 31, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Jozsef Csicsvari |
Simon Mayer, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
August 23, 2019 10:00 |
13:00 |
Mixing microwave and light: up-conversion and frequency combs
Harald Schwefel
(University of Otago, NZ)
Seminar/Talk |
August 6, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
GeomTop Seminar: Detecting recurrences in high-dimensional flows from persistence
Nazmi Burak Budanur
Seminar/Talk |
July 31, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Interacting gases of ultra-cold excitons and exciton-polaritons in 2D semiconductors
Sergey Andreev
(ITMO University)
Seminar/Talk |
August 27, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants
Nir Gov
(Weizmann Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
August 6, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Phonon-number squeezing beyond the classical limit
Jeremie Viennot
(CNRS Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Mechanical Control of Collective Cell Migration in vivo
Elias Barriga
(Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Lisbon)
Seminar/Talk |
August 12, 2019 13:00 |
14:00 |
Michael Sixt |
GeomTop Seminar: "Sandpile monomorphisms and scaling limits"
Moritz Lang
Seminar/Talk |
August 7, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
New regulators of adhesion and cytoskeletal dynamics in cell migration
Johanna Ivaska
(University of Turku)
Seminar/Talk |
August 16, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Saccadic suppression by way of retinal-circuit image processing
Saad Idrees
(Retinal Circuits and Optogenetics, AG Münch, Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Tübingen, Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
August 29, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Sandra Siegert |
Cell adhesion in immunity and development
Celine Dinet
(Durham Universitiy)
Seminar/Talk |
August 19, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Eigenvectors of integrable models of non-Hermitian random matrices
Guillaume Dubach
(CIMS, New York University)
Seminar/Talk |
August 20, 2019 10:00 |
12:00 |
László Erdös |
GeomTop Seminar: On the Chromatic Number of Kneser Graphs and Hypergraphs and Their Variants
Amir Jafari
Seminar/Talk |
August 14, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Dámaris Rangel Guerrero, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
August 19, 2019 14:00 |
17:00 |
Simulating thermalizing spin chains with matrix product density operators
Christopher White
Seminar/Talk |
August 19, 2019 11:00 |
11:15 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Quantum mechanics & quantum field theories of atoms and molecules
Fumika Suzuki
(University of British Columbia)
Seminar/Talk |
August 29, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Split-gate-induced 2x2 array of single-electron dots in silicon-oninsulator
Fabio Ansaloni
(Niels Bohr Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
August 23, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Quantum Seminar: Tunable photonic heat transport across superconducting circuits
Jorden Senior
(Aalto University, Finland)
Seminar/Talk |
August 27, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
TGF-ß superfamily signalling - an exploration in space and time
Caroline Hill
(Francis Crick Institute, London UK)
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Anna Kicheva |
Chaitanya Paranjape, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
September 16, 2019 09:00 |
12:00 |
Frank Assen, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
September 9, 2019 10:00 |
13:00 |
Periodicity scoring of time series
Caroline Moosmüller
(University of California, San Diego)
August 22, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Jan Maas |
Bi-quadratic fields having a non-principal Euclidean ideal class
Jaitra Chattopadhyay
(Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2019 10:30 |
11:00 |
Timothy Browning |
Quadratic non-residues and non-primitive roots satisfying a coprimality condition
Subha Sarkar
(Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2019 11:00 |
11:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Strong approximation: Arithmetic purity and squarefree value
Yang CAO
(University of Hannover)
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
'Closing the gap' in understanding vertebrate choroid fissure closure and ocular coloboma
Sonya Widen
(University of Alberta)
Seminar/Talk |
August 27, 2019 11:15 |
13:30 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Quantitative results about norms in abelian extensions
Christopher Frei
(University of Manchaster, UK)
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Careers for quantitative scientists
Martin Chemlik, Alexander Schwartz, Adrian Dietlein
Seminar/Talk |
October 24, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
IST Austria Career and Alumni Services |
The fast and the furious: Speed vs. quality of tomography data acquisition
Florian Schur
Seminar/Talk |
September 25, 2019 09:30 |
11:00 |
Vienna region cryo-EM seminar |
The Siegel variance formula for quadratic forms
Naser Talebizadeh Sardari
(Max-Planck-Institute, Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Tiling Generative Adversarial Networks for Large-Scale Texture Synthesis
Anna Frühstück
(Visual Computing Center, KAUST)
Seminar/Talk |
September 2, 2019 14:30 |
15:30 |
Bernd Bickel |
Horizon violation and dynamical generation of infinite-range correlations after a quantum quench
Spyros Sotiriadis
(University of Ljubljana)
Seminar/Talk |
September 5, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
A few bets from molecular scales to tissue scales: from emergence and resurgence in elementary contractile unit to electric field induced proliferation and lumen formation
Jacques Prost
(Institut Curie/MBI Singapour)
Seminar/Talk |
September 10, 2019 11:00 |
12:15 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Representations of p-adic groups and applications to automorphic forms
Jessica Fintzen
(Trinity College, University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
December 19, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
GeomTop Seminar: Envy-free division and degrees of equivariant maps.
Seminar/Talk |
September 4, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Bounded height in pencils of finitely generated subgroups
Umberto Zannier
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Michele and Isao
Seminar/Talk |
September 19, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Cell types of adult mouse cortex and hippocampus
Bosiljka Tasic
(Allen Institute for Brain Science)
Seminar/Talk |
October 3, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Postdoc Assocation |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Thomas Langmann - to be moved to Mondi 2 if free
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Thomas Hummel
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Silvio Rizzoli
Seminar/Talk |
October 24, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Neuroscience Data Talk
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Jasmin Morandell and Divyansh Gupta
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Nathalie Rouach
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Ana Gutierrez and Gabriele Wögenstein
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Tomonori Takeuchi
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2019 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Anton Sumser and Carolina Borges Merjane
Seminar/Talk |
January 9, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Julia Michalska and Florianne Schoot Uiterkamp
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Camilla Bellone
Seminar/Talk |
January 30, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Joris de Wit
Seminar/Talk |
February 20, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Jingjing Chen and Christoph Dotter
Seminar/Talk |
February 27, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Data Talk - cancelled
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Laura Burnett and Mojtaba Tavakoli
Seminar/Talk |
April 2, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
A study of a simple equation that describes the ground-state energy of a Bose gas at low and high density and in dimensions one, two and three
Elliott Lieb
(Princeton University, New Jersey)
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Log geometric techniques for open invariants in mirror symmetry
Hulya Arguz
(University of Versailles Saint-Quentin)
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
K3 surfaces with complex multiplication and their twistor space
Daniel Huybrechts
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
(Ben Suter)
Outreach |
October 4, 2019 15:30 |
18:00 |
Existence of good moduli spaces and applications
Jochen Heinloth
(University Duisburg Essen)
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Flags of sheaves, quivers and nested instantons
Nadir Fasola
(SISSA, Italy)
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Integral factorials ratios and mixed Hodge numbers
Fernando R. Villegas
(ICTP, Italy)
Seminar/Talk |
October 24, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Science-Industry Talk 2019: Capturing Serendipity
Babak Parviz, Vice-President
Outreach |
November 19, 2019 18:00 |
21:00 |
Markus Wanko |
Hydrodynamic simulations of swimming cells in biological fluids and networks
Andreas Zöttl
(TU Wien SMT)
Seminar/Talk |
September 17, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Integral points on Markoff surfaces
Vladimir Mitankin
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Quantum Seminars - Delafossite oxides: natural, ultra-pure metal-insulator heterostructures
Veronika Sunko
(Max Planck Insititute / University of St. Andrews)
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham / Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Positivity for quantum canonical bases for cluster algebras
Ben Davison
(University of Edinburgh)
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
SCN2A in neurodevelopmental disorders
Kevin Bender
(University of California)
Seminar/Talk |
September 19, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Peter Jonas |
Bruhat-Poisson structure of the restricted Grassmannian and the KdV hierarchy
Alice B. Tumpach
(Université de Lille, France)
Seminar/Talk |
September 19, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Representing norms by polynomials on average
Efthymios Sofos
(University of Glasgow)
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Intersection theory of derived stacks
Adeel Khan
(University of Regensburg)
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2020 13:30 |
15:30 |
Quoc Ho |
Scratching the Surface of Triboelectrification with Triboluminescence
Adam Collins
(University of California Los Angeles)
Seminar/Talk |
September 20, 2019 15:30 |
17:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Molecular mechanism of the cell-cell adhesion by atypical cadherin-23
Gayathri Singaraju
Seminar/Talk |
September 30, 2019 10:00 |
11:30 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
The curious hard Lefschetz property for character varieties
Anton Mellit
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
September 26, 2019 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Regulators of number fields and abelian varieties
Fabien Pazuki
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
January 23, 2020 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tim Browning |
Deformation Quantization, what is it good for?
Albert Much
(UNAM Mexico)
Seminar/Talk |
October 4, 2019 14:30 |
15:30 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Ultracoherent Mechanical Resonators for Quantum Optomechanics
Nils Johan Engelsen
(EPFL Lausanne)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Josef Tkadlec, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
October 24, 2019 13:00 |
16:00 |
Microwave up-conversion with magneto-optic and electro-optic non-linearities.
Nicholas Lambert
(University of Otago)
Seminar/Talk |
October 18, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Mutual information of two intervals in quantum XX spin chain - a Riemann-Hilbert approach
Gyorgy Pal Geher
(University of Reading, UK)
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
A wombat’s cube-shaped poo and other mysteries of animal movement
Professor David Hu
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
November 22, 2019 16:00 |
17:00 |
Nick Barton & Birgitta Olofsson |
Dynamics of the strongly coupled polaron
Simone Rademacher
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Random Cayley graphs
Jonathan Hermon
(University of Cambridge)
October 3, 2019 15:30 |
16:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Molecular mechanisms at the eukaryotic DNA replication fork
Daniel Grabarczyk
(University Würzburg)
Seminar/Talk |
October 7, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Leonid Sazanov |
Collective dynamics in systems of communicating secrete-and-sense cells
Yiteng Dang
(TU Delft)
Seminar/Talk |
October 18, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Brownian motions on spaces of probability measures
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Jan Maas |
Informal Quantum Seminar
October 7, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Exploration of quantum states with cold atoms: Spin-orbit coupling in the presence of strong atomic correlations
Ayaka Usui
(OIST Japan & IQOQI Vienna, Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Almost sure Weyl asymptotics for non-selfadjoint Toeplitz operators
Martin Vogel
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 24, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
The Schwinger effect and analog mechanisms in condensed matter systems
Ibrahim Akal
(YITP Kyoto)
Seminar/Talk |
October 15, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of CAT(0) complexes
Hiroshi Hirai
(University of Tokyo)
Seminar/Talk |
November 15, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Vladimir Kolmogorov |
A generalized matrix-tree theorem for Pfaffian pairs
Taihei Oki
(University of Tokyo)
Seminar/Talk |
November 15, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Vladimir Kolmogorov |
Reversible Photo-Regulation of Motor Proteins Using Photo-Responsive Triphosphate Molecules
Md. Jahirul Islam
(Hokkaido University, Japan)
Seminar/Talk |
October 25, 2019 10:00 |
11:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of Alzheimers disease reveals cell type- and sex-specific pathophysiology
Hansruedi Mathys
(MIT, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory)
Seminar/Talk |
October 16, 2019 14:30 |
15:30 |
Sandra Siegert |
Variational principle for lattice models with long-range interactions
Piet Lammers
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
October 15, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Mina Vasileva, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
November 11, 2019 14:00 |
17:00 |
Spatial and temporal control of synaptic vesicle exocytosis and endocytosis
Shigeki Watanabe
(Johns Hopkins University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Detection and quantification of the effect of selection and adaptation on human complex traits
Peter Visscher
(University of Queensland)
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2019 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Solid capillarity and surface dynamics at soft interfaces
Qin Xu
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2019 15:30 |
17:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
The nonlinear Schrödinger equation for orthonormal functions
Mathieu Lewin
(Universite Paris-Dauphine)
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Two types of probability measures on quantum groups
Haonan Zhang
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 28, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Counting failures of a local-global principle
Rachel Newton
(University of Reading, UK)
Seminar/Talk |
November 28, 2019 14:00 |
16:00 |
Timothy Browning |
Transcriptional regulation of developmental genes
Benjamin Zoller
(Institute Pasteur)
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Cytoskeletal regulation of B cell receptor (BCR) spatial organization and signalling
Bolger-Munro, Madison
(The University of British Columbia)
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2019 11:00 |
12:30 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Active cell mechanics: From fluctuations of red blood cells to cell migration in development and cancer.
Timo Betz
(Institute of Cell Biology ZMBE)
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2019 13:00 |
14:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Spectral properties of leaky quantum structures
Pavel Exner
(Czech Academy of Sciences)
Seminar/Talk |
December 18, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Davide Scarselli, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
December 11, 2019 14:30 |
17:30 |
Deep Learning - the Key to Enable Artificial Intelligence
Sepp Hochreiter
(Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Seminar/Talk |
January 28, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
A large deviations perspective on functional inequalities
Giovanni Conforti
(Ecole Polytechnique)
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Dimers and embeddings
Marianna Russkikh
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Structural insights into stress sensing mechanisms in the endoplasmic reticulum
Elif Karagöz
(Max Perutz Labs, Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 6, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Martin Loose |
Life Science Retreat 2020
February 13, 2020 09:00 |
February 14, 2020 17:00 |
Ultrafast and electrically tunable coherent operations of hole spin qubits
Floris Braakman
(University of Basel)
Seminar/Talk |
December 17, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Campus Spotlight: Life after IST Austria – IST alumni program
Saltanat Schweizer and Kathrin Pauser
(IST Austria)
November 13, 2019 11:30 |
12:30 |
Spectrum of non-selfadjoint operators with small random noise
Martin Vogel
(Université de Strasbourg)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Kazhdan groups have cost 1
Gábor Pete
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences & Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Stochastic differential equations for Lie group valued moment maps
Daria Smirnova
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
November 22, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
GeomTop Seminar: Irreducible SL(2,C)-representations of integer homology 3-spheres
Raphael Zentner
Seminar/Talk |
November 6, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Integrability, Thermalization, and Quantum Scars in a constrained Hamiltonian
Sanjay Moudgalya
(Princeton University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 29, 2019 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Pradeep Bhandari, Thesis Defense
Graduate School Event |
December 5, 2019 15:30 |
18:30 |
Cardiac fibrillation : an interdisciplinary puzzle
Guillaume Attuel
(Centre de recherches INRIA)
Seminar/Talk |
November 20, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Fabrizio Lombardi |
From Single Cell to Spatial Transcriptomics with 10x Genomics
Hannes Arnold
(10x Genomics B.V.)
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2019 10:00 |
12:00 |
Anna Kicheva |
Control of microtubule dynamics: seeing proteins and drugs in action
Anna Akhmanova
(Utrecht University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 13, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Michael Sixt |
A Comparison of vesicle mobility in hippocampal and cerebellar mossy fiber synaptic terminals
Jason Rothman
(University College London)
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Recent Developments and Future Challenges for Molecular Quantum Theory
Edit Mátyus
(Eötvös Loránd University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Side Channels and Transient Execution Attacks
Daniel Gruss
(TU Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2019 16:30 |
18:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Competing electron-electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling, and spin-lattice coupling in iridates: how to use them to tune magnetic interactions and charge gap
Ekaterina Paerschke
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 4, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Higher order corrections to the mean-field dynamics of interacting bosons
Lea Bossmann
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2019 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Demystifying the black box of faculty recruiting
Daniela Klammer
(IST Austria Career Services)
Seminar/Talk |
November 25, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Spinal cord regeneration: what can we learn with zebrafish?
Maria Leonor Tavares Saude
(Universidade de Lisboa)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2019 15:00 |
16:15 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Randomly coupled differential equations and non-Hermitian random matrices
David Renfrew
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Interacting particle systems, stochastic self-duality and homogenization: hydrodynamics in random environment
Federico Sau
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Thick points of random walk and multiplicative chaos
Antoine Jego
(Universität Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
December 10, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
GeomTop seminar: Non-Topological Persistence for Computer Vision
Alessandro Mella
(Bologna University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 20, 2019 16:30 |
17:30 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Topological quantum matter in van der Waals materials: non-Abelian excitations and new experimental probes
Zlatko Papic
(University of Leeds)
Seminar/Talk |
January 17, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
From exploring liver organogenesis to chromosome architecture in neuronal stem cells
Johanna Fischer
(Francis Crick Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
November 27, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Fyodor Kondrashov |
A Brief Overview BioAFM Instrumentation for Life Sciences
Thorsten Mueller
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2019 12:30 |
14:00 |
Bioimaging facility |
The Mullins-Sekerka problem with contact angle
Maximilian Rauchecker
(Universität Ulm)
Seminar/Talk |
January 23, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Julian Fischer |
Schärfer als die Physik erlaubt?
Johann G. Danzl
(IST Austria)
Outreach |
January 15, 2020 18:00 |
19:00 |
Establishment and self-organisation of trophectoderm-like cells into artificial embryos
Anusha Sathyanarayanan
(MPI Münster)
Seminar/Talk |
December 18, 2019 11:00 |
12:30 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Magic Angle Bilayer Graphene - Superconductors, Orbital Magnets, Correlated States and beyond
Dmitri Efetov
(ICFO Barcelona)
Seminar/Talk |
February 14, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Butterfly speciation - what can we learn from model based genome scans?
Konrad Lohse
(University of Edinburgh)
Seminar/Talk |
December 11, 2019 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Unravelling the interplay of AMPA receptor interactions controlling synaptic strength
Jake Watson
(MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Making sense of signaling complexity
Michal Komorowski
Seminar/Talk |
December 13, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Leveraging empirical dynamics to discover new regulatory networks
Ski Krieger
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 11, 2019 15:00 |
16:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Measuring the physical properties of individual muscle precursor cells
Rachna Narayanan
(National University of Singapore)
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2019 15:00 |
16:15 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Transposable elements and selection for recombination
Denis Roze
(Roscoff Biological Station)
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2019 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
GeomTop Seminar: Persistent Microlocal Geometry
Adam Brown
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2019 13:15 |
14:45 |
An Eyring-Kramers formula for the spectral gap of the stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
Giacomo Di Gesù
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
December 10, 2019 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
GeomTop Seminar: Colin de Verdiere parameter and representations of graphs
Vojtech Kaluza
Seminar/Talk |
December 11, 2019 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Spin transport in a discrete-time Heisenberg model
Marko Ljubotina
(University of Ljubljana)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2019 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Stochastic sewing lemma and applications
Khoa Le
(TU Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
January 14, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Mate Gerencser |
Trichotomy phenomena in the mixing of sparse digraphs
Matteo Quattropani
(LUISS Rome)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglboeck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdoes, J. Maas |
Development and Stem Cells
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2020 09:30 |
19:00 |
Edouard Hannezo, Anna Kicheva |
The spatial Muller's ratchet
Félix Foutel-Rodier
(Collège de France)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2019 14:30 |
15:30 |
Nick Barton |
Isometries of Wasserstein spaces
Tamas Titkos
(BBS & Rényi Institute, Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös / Dániel Virosztek |
Beyond Bogoliubov Dynamics
Sören Petrat
(Jacobs University Bremen)
Seminar/Talk |
January 30, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Uniform bound for points of bounded degree in function fields of positive characteristic
Arthur Forey
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 9, 2020 13:30 |
15:30 |
Timothy Browning |
Recent developments in extremal combinatorics
Shoham Letzter
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
January 13, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Uli Wagner |
Stability theory for concrete categories
Sebastien Vasey
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 20, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Tim Browning |
Parity Games -- the quasi-polynomial era
Karoliina Lehtinen
(University of Liverpool)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Krish Chatterjee |
Sensory and cellular determinants of hippocampal place cells' activation in mice navigating familiar virtual environments
Jerome Epsztein
(Institut de Neurobiologie de la Méditerranée)
Seminar/Talk |
January 27, 2020 12:00 |
13:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Brownian bees in the infinite swarm limit
Julien Berestycki
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
January 7, 2020 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
An Eyring-Kramers formula for the spectral gap of the stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
Giacomo Di Gesù
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
January 7, 2020 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Morphological determinants of cortical GABAergic interneuron myelination
Steven A. Kushner
(Erasmus MC NL)
Seminar/Talk |
January 17, 2020 13:00 |
14:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
Engineering the shape and mechanics of epithelia
Xavier Trepat
(Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC))
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 11:00 |
13:00 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Magnetism in ultrathin layered materials
David MacNeill
Seminar/Talk |
January 13, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Compactness in Cryptography
Giulio Malavolta
(Simons Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Krzysztof Pietrzak |
Wissenschaft. Klosterneuburg. Schafft Wissen. - Schärfer als die Physik erlaubt?
Johann G. Danzl
(IST Austria)
Outreach |
January 15, 2020 16:00 |
19:00 |
Exotic charge carriers in porous frameworks, and their applications
Maarten Goesten
Seminar/Talk |
January 20, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
Molecules, Materials, and Methods for Advanced Electrocatalysis, Sustainable Synthesis, and Energy Storage
Dominik Halter
(UC Berkeley)
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Björn Hof |
How to assemble contractile actomyosin bundles in migrating cells?
Jaakko Lehtimäki
(University of Helsinki)
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2020 14:00 |
15:30 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
The role of the microtubule-severing enzyme katanin in development, memory formation and consolidation
Franco Luis Lombino
(ZMNH, Hamburg)
Seminar/Talk |
February 3, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
[Webinar] Single-particle cryo-EM: Visualization of biological molecules in their native states
Joachim Frank
(Columbia University)
Outreach |
April 21, 2020 17:00 |
18:00 |
Leonid Sazanov |
Interfacing biocatalysts with synthetic materials for semi-artificial photosynthesis
Erwin Reisner
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
January 27, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
cryo-EM structures of RNA Polymerase III transcription complexes: Mechanisms of initiation and repression
Matthias Vorländer
(EMBL Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Florian Schur |
Evolutionarily-Conserved and Plant-Specific Trafficking Machinery Required for Cytokinesis and Cell Expansion
Sebastian Bednarek
Seminar/Talk |
January 17, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Jiri Friml |
Continuous tensor networks and entanglement renormalization
Adrián Franco Rubio
(Perimeter Institute Ontario)
Seminar/Talk |
January 14, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Universality everywhere: from spin models to automata
Gemma de las Cuevas
(University of Innsbruck)
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2020 15:00 |
16:15 |
Bernat Corominas-Murtra |
Emergent hydrodynamics in 1d quantum systems
Alvise Bastianello
(University of Amsterdam)
Seminar/Talk |
January 28, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Charge Storage and Transport in Mixed Conductors: From Bulk to Interface
Chia-Chin Chen
(Stanford University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 23, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Regularization of linearly constrained optimal transport problems
Stephan Eckstein
(Universität Konstanz)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas |
Tailor-Made Chalcogenide Colloids: Tuning Size, Composition, and Structure of Nanomaterials
Maksym Yarema
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
February 6, 2020 11:00 |
13:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
Consensus-Based Optimization Over the Sphere: Theoretical Guarantees and Applications in Machine Learning
Massimo Fornasier
(TU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2020 10:00 |
11:30 |
Jan Maas |
Quantitative ways to animals behavior
Fabio Canneva
(Baxalta Innovations (now part of Takeda))
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 10:00 |
10:30 |
A causal link between reward, aversion learning and dopamine neurons
Anton Ilango Micheal
(Otto von Guericke University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2020 10:30 |
11:00 |
Modelling behavior in animals to understand human disease
Elena Deliu
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2020 10:00 |
10:30 |
Methods for probing functional neural circuits in behavior
Yave R. Lozano Navarro
(University Hospital Würzburg)
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2020 10:30 |
11:00 |
Collective functionality in intelligent active matter: Bridging multi-scale biology with the physics of solids, fluids and information
Arnold JTM Mathijssen
(Stanford University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Derived equivalences of hyperkähler varieties
Lenny Taelman
(Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2020 13:30 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
A lineage study of progenitor cells in the avian retina: origin of neuronal classes and types
Franck Maurinot
Seminar/Talk |
January 20, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
Elementary approaches to growth rate maximization
Daan de Groot and Age Tjalma
(VU Amsterdam)
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Spectral gaps in quantum spin systems
Marius Lemm
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 27, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Soft Matters: Carving non-equilibrium pathways to control self-assembly
Jeremie Palacci
(UC San Diego)
Seminar/Talk |
February 10, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
(CANCELED) Science Education Day
Iris Rauskala, Christoph Lampert
Outreach |
March 11, 2020 14:00 |
18:00 |
Introduction to chromatin structure in evolution and development
Aleksandra Galitsyna
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Fyodor Kondrashov |
[Online] IST Science and Society Lecture: Ruth Wodak
Ruth Wodak
(Lancaster University and University of Vienna)
Outreach |
November 19, 2020 17:00 |
18:00 |
Oliver Lehmann |
GeomTop Seminar: "The Hole System of Triangulated Shapes"
Katharina Ölsböck
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2020 13:00 |
14:15 |
Active Science
Oved Kedem
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
February 10, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Communications & Events |
STEM fatale Brunch with Peggy Sotiropoulou
Peggy Sotiropoulou
(Celyad, Belgium)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2020 10:00 |
11:30 |
STEM fatale organizing team |
STEM fatale Scientific Talk with Peggy Sotiropoulou
Peggy Sotiropoulou
(Celyad, Belgium)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2020 11:30 |
13:30 |
STEM fatale organizing team |
Adiabatic and superadiabatic processes with a superconducting circuit
Sorin Paraoanu
(Aalto University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Johannes Fink / Alfredo Rueda |
High-throughput inference of brain composition and connectivity using single-cell genomics
Arpiar Saunders
(Harvard Medical School, Boston)
Seminar/Talk |
February 10, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Mario deBono |
Information Storage in Memory Engrams
Tomás J. Ryan
(Trinity College Dublin)
Seminar/Talk |
February 18, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
From individual motion to collective cell migration
Sylvain Gabriele
(U Mons)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2020 11:30 |
12:30 |
Edouard Hannezo |
4-Year Colloquium
Anna Kicheva
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
April 17, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Interpreting the genomic landscape of speciation: insights from a radiation of monkeyflowers
Sean Stankowski
(University of Sheffield)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2020 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Design Principles of Heart Morphogenesis: Forms, Forces and Fate
Rashmi Priya
(Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research)
Seminar/Talk |
February 24, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Ani Kicheva |
Redesigning Storage Systems for Future Workloads, Hardware, and Performance Requirements
Oana Balmau
(University of Sidney)
Seminar/Talk |
February 24, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Leaves decompositions in Euclidean spaces
Krzysztof Ciosmak
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
February 6, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Jan Maas |
From weakly interacting particles to a regularised Dean-Kawasaki model
Federico Cornalba
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 20, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Julian Fischer |
Locality lower bounds through round elimination
Jukka Suomela
(Aalto University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 3, 2020 14:30 |
16:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
GeomTop Seminar: No-dimension versions of Caratheodory's and Tverberg's theorems in Banach spaces and their corollaries
Grisha Ivanov
Seminar/Talk |
February 5, 2020 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Driving Scientific Discovery with Interactive Visual Data Analysis
Alexander Lex
(University of Utah)
Seminar/Talk |
February 25, 2020 10:30 |
11:30 |
Chris Wojtan |
Scalable Convex Optimization with Applications to Semidefinite Programming
Alp Yurtsever
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Fiber-based artificial muscles and sensors for human-machine-interface
Mehmet Kanik
Seminar/Talk |
March 10, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Quantum coherent interface of an electron and a nuclear ensemble
Dorian Gangloff
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
March 16, 2020 10:30 |
11:30 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Quantum Seminar: Cheng-Chien Chen
Cheng-Chien Chen
(University of Alabama at Birmigham)
Seminar/Talk |
May 15, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Dissection of cortical circuits and mechanisms underlying nociception and pain in rodent models.
Linette Tan
(University of Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 3, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Sandra Siegert |
Free-standing nanostructures at atomic scale: from growth mechanisms to local properties
Jordi Arbiol
(Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2))
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
Fine tuning of cell death during epithelial homeostasis: from local coordination to death commitment and cell extrusion
Romain Levayer
(Institut Pasteur)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2020 16:15 |
17:30 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Quantifying and perturbing the movement of extracellular signaling proteins
David Mörsdorf
(Max Planck Institute Tübingen)
Seminar/Talk |
February 10, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Martin Loose |
Lexicographic optimal chains and manifold triangulations
André Lieutier
(Dassault Systemes)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Phase II clinical trial of phage therapy against E. coli diarrhea in children from Bangladesh.
Harald Bruessow
(Nestle to KU Leuven)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2020 11:00 |
12:15 |
Calin Guet |
GeomTop Seminar: "Topological Data Analayis for Geospatial Data"
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2020 13:00 |
14:15 |
(Canceled) International Day of Mathematics 2020
March 14, 2020 10:00 |
16:00 |
Localisation of a random walk in dimensions $d \ge 3$
Nathanael Berestycki
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
March 6, 2020 14:00 |
14:50 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Cardy embedding of random planar maps
Nina Holden
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
March 6, 2020 15:00 |
15:50 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
On the threshold of spread-out contact process percolation
Balázs Ráth
(TU Budapest=BME)
Seminar/Talk |
March 6, 2020 16:30 |
17:20 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Metamaterial Devices
Alexandra Ion
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
March 2, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Bernd Bickel |
Digital Trust and Decentralization
Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias
Seminar/Talk |
March 3, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Krzysztof Pietrzak |
Physics and Control of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows
Sina Ghaemi
(University of Alberta, Canada)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Björn Hof |
MINFLUX nanoscopy and related matters
Stefan Hell
(Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen & Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg)
Colloquium |
February 21, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Johann Danzl |
Non-equilibrium quasiparticles in superconducting qubits
Leonid Glazman
(Yale University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 13, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Domestication selection and shifts in trait variability at the within-plant scale
Moria Robinson
(Michigan State University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2020 12:30 |
13:30 |
Carina Baskett |
Photon-photon interactions in a waveguide with an array of atoms
Alexander N. Poddubny
(Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 4, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Johannes Fink / Elena Redchenko |
Geometry, Topology, and Groups
Anna Wienhard
(University of Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 11, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Structural biology of melatonin receptors
Benjamin Stauch
(University of Southern California)
Seminar/Talk |
March 10, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Carrie Bernecky |
Enumerative geometry: old and new
Felix Janda
(IAS Princeton)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Dissecting mechanisms that govern cellular plasticity
Bruno diStefano
(HMS, Boston)
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
Novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) – Ask the Expert
Franz Allerberger
(AGES, Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
February 27, 2020 18:00 |
19:00 |
4-Year Colloquium: Giorgos Katsaros
Giorgos Katsaros
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
June 5, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Modeling the neural control of movement: performance limitations and data-driven inference
Shreya Saxena
(Columbia University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Engineering entanglement in synthetic quantum systems
Julian Leonard
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 12, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Giorgos Katsaros |
Evolution and development of neuronal diversity in the Drosophila optic lobes
Nikolaos Konstantinides
Seminar/Talk |
March 17, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Max Jösch |
Quantum phenomena in real materials
Lukas Muechler
(Flatiron Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
March 17, 2020 10:00 |
11:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Laboratory Experiments with Dust, Sand and Pebbles to form Planets
Prof Gerhard Wurm
(Universität Düsseldorf)
Seminar/Talk |
March 13, 2020 09:30 |
10:30 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Harnessing exotic configuration spaces for quantum applications
Victor Albert
Seminar/Talk |
March 2, 2020 09:00 |
10:00 |
Misha Lemeshko |
[Online] Uncovering the determinants of pathogen diversity in nature
Anna-Liisa Laine
(University of Zurich)
Colloquium |
September 7, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Nick Barton |
[CANCELLED] Recent advances in light induced superconductivity
Andrea Cavalleri
(MPSD & Univ. of Oxford)
Colloquium |
October 5, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Active Topology
Cristina Marchetti
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
Colloquium |
May 17, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
[Online] Fluid dynamics of living cells
Michael J. Shelley
(Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation)
Colloquium |
November 9, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Björn Hof |
Natural Language Understanding in Computers and in the Human Brain
Tom Mitchell
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Colloquium |
November 16, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Quantum Sensing of Quantum Materials
Amir Yacoby
(Harvard University)
Colloquium |
November 23, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
The bizarre one-dimensional quantum world
Thierry Giamarchi
(University of Geneva)
Colloquium |
November 30, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Belief-propagation, evolutionary inference, phase transitions, and complexity
Elchanan Mossel
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
December 14, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Uli Wagner |
Actin-based forces in asymmetric meiotic cell division
Rong Li
(Johns Hopkins University & National University of Singapore)
Colloquium |
January 18, 2021 10:00 |
11:00 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
The brain as a central regulator of immunity
Asya Rolls
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
March 1, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
The Complexity of Consensus and Set Agreement
Faith Ellen
(University of Toronto)
Seminar/Talk |
March 3, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Using microfluidics for quantitative studies of post-embryonic development in C. elegans
Wolfgang Keil
(Curie Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
March 20, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
GeomTop Seminar: "Chromatic number of Kneser hypergraphs and a conjecture of Frick"
Amir Jafari
Seminar/Talk |
March 4, 2020 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
Special GeomTop seminar: "Sylvester's Four-Point Problem on Order Types"
Emo Welzl
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2020 13:00 |
14:15 |
Uli Wagner |
RNA structure-mediated RNP assembly for neuronal mRNA localisation
Jernej Ule
(The Francis Crick Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Mario De Bono |
Vienna Probability Seminar
Sunil Chhita
(Durham University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 30, 2020 16:30 |
17:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Vienna Probability Seminar
Seminar/Talk |
June 30, 2020 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Vienna Probability Seminar
Seminar/Talk |
June 30, 2020 17:30 |
18:30 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Talentesommer Klosterneuburg
Outreach |
August 31, 2020 09:00 |
September 4, 2020 16:00 |
Topological non-Hermitian origin of surface electromagnetic and acoustic waves
Konstantin Bliokh
(RIKEN, Japan)
Seminar/Talk |
April 28, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
[Webinar] Phase transitions in the dynamics of quantum information
Soonwon Choi
(UC Berkeley )
Seminar/Talk |
April 7, 2020 17:00 |
19:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
[Webinar] Cohomology of stacks of shtukas
Cong Xue
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2020 15:30 |
17:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Hilbert schemes of points on singular surfaces: combinatorics, geometry, and representation theory
Balazs Szendroi
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
April 2, 2020 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
[Webinar] Long-Lived Excitations, Directional Memory and Hydrodynamic Transport in Two-Dimensional Electron Fluids
Leonid Levitov
(MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
April 14, 2020 16:00 |
18:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
On the distribution of the error term in Chebotarev's density theorem and applications
Daniel Fiorilli
(Université Paris-Sud)
Seminar/Talk |
April 30, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Timothy Browning |
[Webinar] Many-body localisation: a tale of correlations and constraints on Fock space
Sthitadhi Roy
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
April 21, 2020 13:00 |
15:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Rafael Yuste
Rafael Yuste
(Neurotechnology Center, Dept., Biological Sciences, Columbia University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 12, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Neuroscience Students and Postdocs |
Neuroscience Seminar Series - Gasper Tkacik
Gasper Tkacik
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
June 2, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
[Webinar] Viren, zieht euch warm an!
Florian Schur
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Outreach |
May 13, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
P-adic integration, geometry and Higgs bundles
Dimitri Wyss
(L'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
Seminar/Talk |
June 11, 2020 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
[Webinar] Young Scientist Symposium 2020
Conference |
May 15, 2020 09:00 |
18:00 |
Young Scientist Symposium 2020 Committee |
TWIST Talk by Curt Bilby
Curt Bilby
June 10, 2020 16:30 |
17:45 |
Alexander Schwartz |
[Webinar] Krypto gegen Krise – wie moderne Kryptografie im Kampf gegen die Pandemie und den Klimawandel mitmischt
Krzysztof Pietrzak
(IST Austria)
Outreach |
June 17, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
[Webinar] The establishment of sister chromatid cohesion is an aspect of the replisome unique to eukaryotic cells
Kim Nasmyth
(University of Oxford)
Colloquium |
June 15, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
On the topology of Hitchin fibrations
Junliang Shen
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
June 18, 2020 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
[Webinar] That sinking feeling: Gravity and its role in how life navigates the oceans
Manu Prakash
(Stanford University)
Colloquium |
June 22, 2020 18:00 |
19:00 |
Martin Loose |
[Webinar] Human antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2: Personal and Public
Scott Boyd
(Stanford University)
Colloquium |
June 29, 2020 18:00 |
19:00 |
Carrie Bernecky |
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory SE
Junliang Shen
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
June 23, 2020 13:30 |
17:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
[Online] Von Genetik bis zu Hirn-Organoiden – auf der Suche nach Therapien für Autismus
Gaia Novarino
(IST Austria)
Outreach |
July 1, 2020 17:00 |
18:00 |
Tom Henzinger |
[Online] Why big is bad: Decrease in DNA - cytoplasm ratio is a cause of senescence
Angelika Amon
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Outreach |
September 17, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tom Henzinger and Anton Zeilinger |
[Online] Predictive simulation for films, fashion, and physics
Florence Bertails-Descoubes
Colloquium |
October 19, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Chris Wojtan |
Cell-cell mechanical interactions reinterpret developmental patterning during epithelial folding in Drosophila embryo
Sourabh Bhide
(EMBL Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
August 10, 2020 11:00 |
12:00 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Igf signaling coordinates retina growth with body size by regulating retinal progenitor proliferation
Clara Becker
(Univerity Heidelberg)
Seminar/Talk |
August 17, 2020 10:30 |
13:00 |
Lora Sweeney |
Exploring the aetiology and treatment of hyposmia in a rat model of pre-motor Parkinson's disease
Marco Sancandi
(UCL - School of Pharmacy)
Seminar/Talk |
August 20, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Lora Sweeney |
Random Testing of Distributed Systems with Theoretical Guarantees
Seminar/Talk |
September 15, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Thesis Defense Talk by Ran Zhang(Bickel's Group)
Ran Zhang
(Bickel's Group, IST Austria)
Graduate School Event |
September 7, 2020 10:00 |
12:00 |
Prof. Scott Waitukaitis |
[Online] What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence?
Kenji Doya
(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
September 11, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
[Online] TWIST Talk by Vincent Linder
Vincent Linder
(Calciscon AG)
September 16, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Alexander Schwartz |
The Origins of Hyperproperties
Fred Schneider
(Cornell University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 11, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
[Online] Local and global organization of synaptic inputs on cortical dendrites
Julijana Gjorgjieva
(Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Technical University of Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
September 18, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
[Online] Circuit mechanisms underlying the dynamic control of cortical processing by subcortical neuromodulators
Anita Disney
(Duke University School of Medicine)
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Neural circuit parameter variability, robustness, and homeostasis
Astrid Prinz
(Emory University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 12, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
P=W conjectures for character varieties with symplectic resolution
Mirko Mauri
(Max Planck Institute Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
October 8, 2020 14:00 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
E-polynomials of character varieties for real curves
Tom Baird
(Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Seminar/Talk |
October 1, 2020 14:00 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Limits of the diagonal Cartan subgroup in SL(n,R) and SL(n, Q_p)
Arielle Leitner
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
Seminar/Talk |
December 10, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Timothy Browning |
Neuroscience Talk Henning Sprekeler
Henning Sprekeler
(Technical University of Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
September 25, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
The oriented swap process and last passage percolation
Elia Bisi
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
October 6, 2020 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Overlaps between eigenvectors of non-Hermitian random matrices
Guillaume Dubach
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 6, 2020 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Gibbs measures in infinite dimensions - Some new results on a classical topic
Hendrik Weber
(University of Bath)
Seminar/Talk |
October 20, 2020 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Topological aspects of random graphs
Mihyun Kang
(TU Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
October 20, 2020 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
[Online] Science-Industry Talk 2020
November 10, 2020 18:00 |
19:30 |
Neuroscience Talk Vankat Ramaswamy
Venkat Ramaswamy
(Birla Institute of Technology & Science)
Seminar/Talk |
October 2, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Theoretical and computational approaches to neuroscience with complex models in high dimensions across multiple timescales: from perception to motor control and learning
Surya Ganguli
(Stanford University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 16, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Andrew Saxe |
Virtual Classes of Representation Varieties of Upper Triangular Matrices via Topological Quantum Field Theories
Márton Hablicsek
(Universiteit Leiden, NL)
Seminar/Talk |
October 15, 2020 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Spherical varieties and L-functions via geometric Langlands
Jonathan Wang
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2020 15:30 |
17:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
An arithmetic count of rational plane curves
Kirsten Wickelgren
(Duke University, North Carolina)
Seminar/Talk |
January 14, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Timothy Browning |
Campus spotlight: From the lab into the news! How does media relations work at IST Austria
October 14, 2020 11:30 |
12:15 |
Chromatin Dynamics throughout Development: A view from the cortex
Mariano Gabitto
(Simons' Center for Computational Biology)
Seminar/Talk |
October 20, 2020 13:30 |
14:30 |
Lora Sweeney |
Gradient estimates for quantum Markov semigroups and return to equilibrium
Melchior Wirth
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Jan Maas |
The isometry group of Wasserstein spaces: the Hilbertian case
Daniel Virosztek
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 22, 2020 16:30 |
17:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Asymptotic expansion of the low-energy excitations for weakly interacting bosons
Lea Bossmann
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Derivation of the kinetic wave equation
Pierre Germain
(CIMS, New York University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Can subjective experience be quantified? Critically examining computational cognitive neuroscience approaches
Megan Peters
(UC Irvine)
Seminar/Talk |
November 6, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Andrew Saxe |
Towards quantitative structural cell biology: in situ experiments and simulations discover flexible hinges in SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
Mateusz Sikora
(Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt)
Seminar/Talk |
October 20, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Leonid Sazanov |
Sequential polymerization and dynamic filament remodelling – how ESCRT-III polymers drive membrane deformation and fission
Anna-Katharina Pfitzner
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Martin Loose |
Néron models of pseudo-Abelian varieties
Otto Overkamp
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
On integral points on open degree four del Pezzo surfaces
Jörg Jahnel
(University of Siegen)
Seminar/Talk |
January 28, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Character varieties of non-orientable surfaces
Fernando Rodriguez Villegas
(Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, ICTP, Italy)
Seminar/Talk |
October 22, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Cohomology of the moduli of Higgs bundles and the Hausel-Thaddeus conjecture
Davesh Maulik
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2020 14:00 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Random planar graphs - results and conjectures
Benedikt Stufler
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
November 10, 2020 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Universality of affine and polynomial processes
Christa Cuchiero
(Uni Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
November 10, 2020 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Celebrating Haim Harari on his 80th Birthday
November 30, 2020 17:00 |
18:00 |
The Fight to Build a Barrier: How Cell Competition Shapes Mammalian Skin Development and Homeostasis
Stephanie Ellis
(Rockefeller University)
November 12, 2020 15:00 |
17:00 |
Martin Loose |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2020 13:15 |
14:45 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2020 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2020 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2020 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
December 3, 2020 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
December 10, 2020 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
December 17, 2020 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
January 7, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
January 14, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
February 25, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
March 4, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
March 11, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
March 18, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
April 1, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
April 8, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
April 15, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
April 22, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
April 29, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
May 6, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
May 13, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
May 20, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
May 27, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
June 10, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
June 17, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
June 24, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
July 1, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
The emergence of contrast invariance in cortical circuits
Tatjana Tchumatchenko
(Max Planck Institute for Brain Research)
Seminar/Talk |
November 13, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Everton Agnes |
Dynamically relevant motifs in inhibition-dominated networks
Carina Curto
(Pennsylvania State University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Georgia Christodoul |
Big Think & Drink: Self-assembling dynamics with trainable simulations
Carl Goodrich
Think & Drink |
October 30, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Transcriptional Control Of Calmodulin By CAMTA Regulates Neural Excitability
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 3, 2020 13:30 |
14:00 |
Lora Sweeney |
Regulation of anxiety, and cognition in the presence or absence of pain by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs)
Jessica Gaspar
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 3, 2020 14:00 |
16:30 |
Lora Sweeney |
Symmetries of structures on positive definite cones in $C^*$-algebras
Lajos Molnár
(University of Szeged and TU Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
December 1, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös / Daniel Virosztek |
Moduli spaces for unstable Higgs bundles of rank 2 and their geometry
Eloise Hamilton
(IMJ-PRG, University of Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2020 14:00 |
15:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Student Open Day 2020
Outreach |
December 3, 2020 14:00 |
18:00 |
Seminar/Talk |
November 13, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Transcendental Brauer-Manin obstructions on some Calabi-Yau threefolds
Sachi Hashimoto
(Boston University, Massachusetts)
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
A large deviation principle in many-body quantum dynamics
Simone Rademacher
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Stochastic seminar: Inference in High Dimensions for Generalized Linear Models: the Linear, the Spectral and the Approximate
Marco Mondelli
(IST Austria)
November 23, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kseniia Khudiakova, Raimundo Saona |
Residual population dynamics as a window into neural computation
Valerio Mante
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
December 4, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Thijs van der Plas |
[Online] TWIST Talk by Kunal Ghosh
Kunal Ghosh
xista Event |
November 25, 2020 17:00 |
18:00 |
A number theoretic characterization of (FRS) morphisms
Raf Cluckers
(University of Lille, FR, KU Leuven, BE )
Seminar/Talk |
March 11, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Hilbert schemes of affine spaces
Maria Yakerson
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
September 30, 2021 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Microscopic derivation of the Fröhlich Hamiltonian for the Bose polaron in the mean-field limit
Krzysztof Mysliwy
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem for abelian varieties
Ariyan Javanpeykar
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Adaptive coding for dynamic Bayesian inference
Wiktor Mlynarski
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
December 7, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kseniia Khudiakova, Raimundo Saona |
Jellium and the Uniform Electron Gas
Asbjorn Lauritsen
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
December 17, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
On the Coleman correspondence at the free fermion point
Christian Webb
(Aalto University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 24, 2020 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Social transmission of maternal behavior
Ioana Carcea
(Rutgers University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 11, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
The stationary (2+1)-dimensional AKPZ equation
Fabio Toninelli
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
November 24, 2020 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The geometric distribution of Selmer groups over function fields
Tony Feng
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
December 3, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Virtual seminar with Adam Smith
Adam Smith
(TUM - Technische Universität München)
Seminar/Talk |
December 9, 2020 15:00 |
17:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
The Strongly Coupled Polaron in a Translational Invariant Setting: Quantum Corrections to the Pekar Asymptotics
Dario Feliciangeli
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
December 10, 2020 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Hungry brains and clever guts
Irene Miguel-Aliaga
(Imperial College London)
Colloquium |
April 26, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Growth and patterning of the vertebrate spinal cord
Anna Kicheva
(IST Austria)
December 9, 2020 16:00 |
17:00 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Targeted epigenetic editing for the study of reward pathophysiology
Elizabeth A. Heller
(Perelman School of Medicine The University of Pennsylvania)
Seminar/Talk |
December 15, 2020 14:30 |
18:30 |
Nicole Amberg , Lora Sweeney |
Turning Iris Up to Eleven: Next Steps in Higher-Order Separation Logic
Derek Dreyer
Seminar/Talk |
December 14, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Thomas Henzinger |
On the two-dimensional KPZ and Stochastic Heat Equation
Francesco Caravenna
(Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Seminar/Talk |
December 15, 2020 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Height fluctuations for lozenge tilings with arbitrary "liquid" limit shape
Benoît Laslier
(Université de Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
December 15, 2020 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Seminar by Alessio Lerose
Alessio Lerose
(SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2020 12:00 |
13:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Webinar by Alessio Lerose "Influence matrix approach to quantum many-body dynamics"
Alessio Lerose
(SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2020 12:00 |
13:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Random Polynomials, Probabilistic Galois Theory, and Finite Field Arithmetic
Lior Bary-Soroker
(School of Mathematical Sciences of Tel Aviv University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 17, 2020 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Neural correlates of belief updates in the mouse secondary motor cortex
Tom Mrsic-Flogel
(Sainsbury Wellcome Centre)
Colloquium |
January 11, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Exponential sums and twisted multiplicativity
Emmanuel Kowalski
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 7, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Asymptotics of the systematic error in stochastic homogenization
Nicolas Clozeau
(UPMC, France)
Seminar/Talk |
January 12, 2021 14:00 |
15:30 |
Julian Fischer |
Neural heterogeneity promotes robust learning
Dan Goodman
(Imperial College London)
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Everton Agnes |
Inhibitory neural circuit mechanisms underlying neural coding of sensory information in the neocortex
Jeehyun Kwag
(Korea University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2020 15:00 |
16:00 |
Everton Agnes |
Distinct synaptic plasticity mechanisms determine the diversity of cortical responses during behavior
Michele Insanally
(University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine)
January 15, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Andrew Saxe |
On the operator norm of a random matrix with a polynomially decaying metric correlation structure
Jana Reker
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
January 21, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Sharp Interface Limits for Diffuse Interface Models with Contact Angle
Maximilian Moser
(Universität Regensburg)
Seminar/Talk |
January 12, 2021 11:00 |
13:00 |
Julian Fischer |
A Discovery Tour in Random Riemannian Geometry (2012.06796)
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
( IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
January 12, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The monomer-dimer model and the Neumann Gaussian Free field
Marcin Lis
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
January 12, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Geometric Stochastic Heat Equations
Lorenzo Zambotti
(University of Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
January 26, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Exponential decay of correlations for O(N) spin systems for arbitrary N
Lorenzo Taggi
(University of Rome)
Seminar/Talk |
January 26, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Stochastic PDEs in critical spaces
Antonio Agresti
(University of Rome)
Seminar/Talk |
January 15, 2021 13:00 |
15:00 |
Julian Fischer |
Chance and purpose in the evolution of protein complexes
Georg Hochberg
(MPI Terrestrial Microbiology)
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2021 13:00 |
14:00 |
Martin Loose |
Magic pictures about mirror symmetry between Langlands dual Higgs bundles
Tamas Hausel
Colloquium |
January 29, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Timothy Browning |
When chemistry asks biological questions
Nuno Maulide
(University of Vienna)
Colloquium |
March 15, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
New insights into cell types and circuitry of the cerebellar cortex
Wade Regehr
(Harvard Medical School)
Colloquium |
April 19, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Multistable structures - from deployable structures to robots
Katia Bertoldi
(Harvard University)
Colloquium |
May 10, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
The Institute Colloquium: Aviv Regev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Aviv Regev
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
December 6, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Tom Henzinger |
Correcting decoherence errors in quantum superconducting circuits
Michel Devoret
(Yale University)
Colloquium |
June 21, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Johannes Fink |
On implicitly constituted fluids
Erika Maringova
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
January 26, 2021 14:00 |
16:30 |
Julian Fischer |
Quantum dynamics of a high impedance cavity coupled to a Josephson junction
Gianluca Aiello
(University of Paris Saclay)
Seminar/Talk |
January 26, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Effective dynamics of tracer particles in a dense Fermi gas
David Mitrouskas
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Firing Homeostasis in Neural Circuits: From Basic Principles to Malfunctions
Inna Slutsky
(Tel Aviv University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Chaitanya Chintaluri |
Inhibitory neural circuit mechanisms underlying neural coding of sensory information in the neocortex
Jeehyun Kwag
(Korea University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 29, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Everton Agnes |
The When, Where and What of visual memory formation
Brad Wyble
(Pennsylvania State University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Andrew Saxe |
[Online] STEM fatale Talk with Christa Schleper
Christa Schleper
(University of Vienna, Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
STEM fatale organizing team (Nicole Amberg) |
[Online] STEM fatale Round Table with Christa Schleper
Christa Schleper
(University of Vienna, Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
STEM fatale organizing team (Nicole Amberg) |
Computational Fabrication to Design Optimization
Haisen Zhao
(University of Washington)
Seminar/Talk |
February 9, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Bernd Bickel |
Fabrizio Lombardi
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 12, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
February 18, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Louis Alesch |
Analytic properties of representation zeta functions of arithmetic groups
Uri Onn
(Australian National University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 8, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Conflict or complement: Parallel memories control behaviour in Drosophila
Scott Waddell
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Richard Londsdale |
[Online] Science Education Day 2021 (in German)
Outreach |
March 24, 2021 15:00 |
17:15 |
[Online] Virusalarm in Bleibhausen - Fortbildung für Lehrende
Christian Bertsch, Magdalena Steinrück
(PH Wien / IST Austria)
Outreach |
March 11, 2021 14:00 |
17:30 |
[Online] Wie Zellen durch unseren Körper wandern
Michael Sixt
Outreach |
March 11, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
The future of computing
Heike Riel
Colloquium |
March 22, 2021 10:00 |
11:00 |
Tom Henzinger |
Classical limits for geometrizations of functoriality kernels and values of L-functions
Vincent Lafforgue
(Institute Fourier, Grenoble)
Seminar/Talk |
March 18, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Affine Grassmannian slices and their quantizations
Joel Kamnitzer
(University of Toronto)
Seminar/Talk |
April 29, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Arakelov–Milnor inequalities and maximal variations of Hodge structure
Oscar Garcia-Prada
(ICMAT, Spain)
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Daniel Boocock
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
February 19, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
The Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Partial Differential Algebraic Geometry
Mercedes Haiech
(University of Rennes)
Seminar/Talk |
April 22, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning and Tamas Hausel |
Stable envelopes, 3d mirror symmetry, bow varieties
Richárd Rimányi
(UNC Chapel Hill)
Seminar/Talk |
April 15, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Uniformity for the Number of Rational Points on a Curve
Philipp Habegger
(University of Basel)
Seminar/Talk |
April 1, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Generalizing theories of cerebellum-like learning
Ashok Litwin-Kumar
(Columbia University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 19, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Basile Confavreux |
Restless engrams: the origin of continually reconfiguring neural representations
Timothy O'Leary
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Andrew Saxe |
A Dissipative Model of Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity
Artem Volosniev and Areg Ghazaryan
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
March 8, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Dr. Fernanda Pinheiro
(University of Cologne)
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Cellular drivers of injury response and regeneration in the zebrafish heart
Jan Philipp Junker
(Max Delbrück Center, Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology)
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Anna Kicheva |
Spectra in representation theory
Geordie Williamson
(University of Sidney)
Seminar/Talk |
June 10, 2021 09:00 |
11:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Integrability of limit shapes
Istvan Prause
(University of Eastern Finland)
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The uniform spanning tree in 4 dimensions
Perla Sousi
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
March 23, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Seminar/Talk |
March 22, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
[Online] STEM fatale Scientific Talk with Conny Aerts
Conny Aerts
(KU Leuven)
Seminar/Talk |
May 6, 2021 14:30 |
15:30 |
STEM fatale organizing team |
[Online] STEM fatale Scientific Talk with Ruth Baker
Ruth Baker
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
September 22, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
STEM fatale organizing team |
On a non-isothermal Cahn-Hilliard model based on a microforce balance
Alice Marveggio
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
April 29, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Claire Amadio-Dessalles
(École Polytechnique and LadHyX)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Cavity optomechanics implemented using levitated superconductors and Josephson microwave circuits
Dr. Philip E. Schmidt
(IQOQI Vienna / Öst. Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Seminar/Talk |
March 16, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Universal global nilpotent cone
Zhiwei Yun
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
May 20, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Quantum Seminar with Marco Schiro
Marco Schiro
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Rotational invariance of the critical planar FK-percolation model
Ioan Manolescu
(Université de Fribourg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Mean-field spin glasses: beyond Parisi's formula?
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
(New York University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Brownian loop soup and Liouville measure
Antoine Jego
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Error estimates for invariant measures of diffusion processes
Max Fathi
(University of Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
May 18, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Parking on Cayley trees & Frozen Erdös-Rényi
Nicolas Curien
( Université Paris-Saclay)
Seminar/Talk |
May 18, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The Arboreal Gas
Tyler Helmuth
(Durham University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 1, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The directed landscape
Duncan Dauvergne
(Princeton University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 1, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The beginnings of gravitational wave astronomy: current state and future
Rainer Weiss
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lecture |
June 10, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
The new age of disinformation and radicalisation
Julia Ebner
(Institute for Strategic Dialogue)
Outreach |
April 15, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Tom Henzinger |
Reading out responses of large neural population with minimal information loss
Tatyana Sharpee
(Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Georgia Christodoul |
How dendrites help solve biological and machine learning problems
Yiota Poirazi
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Synchrony and Synaptic Signaling in Cerebellar Circuits
Indira Raman
(Northwestern University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 30, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Chaitanya Chintaluri |
Direct and inverse simulation of cloth with dry frictional contact
Mickael Ly
(Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes)
Seminar/Talk |
March 31, 2021 14:30 |
15:30 |
Chris Wojtan |
Large Values of the Riemann Zeta Function in Small Intervals
Louis-Pierre Arguin
(City University of New York)
Seminar/Talk |
March 23, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Wolfgang Keil
(Institut Curie)
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Christoph Zechner
(Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Carles Blanch-Mercader
(Université de Genève)
Seminar/Talk |
April 16, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Quantum seminar with Piotr Tadeusz Grochowski
Piotr Tadeusz Grochowski
(Center for Theoretical Physics Warsaw)
Seminar/Talk |
March 24, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Institute Colloquium: Lillian Pierce (Duke University)
Lillian Pierce
(Duke University)
Colloquium |
October 18, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Browning |
Edge states for magnetic Schrödinger operators in domains with compact boundary
Arianna Giunti
(Imperial College London)
Seminar/Talk |
May 6, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Les Houches-TSRC Workshop on Protein Dynamics
Conference |
May 18, 2021 16:00 |
May 19, 2021 19:00 |
Paul Schanda |
Online talk Alexandre Morin
Alexandre Morin
(Leiden University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 22, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Carl Goodrich/ Scott Waitukaitis |
Institute Colloquium: Vidya Madhavan (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Vidya Madhavan
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Colloquium |
October 11, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maskym Serbyn |
[Online] TWIST Talk by Alexander Belcredi and Lorenzo Corsini of PhagoMed
Alexander Belcredi and Lorenzo Corsini
April 7, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Alexander Schwartz |
Nonvanishing at the critical point of the Dedekind zeta functions of cubic $S_3$-fields
Arul Shankar
(University of Toronto)
Seminar/Talk |
May 27, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Value of information in evolutionary games with environmental feedbacks
Maria Kleshnina
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
April 19, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Sparse expanders have negative curvature
Justin Salez
(Université Paris Dauphine)
Seminar/Talk |
April 13, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Local geometry of the rough-smooth interface in the two-periodic Aztec diamond
Sunil Chhita
(Durham University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 13, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Online Quantum Seminar with Sonika Johri
Sonika Johri
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Memory, learning to learn, and control of cognitive representations
Andre Fenton
(New York University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 7, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Virtual Physics Talk with Giulia Semeghini
Giulia Semeghini
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 21, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
[Online] STEM fatale Scientific Round Table with Conny Aerts
Conny Aerts
(KU Leuven)
Seminar/Talk |
May 6, 2021 15:30 |
16:30 |
STEM fatale organizing team |
Tropical cyclones, in our current and in a warming climate
Caroline Muller
(CNRS, France)
Seminar/Talk |
May 11, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
IST Sustainability Group |
Mortgaging the future: Cold War and other legacies and sustainable development
Verena Winiwarter
Colloquium |
June 2, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tom Henzinger |
Extracting heading and goal through structured action
Ann Hermundstad
(HHMI Janelia)
Seminar/Talk |
May 14, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Thijs van der Plas |
Multilingual (Spoken) Machine Translation based on Language-Specific Encoders/Decoders
Marta Ruiz Costa Jussa
(Polytechnic University of Catalonia)
Seminar/Talk |
June 2, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Uncertainty Estimation Using a Single Deep Deterministic Neural Network
Yarin Gal
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
August 4, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Kinetic equations for gases and plasmas
Raphael Winter
(Université de Lyon)
Seminar/Talk |
May 20, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Joining the ancient DNA revolution - How we got here, and I got there
Harald Ringbauer, PhD
Think & Drink |
May 7, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Kathrin Pauser |
Self-assembling kinetics: accessing a new design space with differentiable statistical-physics models
Carl Goodrich
Seminar/Talk |
May 17, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Partial differential equations and scaling limits
Julian Fischer
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
May 31, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Scalable distributed algorithms and systems
Dan Alistarh
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
June 16, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Chris Wojtan |
Two-Particle Bound States at Interfaces and Corners
Barbara Roos
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
May 27, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Single eigenvalue fluctuations of random matrices
Benjamin Landon
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
June 15, 2021 16:30 |
17:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Failure of Ornstein-Zernike asymptotics for models with exponentially decaying interactions
Sébastien Ott
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
June 15, 2021 17:30 |
18:15 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Probabilistic models related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Emmanuel Schertzer
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
May 31, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Theory, design, and analysis of single-cell sequencing experiments to understand gene regulation
Jake Yeung
(Sanger Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2021 09:30 |
11:30 |
Mario de Bono & Beatriz Vicoso |
Sleepless in Vienna - how to rescue folding-deficient dopamine transporters by pharmacochaperoning
Michael Freissmuth
(Institute of Pharmacology, Centre of Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
June 18, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Chaitanya Chintaluri |
Was passiert beim Denken?
Tim Vogels
(IST Austria)
Outreach |
June 17, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
Illuminating organelle dynamics and lipid trafficking
Sarah Cohen
(UNC at Chapel Hill)
Colloquium |
March 21, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
PostDoc Association |
Informal seminar with Lorenzo Piroli
Lorenzo Piroli
(Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
Seminar/Talk |
June 30, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
The Institute Colloquium: Yang Dan (UC Berkeley)
Yang Dan
(University of California, Berkeley)
Colloquium |
November 15, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
4-year Colloquium: Maksym Serbyn “Non-ergodic quantum matter through the lens of quantum entanglement”
Maksym Serbyn
(IST Austria)
Colloquium |
September 14, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Algebraic groups acting birationally on the plane
Susanna Zimmermann
(Université d'Angers, France)
Seminar/Talk |
November 18, 2021 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Browning |
Green Labs Austria: A network supporting sustainable research
Logan Hodgskiss
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
July 6, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
IST Sustainability Group |
Diagnosing barren plateaus with tools from quantum optimal control
Martin Larocca
(FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
June 16, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Sommercampus Kids
Outreach |
August 16, 2021 09:00 |
August 20, 2021 16:00 |
The breakdown of photon blockade: a first-order dissipative quantum phase transition
András Vukics
(Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics / Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Seminar/Talk |
July 7, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Recent advances in Gradient Flows, Kinetic Theory, and Reaction-Diffusion Equations (GradKinReadi21)
Conference |
July 13, 2021 09:00 |
July 16, 2021 13:00 |
Gianluca Favre, Lorenzo Portinale and Bao Quoc Tang |
Kinderuni on Campus
Outreach |
July 16, 2021 09:00 |
16:00 |
Career conversation with Dr. Sonika Johri, IonQ
Sonika Johri
Seminar/Talk |
June 29, 2021 17:00 |
18:00 |
IST Austria Career Services |
Virtual SLAM Seminar with Sabetta Matsumoto
Asst. Prof. Sabetta Matsumoto
(Georgia Tech)
June 30, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Institute Colloquium: Brad Ramshaw (Cornell University)
Brad Ramshaw
(Cornell University )
Colloquium |
September 13, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Kimberly Modic |
Learning general visual representation with large-scale pre-training
Alexander Kolesnikov
(Google Brain)
Seminar/Talk |
July 15, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Mechanics of blastocyst morphogenesis
Jean-Leon Maitre
(Institut Curie Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
July 30, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg |
Joint Moments of C$\beta$E, Consistent Random Interlacing Arrays and Painleve Equations
Mustafa Alper Gunes
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
September 23, 2021 17:00 |
17:50 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Austrian Cryo-EM (ACE) Symposium
Conference |
September 20, 2021 08:00 |
19:00 |
Carrie Bernecky (IST Austria), David Haselbach (IMP), Thomas Heuser (Vienna Biocenter), Clemens Plaschka (IMP), Florian Schur (IST Austria) |
Optogenetic fUSI for brain-wide mapping of neural activity mediating collicular-dependent behaviors
Arnau Sans Dublanc
(NERF/IMEC, KU Leuven)
Seminar/Talk |
August 25, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Open Campus
Outreach |
September 19, 2021 12:00 |
18:00 |
Quantitative Tracy-Widom law for Wigner matrices
Yuanyuan Xu
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
September 23, 2021 16:00 |
16:50 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Extraordinary momentum and spin in structured light
Konstantin Bliokh
(RIKEN Japan)
Seminar/Talk |
September 9, 2021 13:00 |
14:30 |
Johannes Fink |
Mechanisms for balancing sleep need and sleep
Gero Miesenböck
(University of Oxford)
Lecture |
September 21, 2021 17:30 |
18:30 |
Tom Henzinger |
Eröffnung Laborgebäude 5
September 19, 2021 13:00 |
14:30 |
Chemistry Symposium
Conference |
September 29, 2021 09:00 |
September 30, 2021 15:00 |
Institute Colloquium: Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Shohini Ghose
(Wilfrid Laurier University)
Colloquium |
October 4, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Upper bound for the energy of a confined gas of hard sphere bosons
Benjamin Schlein
(University of Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
December 2, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Structured prediction: beyond support vector machine and cross entropy
Francis Bach
(INRIA, France)
Seminar/Talk |
October 13, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Milnor K-theory and zero-cycles over p-adic function fields
Izquierdo Diego
(CMLS, École polytechnique)
Seminar/Talk |
January 13, 2022 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Browning |
Complex K-theory of dual Hitchin systems
Michael Groechenig
(University of Toronto)
Seminar/Talk |
October 7, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Hecke operators over local fields and an analytic approach to the geometric Langlands correspondence
Pavel Etingof
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
November 11, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Height function delocalisation on cubic planar graphs
Piet Lammers
(IHES, France)
Seminar/Talk |
October 5, 2021 16:45 |
17:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Seminar/Talk |
October 5, 2021 17:55 |
18:55 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
September 16, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Life Science Area |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
September 23, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Life Science Area |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
September 30, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Life Science Area |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
October 7, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Life Science Area |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
October 14, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Life Science Area |
IST Retreat
Paul Schanda, Caroline Muller, Jeremy Palacci & Bingqing Cheng
Internal Event |
September 23, 2021 11:00 |
15:00 |
Informationsabend für Bürgerinnen und Bürger (ausgebucht)
Gerhard Tretzmüller, Stefan Schmuckenschlager & Georg Schneider
October 5, 2021 18:00 |
19:00 |
Quadratic forms in 8 prime variables
Ben Green
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
November 4, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
A new approach to the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition in the planar XY model
Marcin Lis
(Uni Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
September 30, 2021 14:00 |
14:50 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Fluctuations in random surface growth
Bálint Vetö
(TU Budapest (=BME))
Seminar/Talk |
September 30, 2021 15:00 |
15:50 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Diffusion in the curl of the 2-dimensional Gaussian Free Field
Fabio Toninelli
(TU Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
September 30, 2021 16:30 |
17:20 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
[Online] STEM fatale Scientific Round Table with Ruth Baker
Ruth Baker
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
September 22, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
STEM fatale organizing team |
The genetic basis of adaptation: constrained, flexible, or somewhere in between?
Samuel Yeaman
(University of Calgary)
Seminar/Talk |
September 22, 2021 12:15 |
14:00 |
Nick Barton |
Algorithmic recourse: theory and practice
Isabel Valera
(Saarland University)
Seminar/Talk |
September 22, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Bialynicki-Birula decompositions old and new
Joachim Jelisiejew
(University of Warsaw)
Seminar/Talk |
October 21, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Elliptic characteristic classes of Schubert varieties and duality
Andrzej Weber
(University of Warsaw)
Seminar/Talk |
December 9, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
The skein algebra of the 4-punctured sphere from curve counting
Pierrick Bousseau
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
November 25, 2021 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
On a hybrid of the Hardy-Littlewood and Chowla conjectures
Joni Teräväinen
(University of Turku)
Seminar/Talk |
December 2, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Bogolyubov theory revisited
Christian Hainzl
(LMU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
October 21, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Why is Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility so common?
Michael Turelli
(University of California, Davis)
Seminar/Talk |
September 29, 2021 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Beyond the spherical sup-norm problem
Péter Maga
(Rényi Institute Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
October 14, 2021 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Browning |
Neural networks: Evaluation of kernel spectra through random matrix theory
Dominik Schröder
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
October 5, 2021 17:55 |
18:55 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Classical shadows: efficient quantum-to-classical converters with many applications
Richard Küng
(Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Seminar/Talk |
November 16, 2021 11:30 |
12:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
WoMen in Science: Change the World!
November 10, 2021 18:00 |
19:45 |
A geometric generalization of the square sieve with an application to cyclic covers over global function fields
A. C. Cojocaru
(University of Illinois at Chicago and Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Browning |
Equidistribution of exponential sums over algebraic groups
Javier Fresán
(École polytechnique, Palaiseau)
Seminar/Talk |
January 27, 2022 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Browning |
Quantization and Duality for Hyperspherical Varieties
David D Ben-Zvi
(University of Texas)
Seminar/Talk |
January 20, 2022 20:00 |
22:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Sex and the circuitry: the development of sexually-dimorphic neuronal circuits
Meital Oren
(Weizmann institute)
Seminar/Talk |
October 22, 2021 10:00 |
11:30 |
Mario de Bono |
Entanglement order parameters from symmetric tensor networks
Norbert Schuch
(Vienna University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 19, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
On the geometric P = W conjecture
Mirko Mauri
(University of Michigan)
Seminar/Talk |
October 28, 2021 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Working in Science Policy
Dr. Lidia Borrell-Damián
(Science Europe )
October 13, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
IST Austria Career Services |
Provable Representation Learning: The Importance of Task Diversity and Pretext Tasks
Qi Lei
(Princeton University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 24, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Kinetic Inductance, Josephson Inductance and the Superconductor-Insulator Quantum Phase Transition
David B. Haviland
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Seminar/Talk |
October 18, 2021 15:00 |
16:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Quantum point contacts and transparent submicron ohmic islands in InAs, towards quantum simulation of non-Fermi liquid p.
Praveen Sriram
(Stanford University (US))
Seminar/Talk |
October 21, 2021 14:45 |
15:45 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Tracy-Widom limit for free sum of random matrices
Hong Chang Ji
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 14, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Dilute Bose and Fermi gases in one dimension
Jan Philip Solovej
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
January 13, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
[Online] Lesen am Bildschirm – Textverständnis im Digitalen Zeitalter
Hajo Boomgaarden
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
December 7, 2021 16:30 |
18:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
Science Education Day 2022 "Eine Welt voll Daten"
Course/Training |
March 30, 2022 14:00 |
18:30 |
Optimal Blowup Stability for Wave Maps
Roland Donninger
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
May 12, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Frobenii on Morava E-theoretical quantum groups
Gufang Zhao
(University of Melbourne)
Seminar/Talk |
November 18, 2021 10:00 |
12:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Topological morphogenesis of neuroepithelial organoids
Keisuke Ishihara
(IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology)
Seminar/Talk |
October 19, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Martin Loose & Edouard Hannezo |
Stochastic seminar: Musical chairs dynamics
Guillaume Dubach
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2021 14:00 |
15:15 |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
November 4, 2021 13:30 |
15:30 |
Life Science Area |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
December 4, 2021 13:30 |
15:30 |
Life Science Area |
Magnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
Areg Ghazaryan
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 2, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Signatures of Majorana zero-modes in a fusion experiment and beyond
Yevheniia Cheypesh
(University of Leiden)
Seminar/Talk |
November 9, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Asymptotically Best Causal Effect Identification with Multi-Armed Bandits
Silvia Chiappa
(DeepMind London)
Seminar/Talk |
November 3, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2021 13:30 |
15:45 |
Life Science Area |
CANCELED! Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
January 13, 2022 13:30 |
15:45 |
Life Science Area |
Life Science Seminar Series
Seminar/Talk |
January 27, 2022 13:30 |
15:30 |
Life Science Area |
Heterogeneously charged colloids for functional materials
Emanuela Bianchi
(Technische Universitat Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
November 4, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Validity of Bogoliubov’s approximation for translation-invariant Bose gases
Morris Brooks
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 11, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Microtubule organisation and bidirectional cargo transport inside cells
Anne Straube
(Warwick University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 22, 2021 11:00 |
12:30 |
Michael Sixt |
Autism in Austria
November 9, 2021 10:00 |
13:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
A variational method and its applications in concavity/convexity of trace functionals
Haonan Zhang
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 4, 2021 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Stochastic Turing patterns and a stochastic version of the Schauder fix Point Theorem
Erika Hausenblas
(MU Leoben)
Seminar/Talk |
November 2, 2021 16:45 |
17:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Very sparse random discrete matrices
Matthew Kwan
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 2, 2021 17:55 |
18:55 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Fekete polynomials : Real zeros, Mahler measure, and applications
Youness Lamzouri
(Université de Lorraine)
Seminar/Talk |
June 2, 2022 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Browning |
Cohomological and motivic inclusion-exclusion
Ronno Das
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
March 3, 2022 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Browning |
Science-Industry Talk
Simon Johnson
(MIT Sloan School of Management & Global Entrepreneurship Lab (GLAB))
November 30, 2021 17:00 |
19:00 |
IST Austria in cooperation with Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) |
Chiral phonons in quantum materials
Gaël Grissonnanche
(Cornell University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 22, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Kimberly Modic |
Synaptic mechanisms underlying rapid antidepressant action
Lisa Monteggia
(Vanderbilt University, USA)
Seminar/Talk |
November 16, 2021 15:30 |
16:30 |
Mojtaba Tavakoli (Danzl Group) |
So geht Spitzenforschung!
Michaela Klement, Misha Lemeshko
(IST Austria)
November 18, 2021 16:30 |
19:00 |
PRVA Public Relations Verband Austria |
Neural Machine Translation Inside Out
Lena Voita
(University of Edinburgh)
Seminar/Talk |
November 10, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Quantum critical properties of a superconducting Duffing oscillator around a first-order dissipative phase transition
Qi-Ming Chen
(Walther-Meissner-Institute, Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
November 11, 2021 13:00 |
14:00 |
Johannes Fink |
[Online] Therapeutic Opportunities in Glycoscience
Carolyn Bertozzi
(Stanford University)
Lecture |
November 23, 2021 17:00 |
18:15 |
Anton Zeilinger, Thomas Henzinger |
Conformal invariance of critical double random currents
Marcin Lis
(Uni Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
November 30, 2021 17:55 |
18:55 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Open quantum manybody systems
Cristiano Ciuti
(Université de Paris, CNRS, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, France)
Seminar/Talk |
December 7, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Johannes Fink |
[Online] TWIST Talk by Jonas Zeuner
Jonas Zeuner
(VitreaLab GmbH)
xista Event |
November 17, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Bernhard Petermeier |
A behavioral and network mechanism accounting for hallmarks of autism in mice
Pico Caroni
(FMI Basel, Switzerland)
Seminar/Talk |
November 23, 2021 13:30 |
14:30 |
Peiping Lin (Jonas Group) |
KI macht Schule (Online Workshop)
Elena Natterer, Auguste Schulz
(KI macht Schule)
Seminar/Talk |
January 20, 2022 16:30 |
18:00 |
Science Education Team |
4-year Institute Colloquium: Johann Georg Danzl
Johann Georg Danzl
Colloquium |
November 22, 2021 16:00 |
17:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Understanding adaptation in an infinitesimal world
Nick Barton
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2021 14:00 |
15:00 |
2021 Virtual Student Open Day
November 26, 2021 13:00 |
17:00 |
Manipulating matter with vacuum fields: cavity-mediated transport in disordered quantum Hall systems
Cristiano Ciuti
(Université de Paris, CNRS, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, France)
Seminar/Talk |
December 6, 2021 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Moments of random matrices and hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
Fabio Cunden
(Universität Bari)
Seminar/Talk |
November 30, 2021 16:45 |
17:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Virtual Student Open Day
November 26, 2021 13:00 |
17:00 |
November 23, 2021 13:00 |
17:00 |
Daria Shipilina (IST/Uppsala University), Sanjay Narayanaswamy (Uni Wien), Dagny Asta Runarsdottir (VetMed Uni) and Ben Wölfl (Uni Wien) |
Hole spin qubits in elongated quantum dots
Monica Benito
(Institute of Quantum Technologies of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Ulm / Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
December 6, 2021 14:30 |
15:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Fair Recommendations with Biased Data
Thorsten Joachims
(Cornell University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 1, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
EvoLunch - The role of non-adaptive evolutionary processes in shaping genomic variation
Parul Johri
(Arizona State University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 1, 2021 15:30 |
16:30 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
What functions do self-attention blocks prefer to represent?
Surbhi Goel
Seminar/Talk |
December 13, 2021 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Navigation in rivers and streams: how do larval zebrafish hold position in moving water?
Florian Engert
(Harvard University, USA)
Seminar/Talk |
December 14, 2021 13:30 |
15:00 |
Clara Becker (Sweeney Group) |
The Institute Colloquium: Yang Shao-Horn
Yang Shao-Horn
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
January 31, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Stefan Freunberger |
Robot programming for all
Maya Cakmak
(University of Washington)
Colloquium |
March 14, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Relaxometry for measuring free radical generation in living cells
Romana Schirhagl
(University of Groningen)
Colloquium |
March 28, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Generalized page rank applications: From local community detection to graph neural networks
Olgica Milenkovic
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Colloquium |
April 25, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
The formation and growth of massive black holes
Zoltan Haiman
(Columbia University)
Colloquium |
May 16, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
The ups and downs of firing rate homeostasis
Gina Turrigiano
(Brandeis University)
Colloquium |
September 23, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Maximilian A. Jösch |
Strategies to design quantum materials with exotic properties
Roser Valenti
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
Colloquium |
May 30, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Kimberly Ann Modic |
The Institute Colloquium: Judit Szulágyi (ETH Zurich)
Judit Szulágyi
(ETH Zurich)
Colloquium |
October 24, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Bingqing Cheng |
The Institute Colloquium: Henry Adams
Henry Adams
(Colorado State University)
Colloquium |
January 24, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Thesis Defense by Catarina Alcarva: Plasticity in the Cerebellum
Catarina Alcarva
Graduate School Event |
January 17, 2022 09:00 |
11:30 |
Anders denken, anders forschen – Neurodiversität in Schule und Wissenschaft
Alice Laciny
Seminar/Talk |
March 3, 2022 16:30 |
18:00 |
Science Education Team |
The Institute Colloquium: Jeanne Stachowiak
Jeanne Stachowiak
(University of Texas )
Colloquium |
March 7, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
PDA & Alexander James Johnson |
ISTA Lecture: Erwin Neher
Erwin Neher
(Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences)
Lecture |
March 17, 2022 17:00 |
18:00 |
Seminar - Jean-Francois Joanny
Jean-Francois Joanny
(College de France)
Seminar/Talk |
February 1, 2022 10:00 |
11:15 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Tilted Losses in Machine Learning: Theory and Applications
Virginia Smith
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 10, 2022 17:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Sommercampus Kids
Outreach |
August 8, 2022 09:00 |
August 19, 2022 16:00 |
ISTA Science Education Team |
Spring Festival
June 2, 2022 15:00 |
21:00 |
Special Colloquium: Christian Koeberl
Christian Koeberl
(University of Vienna)
Colloquium |
February 24, 2022 11:00 |
12:30 |
Krzysztof Pietrzak |
Quantitative and constructive results on norms in abelian extensions
Christopher Frei
(TU Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
March 31, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
A survey of (abelian) 3d mirror symmetry
Justin Hilburn
(Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Seminar/Talk |
March 10, 2022 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Tautological Hecke correspondence and K-theory of the moduli space of parabolic vector bundles
Olga Trapeznikova
(Université de Genève)
Seminar/Talk |
April 7, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Manin's conjecture for smooth spherical Fano threefolds
Ulrich Derenthal
(University of Hannover)
Seminar/Talk |
March 24, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Revisiting mixed geometry
Quoc P. Ho
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
March 17, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
BPS-invariants from non-archimedean integrals
Dimitri Wyss
(EPFL, Switzerland)
Seminar/Talk |
May 12, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Low degree Hurwitz stacks in the Grothendieck ring
Aaron Landesman
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 9, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Browning |
Probabilistic Liouville Theory
Antti-Jukka Kupiainen
(University of Helsinki)
Seminar/Talk |
May 11, 2022 17:45 |
19:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Moderate deviations and the space time geometry in integrable planar last passage percolation
Riddhipratim Basu
Seminar/Talk |
May 11, 2022 16:45 |
17:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
The exciting life of quasiparticles trapped between superconductors
Christian Urbina
(CEA-Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
Seminar/Talk |
May 3, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
K-theory and motivic cohomology of singularities
Elden Elmanto
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 24, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Fast-Slow partially hyperbolic systems
Carlangelo Liverani
(Mathematics Department, U. Roma Tor Vergata)
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
On volume preserving almost Anosov flows
Henk Bruin
(Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2022 15:30 |
16:30 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
Some remarks on the component group of the Sato-Tate group
Victoria Cantoral Farfán
(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Seminar/Talk |
May 19, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Non-hermitian topology and directional amplification
Andreas Nunnenkamp
(University of Vienna (Austria))
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
2nd IST Austria Summer School in Analysis and PDEs
July 25, 2022 09:00 |
July 29, 2022 17:00 |
László Erdős, Julian Fischer, Jan Maas, Robert Seiringer |
TWIST Talk: How to use Deep Tech to Make Cows Obsolete
Eva Sommer
xista Event |
March 9, 2022 16:00 |
18:00 |
Bernhard Petermeier & Daniela Klammer |
Using light to unveil complexity in soft and biological materials
Roberto Cerbino
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
March 3, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Virusalert in Stayhompton developing an educational board game against misconceptions about viral spread and its control
Magdalena Steinrück
(IST Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
March 2, 2022 12:15 |
14:00 |
Nick Barton |
Transversal fluctuations determine fast assembly of semiflexible filaments
Valerio Sorichetti
(Université Paris-Saclay)
Seminar/Talk |
March 17, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
Periodic paths on regular polygons
Diana J. Davis
(Phillips Exeter Academy)
Seminar/Talk |
March 14, 2022 15:30 |
16:30 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
'So I had this teacher ...'
ISTA Science Education Team
Seminar/Talk |
May 18, 2022 16:30 |
18:00 |
On the persistence of periodic tori for symplectic twist maps
Alfonso Sorrentino
(University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Seminar/Talk |
March 14, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
The genetic basis of turnip-mosaic-virus resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Tom Ellis
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2022 12:15 |
14:00 |
Nick Barton |
Strategies for Engineering Complex Thermoelectric Materials
Jeffrey Snyder
(Northwestern University - Materials Science and Engineering)
Seminar/Talk |
April 12, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
The non-standard generating function of Birkhoff billiards and applications
Misha Bialy
(Tel Aviv University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2022 15:30 |
16:30 |
Kaloshin Group |
Initiation of translation in eukaryotes and bacteria
Venki Ramakrishnan
(MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)
Lecture |
May 13, 2022 17:00 |
18:00 |
Leonid Sazanov |
Integrating Algorithms into Neural Networks
Felix Peterson
(University of Konstanz )
Seminar/Talk |
March 24, 2022 15:15 |
17:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
Nematode infections in an ant model system
Seminar/Talk |
March 30, 2022 12:30 |
13:30 |
Sylvia Cremer |
Genetics of epigenetics in Arabidopsis thaliana
Rahul Pisupati
Seminar/Talk |
April 6, 2022 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Searching for moving hybrid zones in amphibian species
Isolde Van-Riemsdijk
(Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2022 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Interaction of clines under the prism of generalised travelling waves
Benoit Sarels
(Sorbonne University / University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2022 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
How to evolve to resolve a sexual conflict over body size
Elina Immonen
(Uppsala University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 1, 2022 12:30 |
13:30 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Inheritance without transmission? â Reconstitution is a hereditary process
Sophie Juliane Veigl
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
March 1, 2023 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Genomic determinants of introgression outcomes: The case of dipteran sex chromosomes.
Christelle Fraisse
(University of Lille)
Seminar/Talk |
April 5, 2023 12:30 |
13:30 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Sex in the rockpools: uncovering the private life of seaweeds
Susana Coelho
(Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen)
Seminar/Talk |
April 26, 2023 12:30 |
13:30 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Predicting evolutionary trajectories of SARS-CoV-2
Michael Lässig
(University of Cologne)
Seminar/Talk |
May 17, 2023 12:30 |
13:30 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Stable motion of highly energetic particles interacting via a repelling potential
Dmitry Turaev
(Imperial College London)
Seminar/Talk |
March 28, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Quantum Markov semi-groups and approximation/rigidity of von Neumann algebras
Martijn Caspers
(TU Delft)
Seminar/Talk |
March 31, 2022 16:15 |
17:10 |
Jan Maas / Haonan Zhang |
On the existence of derivations as square roots of generators of state-symmetric quantum Markov semigroups
Matthijs Vernooij
(TU Delft)
Seminar/Talk |
March 31, 2022 17:15 |
18:15 |
Jan Maas / Haonan Zhang |
Evolution of cell division: from archaea to eukaryotes.
Prof Buzz Baum
(LMB Cambridge)
May 4, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Andela Saric, Martin Loose |
On projective billiards with open sets of periodic orbits
Corentin Fierobe
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA))
Seminar/Talk |
March 28, 2022 15:30 |
16:30 |
Kaloshin Group |
Repeated Quantum Error Correction in a Surface Code Using Superconducting Circuits
Christopher Eichler
(ETH Zürich (Switzerland))
Seminar/Talk |
May 9, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Phase Diagram of InAs-Al Heterostructures
Lucas Casparis
(Microsoft Quantum (Denmark))
Seminar/Talk |
April 26, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham/Georgios Katsaros |
Oscillatory motions and symbolic dynamics in the three body problem
Marcel Guardia Munarriz
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Seminar/Talk |
April 11, 2022 15:15 |
16:15 |
Kaloshin Group |
Weak KAM solutions of conservative Twist maps of the annulus
Maxime Zavidovique
(Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
Seminar/Talk |
April 11, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Periodic Lorentz gas with small scatterers
Peter Balint
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Large hyperbolic circles
Davide Ravotti
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2022 15:30 |
16:30 |
Kaloshin Group |
Provably Beneficial Artificial Intelligence
Stuart J. Russell
(Berkeley, University of California)
Lecture |
May 19, 2022 17:00 |
18:00 |
Thomas A. Henzinger |
Bessel equations, hypergeometric sums and geometric Langlands correspondence
Daxin Xu
(Morningside Center of Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
April 28, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Career event with BioNTech R&D (Austria)
Dr. Lorenzo Corsini & Ann-Katrin Kieniger
April 20, 2022 16:30 |
18:00 |
Generalised Gibbs ensembles for the Calogero fluid
Herbert Spohn
(TU München)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2022 14:00 |
14:50 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Sommercampus Juniors
Outreach |
August 23, 2022 09:00 |
August 25, 2022 16:00 |
ISTA Science Education Team |
Fakebusters Bootcamp
Outreach |
August 23, 2022 09:00 |
August 25, 2022 16:00 |
ISTA Science Education Team |
Optimal steering of matrix product states and quantum many-body scars
Marko Ljubotina
Seminar/Talk |
May 4, 2022 13:30 |
14:30 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Engineering Grain Boundaries in Thermoelectric Materials
Jeffrey Snyder
(Northwestern University - Materials Science and Engineering)
Seminar/Talk |
April 14, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
ISTA Lecture Young Lounge
Venki Ramakrishnan
(MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology )
Outreach |
May 13, 2022 16:00 |
16:30 |
ISTA Science Education Team |
ISTA Lecture Young Lounge
Stuart J. Russell
(University of California Berkeley)
Outreach |
May 19, 2022 16:00 |
16:30 |
ISTA Science Education Team |
Minimalistic efficient quantum devices build of dipole coupled nano arrays of quantum emitters
Helmut Ritsch
(University Innsbruck)
Seminar/Talk |
May 4, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Bridging the Explanatory Gap between Neuronal Activity and Cognition by Multilevel Causal Modeling
Moritz Grosse Wentrup
(Uni Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 26, 2022 11:00 |
12:30 |
Christoph Lampert |
Molecular Mechanisms and Evolution of Fertilization Proteins
Jolie Carlisle
(University of Washington School of Medicine)
Seminar/Talk |
April 20, 2022 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Aharonov-Casher theorem on manifolds with boundary
Marie Fialová
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Austrian Computer Science Day
Conference |
June 21, 2022 09:00 |
17:00 |
SLC13a5 Epilepsy Conference
Conference |
September 7, 2022 09:00 |
September 8, 2022 17:00 |
Exponential sums modulo p^m for Deligne polynomials
Kien Nguyen Huu
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Exploring quantum many-body systems through efficient computation of local dynamics
Michael Sonner
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
May 31, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
The Wasserstein space of stochastic processes
Mathias Beiglböck
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2022 15:00 |
15:50 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Stake-governed random tug-of-war
Gabor Pete
(Renyi Institute; TU Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2022 16:30 |
17:20 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Bridging the gap between classical and quantum many-body information dynamics
Andrea Pizzi
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Empirical Bayes estimators for Poisson and normal means
Yuri Polyanskiy
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2022 16:00 |
18:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Towards Topological Superconductivity in Epitaxial Superconductor-Semiconductor Materials Systems
Javad Shabani
(Center for Quantum Phenomena, New York University | USA)
Seminar/Talk |
July 5, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Supersymmetry and mulicriticality in a ladder of constrained fermions
Natalia Chepiga
(TU Delft)
Seminar/Talk |
June 9, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Innate Dynamics, Molecular Communication Networks & Emergent Bioinspired Properties in Complex Supramolecular Systems
Giovanni Pavan
(Politecnico di Torino)
Seminar/Talk |
May 12, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
Lower bound for the effective mass of the Polaron
Steffen Polzer
(University of Geneva)
Seminar/Talk |
June 2, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Jamming is a sticky problem
Brian Tighe
(TU Delft)
Seminar/Talk |
May 3, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Biomimetic navigation of complex natural environments
Massimo Vergassola
(ENS Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
May 18, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Flows and waves in early embryonic development
Massimo Vergassola
(ENS Paris)
May 19, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Ways to think about the brain: Emergence of cognition from action
Gyorgy Buzsaki
(Neuroscience Institute, New York University, School of Medicine)
Outreach |
March 14, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
Jozsef Csicsvari |
The physics of highly crosslinked cytoskeletal networks.
Sebastian Fürthauer
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
ELLIS Talk - Advancing molecular simulation with machine learning
Frank Noe
(FU Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
May 9, 2022 14:00 |
16:00 |
Bingqing Cheng |
Wie Proteine einander falten und fit halten: die faszinierende Welt der Chaperone
Paul Schanda
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Outreach |
June 9, 2022 17:00 |
18:00 |
Michael Sixt |
Accelerating technology innovation for addressing climate change, energy, and sustainability goals
Kavita Surana
(University of Maryland, Complexity Science Hub (Vienna), and IST Cube)
Seminar/Talk |
May 17, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
ISTA Sustainability Group |
The Death of Stationarity and the Runaway Greenhouse
Michael Ghil
(Ecole Normale Superieure & UCLA)
Seminar/Talk |
May 31, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Caroline Muller / ISTA Sustainability Group |
Baue und programmiere deinen ersten Roboter
May 14, 2022 10:00 |
15:00 |
Institut zur Förderung des IT-Nachwuchs (IFIT) |
3D-Druck: Designe und drucke dein eigenes 3D-Modell
May 14, 2022 10:00 |
15:00 |
Institut zur Förderung des IT-Nachwuchs (IFIT) |
Roboter-Rennen: Wer baut den schnellsten Lego Roboter?
May 15, 2022 10:00 |
15:00 |
Institut zur Förderung des IT-Nachwuchs (IFIT) |
CPU-Mainboard-Grafikkarte? Baue einen PC und tune ihn!
May 15, 2022 10:00 |
13:00 |
Institut zur Förderung des IT-Nachwuchs (IFIT) |
Long Night of Research
May 20, 2022 17:00 |
23:00 |
First-order quantum breakdown of a bosonic disordered superconductor
Thibault Charpentier
(Institut Néel CNRS Grenoble | France)
Seminar/Talk |
July 12, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andrew Higginbotham |
Birkhoff Normal Forms, frequency maps and local integrability
Raphaël Krikorian
(CY Cergy Paris University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 9, 2022 15:30 |
16:30 |
Kaloshin Group |
Context-dependent selectivity to natural scenes in the retina
Olivier Marre
(Institut de la Vision, Sorbonne University, INSERM)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Exploring the mechanism and kinetics of nucleation processes with computer simulations: from crystallization to cavitation
Christoph Dellago
May 13, 2022 14:00 |
15:30 |
Bingqing Cheng |
The Wave Trace and Birkhoff Billiards
Amir Vig
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA))
Seminar/Talk |
May 9, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Bringing data closer to intuition
Srdjan Sarikas
(MedUni Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
May 13, 2022 14:30 |
16:30 |
Genomic insights into metabolism and fitness
Flo Camus
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Putting the Squeeze on Phase Separation
Eric Dufresne
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
June 2, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Counting maps with prescribed incidence conditions
Gavril Farkas
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2022 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
New Physics in Driven Quantum Materials
Andrea Cavalleri
(Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
Seminar/Talk |
May 24, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Room Temperature Superfluorescence in Hybrid Perovskites and Its Origins
Kenan Gundogdu
(North Carolina State University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
On non-coexistence of 2- & 3-rational caustics in nearly circular billiard tables
Edmond Koudjinan
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA))
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Elastocapillary Adhesion
Katharine Jensen
(Williams College)
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Structural synaptic plasticity as a basis for spaced learning
Kristen M. Harris
(University of Texas at Austin)
Colloquium |
September 19, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Peter Jonas |
Team Ukraine International Math Olypiad Training
Course/Training |
June 7, 2022 08:00 |
June 11, 2022 08:00 |
ISTA Science Education Team |
Causality and Autoencoders in the Light of Drug Repurposing for COVID-19
Caroline Uhler
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
June 24, 2022 13:00 |
14:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
Phonon channel engineering through crystal chemistry and defects
Dr. Matthias T. Agne
(Dept. of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, WWU Münster, Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
June 13, 2022 09:30 |
10:30 |
Maria Ibáñez |
High moments of the 2D partition function
Clement Cosco
(Weizmann Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
June 8, 2022 16:45 |
17:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Stochastic differential equations with irregular coefficients: mind the gap!
Michaela Szölgyenyi
(University of Klagenfurt)
Seminar/Talk |
June 8, 2022 17:45 |
19:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli |
Eröffnung Michael-Gröller-Brücke
July 11, 2022 09:00 |
10:30 |
TWIST Talk: From Science to Entrepreneurship. A truly rewarding experience
Stefano Coss
xista Event |
June 28, 2022 16:00 |
17:00 |
Bernhard Petermeier |
Neuromorphic Visual Motion Analysis
Cornelia Fermüller
(UMIACS, University of Maryland)
Seminar/Talk |
June 20, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
G. Jeffrey Snyder
G. Jeffrey Snyder
(Northwestern University - Materials Science and Engineering)
Seminar/Talk |
June 13, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Institute Colloquium: Benny Sudakov (ETH Zurich)
Benny Sudakov
(ETH Zurich)
Colloquium |
November 7, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Matt Kwan |
Institute Colloquium: Vincent Tassion (ETH Zurich)
Vincent Tassion
(ETH Zurich)
Colloquium |
November 14, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Matt Kwan |
Institute Colloquium: Alon Orlitsky (Tel Aviv University)
Alon Orlitsky
(Tel Aviv University)
Colloquium |
December 12, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Marco Mondelli |
Institute Colloquium: Giulia Galli (University of Chicago)
Giulia Galli
(University of Chicago)
Colloquium |
December 19, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Bingqing Cheng |
Institute Colloquium
Zvonimir Dogic
(UC Santa Barbara)
Colloquium |
January 23, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Compactifications of spherical varieties
Friedrich Knop
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU))
Seminar/Talk |
June 17, 2022 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Braverman-Kazhdan conjecture for finite fields
Emmanuel Letellier
(Université de Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
June 30, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Grains, drops, waves and dislocations: experimental non-equilibrium physics at different scales
Nicolás Mujica
(Universidad de Chile)
Seminar/Talk |
July 7, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Contact Electrification -- why is something seemingly so simple so poorly understood?
Dan Lacks
Seminar/Talk |
July 18, 2022 13:30 |
15:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Institute Colloquium: Ann McDermott (Columbia University)
Ann McDermott
(Columbia University)
Colloquium |
January 16, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
Institute Colloquium: Y. Shirley Meng (University of Chicago)
Y. Shirley Meng
(University of Chicago)
Colloquium |
January 30, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Catalysis from the bottom-up: towards artificial catalytic matter
Maitane Muñoz Basagoiti
(ESPCI Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
July 21, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
GAMM Activity Group in Analysis of PDEs
Conference |
October 5, 2022 11:00 |
October 7, 2022 11:00 |
László Erdős, Julian Fischer, Jan Maas, Robert Seiringer |
Thermalization of quantum spin chains: an entropic perspective
Cambyse Rouzé
Seminar/Talk |
July 7, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Jan Maas / Haonan Zhang |
Controlling Quantum Materials Using Coherent Optical Driving
Gregor Jotzu
(Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
July 19, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
The Institute Colloquium: Adrian Tomkpins (ICTP)
Adrian Tompkins
(International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
Colloquium |
October 17, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Caroline Muller |
Rise of the Machines: Making better photons by getting rid of experimentalists
Andrew White
(Center for Engineered Quantum Systems, University of Queensland | Australia)
Seminar/Talk |
July 8, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Cotlar-type identities for groups acting on trees like structures
Runlian Xia
(University of Glasgow)
Seminar/Talk |
July 21, 2022 16:15 |
17:10 |
Jan Maas / Haonan Zhang |
From the Littlewood-Paley-Stein inequality to the Burkholder-Gundy inequality
Hao Zhang
(Université de Franche-Comté)
Seminar/Talk |
July 21, 2022 17:15 |
18:15 |
Jan Maas / Haonan Zhang |
From machine learning to autonomous intelligence
Yann LeCun
(New York University and Meta)
Outreach |
September 19, 2022 17:00 |
18:00 |
Tom Henzinger and Ulrike Diebold |
Optimal artificial boundary conditions for three-dimensional elliptic random media
Lihan Wang
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Seminar/Talk |
July 19, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Quantitative modelling of bacterial growth physiology, cell size and shape control
Diana Serbanescu
(University College London)
Seminar/Talk |
July 20, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric, Martin Loose |
Multiband topological phases of periodically kicked molecules
Volker Karle, Areg Ghazaryan, Mikhail Lemeshko
July 19, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Science Communication Day
Carl Zimmer, Sara K. Yeo, Elke Ziegler, Alena Buyx, Christine Marizzi, Mariano Zafra
Outreach |
September 21, 2022 18:00 |
19:30 |
Tom Henzinger |
Science-Industry Talk
October 11, 2022 18:00 |
20:15 |
IST(A) Tech Park |
Engineering Giant Artificial Atoms and Waveguide QED
William D. Oliver
(MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | US)
Seminar/Talk |
August 29, 2022 15:00 |
16:00 |
Johannes Fink |
The Synthesis and Application of 3D CarbonFrameworks with Periodic Structure
Nick Stadie
(Montana State University)
Seminar/Talk |
September 12, 2022 15:00 |
16:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Existence of physical measures for surface diffeomorphisms
Sylvain Crovisier
(Université Paris-Saclay)
Seminar/Talk |
October 11, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
On Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets via a computer-assisted proof
Artem Dudko
Seminar/Talk |
October 25, 2022 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Young Scientist Symposium 2022
Conference |
October 20, 2022 09:00 |
18:00 |
Vienna Soft Matter Day
Conference |
October 21, 2022 09:00 |
18:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Institute Colloquium: Marja Timmermans (University of Tübingen)
Marja Timmermans
(University of Tübingen)
Colloquium |
November 21, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Eva Benkova |
Institute Colloquium: Shiri Artstein-Avidan (Tel Aviv University)
Shiri Artstein-Avidan
(Tel Aviv University)
Colloquium |
November 28, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Uli Wagner |
Institute Colloquium: Artur Avila (University of Zurich)
Artur Avila
(University of Zurich)
Colloquium |
October 10, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
Institute Colloquium: Philip Kim (Harvard University)
Philip Kim
(Harvard University)
Colloquium |
December 5, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Institute Colloquium: Ann McDermott (Columbia University)
Ann McDermott
(Columbia University)
Colloquium |
January 16, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Institute Colloquium: Zvonimir Dogic (UC Santa Barbara)
Zvonimir Dogic
(The University of California, Santa Barbara)
Colloquium |
January 23, 2023 11:30 |
11:30 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Four-year Colloquium: Jérémie Palacci (ISTA)
Jérémie Palacci
Colloquium |
October 3, 2022 11:30 |
12:30 |
Self-organisation of proteins in cells
Erwin Frey
(Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Colloquium |
March 27, 2023 11:30 |
11:30 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Program synthesis across the software stack
Isil Dillig
(University of Texas at Austin)
Colloquium |
May 22, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Krishnendu Chatterjee |
The cell as a material
Gijsje Koenderink
(TU Delft)
Colloquium |
October 23, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Dissipative quantum phase transition and nonperturbative cQED
Yuto Ashida
(University of Tokyo | Japan)
Seminar/Talk |
September 15, 2022 13:00 |
14:00 |
Johannes Fink |
TWIST Talk: Reflection on my journey from Academia to industry
Priyanka Dutta Passecker
xista Event |
September 9, 2022 14:00 |
15:30 |
Bernhard Petermeier |
Getting most out of representations - Approaches to reducing information redundancy
Karen Ullrich
(FAIR NY & Vector Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
September 9, 2022 10:00 |
11:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
Mapping tunable bands in twisted double bilayer graphene in magnetic fields
Yulia Maximenko
(National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))
Seminar/Talk |
September 12, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Nonequilibrium and cavity control of quantum materials
Tobia Nova
(ETH Zurich | Switzerland)
Seminar/Talk |
October 4, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Luca Barberi
(Université de Genève)
Seminar/Talk |
November 17, 2022 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Helmut Abels
(University of Regensburg)
Seminar/Talk |
October 20, 2022 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Asymptotic Hodge theory via WKB-analysis and Donaldson--Thomas theory
Szilard Szabo
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
October 13, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Anne Moreau
(Université Paris-Saclay)
Seminar/Talk |
October 27, 2022 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Michel Brion
(University Grenobles-Alpes)
Seminar/Talk |
January 12, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Development and Stem Cells Regional Meeting
Conference |
March 3, 2023 08:30 |
18:00 |
Virtual Student Open Day
Outreach |
February 2, 2023 13:00 |
17:00 |
Graduate School Office |
Transport in fractional quantum Hall edges with counterpropagating modes
Alexander Mirlin
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
February 3, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Pauli stabilizer codes
Blazej Ruba
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
January 26, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Branching random walk with non-local competition
Sarah Penington
(University of Bath)
Seminar/Talk |
January 25, 2023 16:45 |
17:40 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
BPHZ Renormalisation in Regularity Structures via Spectral Gap
Rhys Steele
(Imperial College London)
Seminar/Talk |
January 25, 2023 17:45 |
19:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Looking to the Future: ParityQC talk
January 26, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Numbers, polynomials and randomness
Timothy Browning
Colloquium |
March 6, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Vinberg pairs and Higgs bundles
Oscar Garcia-Prada
(ICMAT, Madrid)
Seminar/Talk |
January 26, 2023 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Inauguration ceremony - Martin Hetzer
April 27, 2023 13:00 |
14:00 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Symposium and Workshop 2023
Conference |
May 2, 2023 09:00 |
May 5, 2023 20:00 |
DynamIST Seminar
Corinna Ulcigrai
(University of Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 31, 2023 13:30 |
18:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Overcrowding Estimates for the Coulomb Gas
Eric Thoma
Seminar/Talk |
February 2, 2023 17:15 |
18:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Constructive stability for subcritical inequalities on the sphere and beyond
Giovanni Brigati
(University Paris-Dauphine)
Seminar/Talk |
February 2, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Jan Maas |
How does RNA regulate gene expression?
Carrie Bernecky
Colloquium |
March 20, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Martin Loose |
Quantum sensing with atoms, light and pendulums
Onur Hosten
Colloquium |
May 15, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Johannes Fink |
Shining light on Lead-Halide Perovskites: what optics can tell about the inner workings of the Solar-Cell-champion material
Zhanybek Alpichshev
Colloquium |
June 26, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Misha Lemeshko |
Inferring the structure of large empirical fitness landscapes
David McCandlish
(Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory)
Seminar/Talk |
February 1, 2023 12:30 |
13:30 |
Nick Barton |
Open Campus
June 4, 2023 12:00 |
18:00 |
Homogenization of stiff inclusions through network approximation
Alexandre Girodroux-Lavigne
Seminar/Talk |
February 9, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Central limit theorem for mesoscopic eigenvalue statistics of Wigner-type matrices
Volodymyr Riabov
Seminar/Talk |
February 16, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Stability of the volume preserving mean curvature flow in the flat torus
Anna Kubin
(Politecnico di Torino)
Seminar/Talk |
February 16, 2023 17:15 |
18:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Kohgaku Eguchi and Roshan Satapathy
Kohgaku Eguchi and Roshan Satapathy
Seminar/Talk |
February 14, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Trapping active particles up to the limiting case: bacteria enclosed in a biofilm
Chantal Valeriani
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Seminar/Talk |
February 23, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Quantum approximations of algebraic representations
Peter Fiebig
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen)
Seminar/Talk |
March 9, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Ergodicity breaking in flat-band lattices
Eulàlia Nicolau Jiménez
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Seminar/Talk |
February 21, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
The Elekes-Szabo Theorem and applications
Oliver Roche-Newton
(Johannes Kepler Universiät Linz)
Seminar/Talk |
March 16, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Senior-ISTA Colloquium
Sylvia Cremer & Laszlo Erdös
Colloquium |
March 13, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Designing Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Glasses as Future Thermoelectric Materials
Dr. Bikash Kumar Shaw
(TU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
February 24, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
On the zeta function and a conjecture of Deligne
Harald Grobner
(Uni Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
March 2, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
NDT, Christopher Currin and Florian Schmidt
Christopher Currin and Florian Schmidt
Seminar/Talk |
February 21, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
NDT, Massimo Scanziani
Massimo Scanziani
(University of California, San Francisco)
Seminar/Talk |
February 28, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
ELLIS Talk: Geometric Gaussian Processes
Viacheslav Borovitskiy
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
June 7, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
Spring Festival
May 9, 2023 15:00 |
21:00 |
Study of a simple equation that describes the ground-state energy of a Bose gas at low and high density and in dimensions one, two and three
Elliott Lieb
(Princeton University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 16, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Typicality of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis in realistic systems with local interactions
Shoki Sugimoto
(University of Tokyo)
Seminar/Talk |
March 2, 2023 16:45 |
17:45 |
Laszlo Erdös |
NDT, Marlene Bartos
Marlene Bartos
(University of Freiburg, Institute of Physiology)
Seminar/Talk |
March 7, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
From Reeb dynamics to fluid computers: two faces of a mirror
Eva Miranda
(UPC Barcelona)
Seminar/Talk |
March 24, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Kaloshin Group |
Decentralized Deep Learning: Training and Running Large Models over the Internet
Max Ryabinin
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Collective photoprotection through light-induced phase separation in a phototactic micro-algae
Raphael Jeanneret
(ENS Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
April 20, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Microfluidic technologies as an advanced tool for chemistry and materials synthesis
Prof. Dr. Josep Puigmartí-Luis
Seminar/Talk |
March 27, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Mirror symmetry for generalized Kummer varieties
Justin Sawon
(University of North Carolina)
Seminar/Talk |
March 23, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Between hope and hype - ethical aspects of generative AI
Alena Buyx
(Technical University Munich)
Outreach |
September 28, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
Michael Sixt |
On superbosonization identity and its applications to random matrix theory
Shon Ngo
Seminar/Talk |
March 23, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Quadratic forms arising from geometry
Giuseppe Ancona
(Université de Strasbourg)
Seminar/Talk |
March 30, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Weak KAM theory on metric spaces
Albert Fathi
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
March 24, 2023 15:30 |
16:30 |
Kaloshin Group |
Fluctuations in conservative systems and SPDEs
Benjamin Gess
(Universität Bielefeld)
Seminar/Talk |
March 30, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Tomas Vega Zuniga and Bahti Zakirov (NDT)
Tomas Vega Zuniga and Bahti Zakirov
Seminar/Talk |
March 28, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Materials for Small-Scale Robotics
Prof. Dr. Salvador Pané i Vidal
(ETH Zürich)
April 18, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Dimerization in a quantum spin chain
Jakob Bjoernberg
(Chalmers University of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
March 29, 2023 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Decorated stable trees
Sigurdur Örn Stefansson
(University of Iceland)
Seminar/Talk |
March 29, 2023 16:45 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
The density of polynomials of degree n over Zp that have exactly r roots in Qp
Stevan Gajovic
(MPIM Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
April 13, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Air mediation of compliant impact on smooth solid surfaces
John Kolinski
Seminar/Talk |
April 13, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
HQT 2023 & Germanium day
Conference |
April 3, 2023 09:00 |
April 6, 2023 19:00 |
Hecke algebra action on stable basis
Jakub Koncki
(IMPAN, Warsaw)
Seminar/Talk |
June 1, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
An introduction to atom probe tomography
Dr. Baptiste Gault
(Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH)
Seminar/Talk |
May 4, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory for non-p-adic geometers
Ben Heuer
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Seminar/Talk |
May 4, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Graduation Ceremony
June 22, 2023 17:00 |
19:00 |
Decoding activity patterns across pyramidal cell dendritic trees during spontaneous behaviours
Angus Silver
(University College London/UK)
Seminar/Talk |
April 18, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Johann Danzl |
Schrödinger evolution in a low-density random potential - Convergence to solutions of the linear Boltzmann equation
Soren Mikkelsen
(University of Bath)
Seminar/Talk |
April 13, 2023 15:00 |
16:00 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Type III-A CRISPR-Cas systems: Structure, Function & Applications towards SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis
Sagar Sridhara
(University of Gothenburg)
April 12, 2023 11:00 |
13:00 |
Florian Schur |
July 3, 2023 09:00 |
July 7, 2023 18:00 |
Particle systems with singular interaction for Wasserstein-type diffusion.
Vitalii Konarovskyi
(University of Bielefeld)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2023 17:15 |
18:15 |
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo |
Cellular communication by means of electricity
Mirna Kramar
(Institut Curie)
Seminar/Talk |
May 11, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
On the operator norm of tensors matrices involving Haar unitaries
Benoit Collins
(Kyoto University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 27, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Non-commutative Hilbert schemes and Hall algebras
Sergey Mozgovoy
(Trinity College Dublin)
Seminar/Talk |
April 20, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying postsynaptic target cell type-dependent differences in presynaptic release properties
Zoltan Nusser
(Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Johann Danzl |
Dissecting the molecular mechanism of chikungunya virus cell-to-cell transmission
Kaïn van den Elsen
(Nanyang Technological University & University of Exeter)
Seminar/Talk |
May 5, 2023 10:30 |
11:30 |
Florian Schur |
Colloidal Nanocrystals & Supercrystals investigated by combined X-ray Scattering Techniques
Dr. Rainer T. Lechner
(Montanuniversitaet Leoben)
Seminar/Talk |
April 26, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Attosecond pulses for studying ultrafast electron dynamics
Anne L’Huillier
(Lund University)
Outreach |
January 29, 2024 18:00 |
19:00 |
Heinz Faßmann and Martin Hetzer |
Electronic phase diagram and nonlinear Hall effect in ionic liquid gated monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides semiconductor
Maosen Qin
(Peking University)
May 2, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Symmetrisation and the Feigin--Frenkel centre
Oksana Yakimova
(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Seminar/Talk |
May 11, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Senior ISTA Colloquium: Edelsbrunner & Heisenberg
Herbert Edelsbrunner & Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
Colloquium |
May 8, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jeremie Palacci |
Colloidal Nanocrystals of Metals and Intermetallics
Prof. Dr. Maksym Yarema
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
April 28, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
A novel molecular switch controls assembly and regulation of bacterial focal adhesions
Bouchra Attia
(Laboratoire d'ingenierie des systemes macromoleculaires, CNRS Marseille)
Seminar/Talk |
May 8, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Florian Schur |
David Vijatovic and Verena Hübschmann (NDT)
David Vijatovic and Verena Hübschmann
Seminar/Talk |
May 2, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Old and new capacitances
Roman Riwar
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
June 22, 2023 10:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Plantastic Day @ISTAresearch
May 17, 2023 09:00 |
17:00 |
"Non-genetic" sources of phenotypic variation: transgenerational plasticity, bet hedging and epigenetic mechanisms in marine stickleback
Lisa Shama
(Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research)
Seminar/Talk |
May 3, 2023 12:30 |
13:30 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
On Branching Random Walks in the transient regime
Amine Asselah
Seminar/Talk |
May 10, 2023 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
From Superconducting Circuits to Topological Insulator Floquet Modes: Singal Amplification and Generating Entanglement
Seyed Shabir Barzanjeh
(University of Calgary | CA)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2023 13:00 |
14:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Spatio-temporal dynamics of narrowband-gamma in the mouse early visual system
Laura Busse
(Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
May 11, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Wiktor Mlynarski and Maximilian Jösch |
On Erdos's sumset conjectures
Florian Richter
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
New materials and nanostructures in and in-between graphene monolayers
Jani Kotakoski
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
June 5, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Label propagation on Erdös-Rényi random graphs
Lyuben Lichev
(Jean Monnet University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 10, 2023 16:45 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Quantum optics using atomic arrays
Darrick Chang
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Cryo-electron tomography: The power of seeing the whole picture
Wolfgang Baumeister
(Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry)
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Microscopic life navigating with smart escapes
Daisuke Takagi
(University of Hawaii)
Seminar/Talk |
June 1, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Data Protection Training
June 13, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Legal Affairs |
What is wrong with the Nitrogen Cycle - and what can we do about it?
Christa Schleper
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
May 17, 2023 15:00 |
16:00 |
ISTA Sustainability Group |
Gap junction proteins and their molecular crew: Insights from C. elegans
Michaela Misova
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Word and graph embeddings for machine learning
Steven Skiena
(Stony Brook University)
Colloquium |
June 19, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner |
Asymptotic series for low-energy excitations of the Fröhlich polaron at strong coupling
David Mitrouskas
Seminar/Talk |
June 29, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Data Protection Training
June 26, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Legal Affairs |
The Correlation Energy of a Fermi Gas in the Mean-Field Regime
Martin Ravn
(LMU München)
Seminar/Talk |
June 1, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Statistical physics of molecular sorting in living cells
Elisa Floris
(Politecnico di Torino)
Seminar/Talk |
May 25, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Ivan Palaia (Saric group) |
Rational points in families of varieties
Daniel Loughran
(University of Bath)
Seminar/Talk |
June 22, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Topological superconductivity in phase-controlled Josephson junction arrays
Yuval Oreg
(Weizmann Institute of Science | Israel)
Seminar/Talk |
June 6, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Topology, molecular simulation, and machine learning as routes to exploring structure, dynamics, and phase behavior in atomic and molecular crystals
Mark Tuckerman
(New York University)
Colloquium |
November 6, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Bingqing Cheng |
The brain in action: evolutionarily conserved control strategies
Sten Grillner
(Karolinska Institute)
Colloquium |
October 5, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Tim Vogels |
Understanding and optimizing solution-processed systems
Vanessa Wood
Colloquium |
September 25, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Maria Ibanez |
Learning to see in the Data Age
Alex Bronstein
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Colloquium |
October 2, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Christoph Lampert |
Effects of land-sea distribution on the mid latitude climatic response to anthropogenic forcing
Claudia Pasquero
(Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Colloquium |
November 13, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Caroline Muller |
POSTPONED: Stars in the age of space asteroseismology: towards a coherent modeling of their dynamics along their evolution
Stephane Mathis
Colloquium |
November 20, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Lisa Bugnet |
Senior ISTA Colloquium: Chris Wojtan & Robert Seiringer
Chris Wojtan & Robert Seiringer
Colloquium |
November 27, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jeremie Palacci |
CANCELLED : The Institute Colloquium: Jennifer Dionne (Stanford)
Jennifer Dionne
(Stanford University)
Colloquium |
December 4, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Paul Schanda |
Measuring the knots & braids of non-Hermitian oscillators
Jack Harris
(Yale University)
Colloquium |
December 18, 2023 11:30 |
12:30 |
Onur Hosten |
To couple or to uncouple - transport steps in mitochondria that support mammalian life
Edmund Kunji
Colloquium |
January 15, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Paul Schanda |
CANCELED: Stars in the age of space asteroseismology: towards a coherent modeling of their dynamics along their evolution
Stephane Mathis
Colloquium |
January 22, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Lisa Bugnet |
Efficient and robust reversal learning
Angelika Steger
Colloquium |
January 29, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Uli Wagner |
Dissipation induced non-stationary complex quantum dynamics
Dieter Jaksch
(University of Hamburg)
Colloquium |
March 11, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Quantum circuit and the hierarchy of many-body entanglement
Xie Chen
Colloquium |
April 8, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
How much does Big-A talk to Little-a?
Andrew G. Clark
(Cornell University)
Colloquium |
April 15, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Quantitatively understanding of work related mobility in academia
Jeroen Dobbelaere
Colloquium |
April 22, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jeremie Palacci |
Learning from molecular dynamics simulations
Gerhard Hummer
(Max Planck Institute of Biophysics)
Colloquium |
April 29, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Oscillations and topology
Leonid Polterovich
(Tel Aviv University)
Colloquium |
May 6, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
Secrets of sex cells not written in DNA
Xiaoqi Feng
Seminar/Talk |
May 27, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jiří Friml |
Rules of engagement: molecular arms races between host and viral genomes.
Harmit Malik
(Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center)
Colloquium |
June 7, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Institute Colloquium: Speaker TBA
Institute Colloquium
Colloquium |
June 10, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Necrophagy, coprophagy, DaNGeRous indigestion and immunity to cancer
Caetano Reis e Sousa
(The Francis Crick Institute)
Colloquium |
June 17, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Michael Sixt |
New insights into Quantum Spin Hall-based Josephson junctions
Lucia Vigliotti
(University of Genova)
Seminar/Talk |
June 15, 2023 13:00 |
14:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Lessons from ants on the evolution of collectively developing systems
Adria Leboeuf
(University of Fribourg)
Seminar/Talk |
June 6, 2023 12:30 |
13:45 |
Sylvia Cremer |
Non-reciprocal quantum materials
Justin Song
(Nanyang Technological University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 23, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Visualizing the transcriptional landscape with tissue context
Nathalie Agudelo Duenas
Seminar/Talk |
June 6, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
The role of astrocyte calcium signaling in developing sensory domains
Vered Kellner
(Medical University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
June 13, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Moments of random characteristic polynomials
Paul Bourgade
(Courant Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
June 7, 2023 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Transport and renormalization via probabilistic Hessian estimates
Yair Shenfeld
Seminar/Talk |
June 7, 2023 16:45 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Arithmetic and Dynamics on Varieties of Markoff Type
Alexander Gamburd
(The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Seminar/Talk |
June 15, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Dissecting the lifecycle of bacteria - from environmental to patient samples
Gregor Weiss
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
June 15, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Florian Schur |
Biomimetic emulsions as a tool to investigate tissue mechanics in vitro and in vivo
Lea-Laetitia Pontani
Seminar/Talk |
June 22, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Principles of predictive representation learning in biological neural networks
Friedemann Zenke
(Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research)
Seminar/Talk |
June 27, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Vogels |
The roles of the habenula-interpeduncular pathways in the integration of interoception and exteroception for decision making
Hitoshi Okamoto
(RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
June 23, 2023 14:30 |
15:30 |
Ryuichi Shigemoto |
Seeking self-organizing principles of chick gastrulation
Mattia Serra
(University of California San Diego, Department of Physics)
Seminar/Talk |
June 21, 2023 10:00 |
11:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Invisible yet Critical — Hidden Polymorphs, Pre-Nucleation Clusters, and their Role in Molecular Crystallization
Michael Grünwald
(University of Utah)
Seminar/Talk |
July 13, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Special Condensed Matter Seminar: Heterostructures of Low-Dimensional Materials: Synthesis, Properties, and Device Applications
Gokul M. Anilkumar
(Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune)
Seminar/Talk |
July 3, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Static properties of an asymmetric impurity in a dipolar BEC
Prof. Jeremy R. Armstrong
(University of Nebraska at Kearney)
Seminar/Talk |
July 18, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Artem Volosniev (RG Serbyn) |
Glutamatergic drivers for spatial orientation and Tau propagation
Tim Viney
(Career Development Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford; Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
July 14, 2023 15:00 |
16:00 |
Sandra Siegert |
Data-driven theory reveals universal cell-cell interactions across distinct motile cells
Tom Brandstätter
(VU Amsterdam and LMU Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
October 20, 2023 15:00 |
16:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Excitation spectrum of a dilute Bose gas with an impurity
Jonas Lampart
(CNRS & ICB, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
Seminar/Talk |
July 26, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer / David Mitrouskas |
The length of the longest increasing subsequence in the Brownian separable permutons
William Da Silva
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2023 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Regularization of non-Hermitian matrices by noise
Hong Chang Ji
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
GKP code error-correction with robust ancilla error suppression
Christian Siegele
(QUANTIC (Quantum Information Circuits), Paris | FR)
Seminar/Talk |
July 27, 2023 13:00 |
14:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Numerical computations and thermodynamically complete models for inelastic behaviour in solids
Alexei Gazca
(University of Freiburg)
Seminar/Talk |
July 27, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer, Erika Maringova |
Understanding shape control of gold nanoparticles: a microscopic, atomistic perspective
Dr. Santosh Kumar Meena
(Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar)
Seminar/Talk |
August 29, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
The New Standard In Drug-Free Mental Health Therapy
Alessandro Venturino
xista Event |
September 19, 2023 16:00 |
18:00 |
ISTA Retreat
October 16, 2023 13:30 |
23:00 |
Top-down control of descending pain modulation via the periaqueductal gray
Matthew Banghart
(Assistant Professor of Neurobiology; University of California San Diego)
Seminar/Talk |
August 21, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Maximilian Jösch |
Engineering an on-chip THz time domain spectrometer for van der Waals materials
Alex Potts
(University of California)
August 25, 2023 10:00 |
11:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
The perks of being squishy: Archaea as a skillful mechanoresponsive machine
Alexandre Bisson
(Brandeis University)
Seminar/Talk |
September 14, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Martin Loose |
Elastic Microphase Separation Produces Bicontinuous Materials
Dr. Carla Fernandez Rico
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
September 4, 2023 13:45 |
14:45 |
Maria Ibáñez |
The global re-shuffling of species
Franz Essl
(University of Vienna)
Outreach |
December 13, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
Martin Hetzer |
Chemical neomorphs: Reprogramming biological circuits with small molecules
Georg E. Winter
(Medical University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2023 10:00 |
11:00 |
Gaia Novarino |
bigX 23
October 17, 2023 17:30 |
20:00 |
WoMen in Science
November 8, 2023 15:30 |
17:00 |
Hilde Janssens |
Evolution of Telencephalon Spatial Structures and Cell types
Amit Zeisel
Seminar/Talk |
August 28, 2023 15:00 |
16:00 |
Lora Sweeney |
Antibonding Electronic States: Not Always a Devil
Kanishka Biswas
(Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR),)
Seminar/Talk |
September 22, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Super-resolution Microscopy Developments for Tomorrow's Cell Biology
Joerg Bewersdorf
(Yale University School of Medicine)
Seminar/Talk |
August 31, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Johann Danzl |
How electron hydrodynamics can eliminate the Landauer-Sharvin resistance
Thomas Scaffidi
(UC Irvine)
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2023 09:00 |
10:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Rotational neural dynamics in the spinal cord and a new theory of movement
Rune W. Berg
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
September 19, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Disjointness in Ergodic and Number Theory
Manfred Einsiedler
(ETH Zürich)
Colloquium |
October 4, 2023 15:30 |
16:30 |
Vadim Kaloshin |
Taming Entropy in Colloidal Crystallization
Michael Engel
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Seminar/Talk |
September 29, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Spinors and vector bundles on algebraic curves
Nigel Hitchin
(University of Oxford)
Colloquium |
November 8, 2023 15:30 |
16:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Euler systems and the Birch—Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
Sarah Zerbes
(ETH Zürich)
Colloquium |
December 6, 2023 15:30 |
16:30 |
Tim Browning |
Discrete or continuous?
László Lovász
(ELTE and Rényi Institute)
Colloquium |
April 10, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Tim Browning |
Moments of families of quadratic L-functions over function fields via homotopy theory
Dan Petersen
(Stockholm University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 30, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Weak approximation on the norm one torus
Peter Koymans
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
October 12, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Synthesis planning, mechanistic analysis and discovery of new reaction classes in the age of computers
Bartosz Grzybowski
(UNIST - S. Korea)
Colloquium |
February 26, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Quantum Colloquium: Optomechanical and spin-based sensing for Fifth forces, Dark Matter, and other Beyond the Standard Model physics
Andrew Geraci
(Northwestern University | US)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Quantum Colloquium | Measuring high-amplitude quantum motion in a nanogram object
Jack Harris
(Yale University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 19, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Linear and Nonlinear Responses in Quantum Magnets (Quantum Colloquium)
Steve Winter
(Wake Forest University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 9, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Quantum Colloquium (Title: Searching for topological superconductors using ultrasound)
Brad Ramshaw
(Cornell University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Kim Modic |
Electric and magnetic moments of cold molecules and clusters entrapped in superfluid helium nanodroplets
Vitaly Kresin
Seminar/Talk |
October 24, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene
Christoph Stampfer
(RWTH Aachen)
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Investigating mechanisms of biomolecular self-organization with computational intelligence
Roberto Covino
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
Seminar/Talk |
October 5, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
Ultracold three-body scattering: from quantum gases to chemical reactions
Jinglun Li
(University of Ulm)
Seminar/Talk |
October 6, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Symplectic cohomology of conical symplectic resolutions
Alexander Ritter
(University of Oxford)
Seminar/Talk |
January 11, 2024 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
An invitation to symplectic mapping class groups
Ailsa Keating
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 16, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Classification of disordered insulators in 1D
Jacob Shapiro
(Princeton University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2023 14:15 |
15:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Dynamics of Josephson vortices and vortex molecules in coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Joachim Brand
(Massey University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 25, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Colloquium |
June 5, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Polarized Systems: From 3D Goes Down to Atomically-Thin 2D
Mingfeng Chen
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 6, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
How big is big enough? Unravelling the developmental control of tissue growth in the fly abdomen
Nicolas Tapon & Guillaume Salbreux
(Francis Crick Institute, University of Geneva)
Colloquium |
February 5, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Anna Kicheva |
Modeling the Navigational Circuitry of the Fly
Larry F. Abbott
(Columbia University in the City of New York, Center for Theoretical Neuoscience)
Seminar/Talk |
September 26, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tim Vogels |
EvoLunch: How reptiles can help us better understand the evolution of sex chromosomes
Michail Rovatsos
(Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University)
Seminar/Talk |
September 27, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Vicoso Group |
VCQlada Meeting | Conference Session I
Serbyn, Katsaros, Fink
Seminar/Talk |
October 19, 2023 14:00 |
15:30 |
Hosten, Fink, Katsaros, Lemeshko, Serbyn |
ISTA Lecture: Catherine Dulac (Harvard)
Catherine Dulac
(Harvard University)
Lecture |
September 30, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Simon Hippenmeyer |
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Proximity Proteomics to Uncover Neural Mechanisms of Adaptive and Maladaptive Synaptic Mechanisms
Scott Soderling
(Duke University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 3, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Tomas Masson |
Virtual Student Open Day
November 16, 2023 13:00 |
17:00 |
Fractional $R$-diagonal convolution, truncated single ring matrices, and dynamics of complex polynomial roots.
Andrew Campbell
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2023 15:15 |
16:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Elliptic Characteristic classes o matrix Schubert varieties: patterns and algebra
Andrzej Weber
(University of Warsaw)
Seminar/Talk |
October 19, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Kamil Rychlewicz |
A trade-floor of synaptic weights explores the operating principles of plasticity in networks with preserved weight distribution
Maayan Levy
(Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Vogels group |
Young Scientist Symposium 2023
Young Scientist Symposium 2023
November 9, 2023 09:00 |
20:00 |
Young Scientist Symposium Organizing Committee |
Towards thoughtful academic travel
Teun Bousema
(Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2023 14:33 |
14:33 |
Jeroen Dobbelaere |
Dynamic regulation of presynaptic function and plasticity in health and disease
Nils Brose
(Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Goettingen, Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Recent Developments in Overlap Region of Wall Bounded Turbulence
Hassan M. Nagib
(Illinois Institute of Technology | US)
Seminar/Talk |
March 4, 2024 14:30 |
15:30 |
Bjorn Hof |
Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Materials: from Unusual Order to Liquid States
George Jackeli
(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart)
Seminar/Talk |
February 27, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Synthesis and Characterization of γ-Graphyne, a Novel Allotrope of Carbon
Valentin O. Rodionov
(Case Western Reserve University, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering)
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Rafal Klajn |
Confined viscous flows: flowing in curved space and hydrodynamic interactions
Stephane Guillet
(ENS de Lyon)
Seminar/Talk |
November 2, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jérémie Palacci |
Determinantal point processes and quasi-free states on the CAR algebra
Eugene Lytvynov
(Swansea University, Wales)
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo |
Ramsey properties of random graphs
Yuval Wigderson
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
November 8, 2023 13:00 |
14:15 |
Matthew Kwan |
The wild wide world of human GABAA receptors
Radu Aricescu
Seminar/Talk |
November 28, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Mario De Bono |
On the canonical geometric structure of initial data for the Einstein equations
Michael Eichmair
(University of Vienna)
Colloquium |
March 6, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Jan Maas |
Sustainable transformation of our economic system
Prof Sigrid Stagl
(WU Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 2, 2023 10:00 |
11:00 |
Sustainability Group |
Quantum Boltzmann dynamics in Fermi gases
Esteban Cardenas
(UT Austin)
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
ELLIS Talk: Implicit bias in machine learning
Ohad Shamir
(Weizmann Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2023 14:00 |
15:00 |
Christoph Lampert |
Sums of odd-ly many fractions and the distribution of primes
Vivian Kuperberg
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
November 2, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
The dentate gyrus: A pattern separator driving formation of precise memories
Heinz Beck
(Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research, Life and Brain Center, University of Bonn Medical Center)
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions (MFPADs): A sensitive access to electronic structure and dynamics
Philipp Demekhin
(Uni Kassel)
Seminar/Talk |
December 7, 2023 11:00 |
12:15 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Multi-flavor quantum criticality
Arkady Shekhter
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Seminar/Talk |
November 9, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Kimberly Modic |
Correlated Order at the Tipping Point in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 P.J.W. Moll
Philip Moll
(Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
Seminar/Talk |
November 13, 2023 15:00 |
16:15 |
Kimberly Modic |
Designing Polymeric Nanofiltration Membranes that Exhibit Multi-faceted Properties
John Hoffman
( National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg)
November 6, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Winter Bash
December 14, 2023 16:00 |
22:00 |
Playing with Active Matter
Giovanni Volpe
(University of Gothenburg)
November 10, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Why do surgeons sleep better with plasticity in their knots?
Pedro M. Reis
(École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2023 10:00 |
11:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Self-propulsion and self-oscillations of Leidenfrost droplets
Ambre Bouillant
(Université Paris Cité)
Seminar/Talk |
November 16, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Stability for the logarithmic Sobolev inequality
Giovanni Brigati
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Jan Maas |
Structural insights into the activation of the classical complement system
Leoni Abendstein
November 27, 2023 10:30 |
11:30 |
Martin Loose |
Fundamental study of small-scale processes in the atmosphere and in the ocean
Caroline Muller
Colloquium |
December 14, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Francesca Pellicciotti |
The geometric Satake isomorphism for twisted reductive groups
Timo Richarz
(TU Darmstadt)
Seminar/Talk |
November 23, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
NDT talks
Tomas Masson
(ISTA, Jösch Group)
November 14, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Discrete Maths Meeting
Masaryk University, TU Graz, University of Passau
Seminar/Talk |
November 24, 2023 11:00 |
19:00 |
Matthew Kwan |
Representation equivalent Neural Operators
Rima Alaifari
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
November 23, 2023 15:00 |
16:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Solutions of the semigeostrophic equation on a rotating sphere
Lauro Silini
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
December 19, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Jan Maas |
The low density Fermi gas in three dimensions
Emanuela Giacomelli
(LMU München)
Seminar/Talk |
November 28, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Linear Eigenvalue Statistics at the Cusp
Volodymyr Riabov
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
NDT by Sandra Siegert and Jake Watson
Sandra Siegert and Jake Watson
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Sophie Falkeis
November 16, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
Stochastic formulas for determinants of Laplacians
Isao Sauzedde
(University of Warwick)
Seminar/Talk |
November 20, 2023 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
A regularized Kellerer theorem in arbitrary dimension
Benjamin Robinson
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 20, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
4-Year Colloquium: Scott Waitukaitis
Scott Waitukaitis
Colloquium |
May 17, 2023 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jeremie Palacci |
Materials and reaction mechanisms in main group redox chemistries
Stefan Freunberger
Colloquium |
January 12, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
A tale of two rabbits: how identical materials are helping us unlock the secrets of "static electricity"
Scott Waitukaitis
Colloquium |
May 17, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Jeremie Palacci |
Differentially Private Algorithms for Statistical Estimation Problems
Rachel Cummings
(Columbia University)
November 27, 2023 13:35 |
14:35 |
Monika Henzinger |
Open Campus
Outreach |
June 9, 2024 12:00 |
18:00 |
Gender-based violence in research organisations: prevalence, consequences, and conceptual dilemmas
Sofia Strid, Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Senior Lecturer in Sociology and UniSAFE Scientific Coordinator
(University of Gothenburg)
February 12, 2024 14:00 |
16:00 |
Hilde Janssens |
Modelling the genetic basis of human complex traits
Matt Robinson
Colloquium |
April 26, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Beatriz Vicoso |
Maria Ibañez
Colloquium |
June 28, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Spectral estimates for Schrödinger operators with Neumann boundary conditions on Hölder domains
Charlotte Dietze
(University of Munich)
Seminar/Talk |
January 9, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Matroid secretary problem with random assignment and almost no prior information
Ivan Sergeev
(ETH Zurich)
Seminar/Talk |
December 7, 2023 11:00 |
12:15 |
May 13, 2024 12:00 |
May 16, 2024 14:00 |
Inference in High Dimensions: Information Theoretic Limits and Efficient Algorithms
Marco Mondelli
Colloquium |
March 15, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Dan Alistarh |
Prethermalization for deformed Wigner matrices
Joscha Henheik
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
From Electro-Fluidic Coupling to Friction Engineering: electric current generation and flow tunnelling
Baptiste Coquinot
(ENS Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
February 2, 2024 13:00 |
14:15 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
A Geometric Tension Dynamics Model of Epithelial Convergent Extension
Nikolas Claussen
(UC Santa Barbara)
Seminar/Talk |
December 14, 2023 13:00 |
14:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
Majorana states in a three-site Kitaev chain
Alberto Bordin
(QuTech, Delft University of Technology | NL)
Seminar/Talk |
January 30, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Higher moments of elliptic curves
Bartosz Naskręcki
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 14, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Higher moments of elliptic curves
Bartosz Naskręcki
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 14, 2023 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
The invariant measure of the 2D Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic
Ilya Chevyrev
(University of Edinburgh)
Seminar/Talk |
December 18, 2023 15:45 |
17:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Different behaviours of the N-particle branching random walk
Zsofia Talyigas
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
December 18, 2023 17:00 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Conference "Physics of cell fate decisions"
Conference |
May 13, 2024 12:00 |
May 16, 2024 14:00 |
Gasper Tkacik |
Microglia functions from development to neurodegeneration
Florent Ginhoux
(Gustave Roussy Hospital, France)
Seminar/Talk |
December 20, 2023 16:00 |
17:00 |
Sandra Siegert |
Pattern formation in collective cell migration
Jean-François Joanny
(Collège de France)
Seminar/Talk |
January 8, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Edouard Hannezo |
The invention of nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World
Andrea Wulf
Lecture |
June 18, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Martin Hetzer & Gaia Novarino |
Magic in many body systems
Marcello Dalmonte
Seminar/Talk |
January 23, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Generalized empirical covariance matrices and large deviations
Jonathan Husson
(University of Michigan)
Seminar/Talk |
December 21, 2023 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Genetics to Revelation
Mario de Bono
Colloquium |
March 8, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Interfacing free electrons and light using photonic integrated circuits
Guanhao Huang
(EPFL (Switzerland))
Seminar/Talk |
January 11, 2024 13:30 |
14:30 |
Johannes Fink |
Neuronal subtype specification in the developing nervous system by a shared temporal TF sequence
Andreas Sagner
(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Seminar/Talk |
January 18, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Lora Sweeney |
Mechano-chemical active feedback generates convergence extension in epithelial tissue
Aondoyima Gerald Ioratim-Uba
(Bristol University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 10, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
CRISPR jumps ahead: mechanistic insights into CRISPR-associated transposons
Irma Querques
(MaxPerutz laboratories )
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Florian Schur |
Storm and Drama: How Theater for the Future can create cultural shifts toward sustainability
Gloria Benedikt
(Human Frontier Science Program)
Seminar/Talk |
January 18, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
ISTA Sustainability Group |
Integrated spatial planning for Nature and People
Piero Visconti
Seminar/Talk |
January 30, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
ISTA Sustainability Group |
Higgs bundles and the topology of higher Teichmüller spaces
Oscar Garcia-Prada
(ICMAT, Madrid)
Seminar/Talk |
January 18, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Beyond the Fröhlich Hamiltonian: Large polarons in anharmonic solids
Matthew Houtput
(University of Antwerp)
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2024 13:30 |
15:00 |
Ragheed Alhyder |
Multiplicative disinhibition and the logic of motion vision
Lukas Groschner
(Medical University of Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
January 23, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Maximilian Joesch |
Superconducting Quantum Interference at the Atomic Scale
Christian Ast
(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research | Germany)
Seminar/Talk |
March 12, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Quantum computing with trapped-ion qudits
Martin Ringbauer
(University of Innsbruck (Austria))
Colloquium |
April 2, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment with two Bose-Einstein condensates
Philipp Treutlein
(University of Basel (Switzerland))
Colloquium |
April 23, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms: Sailing the quantum seas | Talk by Frédéric Chevy
Frédéric Chevy
(ENS - École normale supérieure Paris (France))
Colloquium |
May 7, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Quantum verification with few copies
Borivoje Dakić
(University of Vienna / Austria)
Colloquium |
May 21, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Quantum Colloquium | Talk by Alberto Morpurgo
Alberto Morpurgo
(University of Geneva (Switzerland))
Colloquium |
May 28, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Quantum control of a cat-qubit with bit-flip times exceeding ten seconds
Zaki Leghtas
(INRIA, ENS - École normale supérieure Paris (France))
Colloquium |
June 4, 2024 11:00 |
11:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Quantum State Transfer in Semiconductor Quantum Dot Arrays
Gloria Platero
(Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), Spain)
Colloquium |
June 18, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
xista talk | Roland Tschismarov, Loop Lab Bio
Roland Tschismarov, Head of Translational Research
xista Event |
January 18, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Strong convergence of random matrices with latent geometries
Charles Bordenave
(Aix-Marseille Université)
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2024 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Expected hitting time estimates on finite graphs
Yuwen Wang
(Universität Innsbruck)
Seminar/Talk |
January 22, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Curve classes on conic bundle threefolds and applications to rationality
Soumya Sankar
(Utrecht University)
Seminar/Talk |
January 25, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
New Year's Kick-off
New Year's Kick-off
January 24, 2024 10:00 |
11:30 |
7th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics
July 22, 2024 09:00 |
July 26, 2024 17:00 |
Matthew Robinson |
Shifted Lagrange multipliers method
Young-Hoon Kiem
(KIAS, Seoul)
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel / Jakub Löwit |
Low-temperature dependence of the superfluid density in strongly disordered superconductors.
Anton Khvalyuk
Seminar/Talk |
January 24, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
The spectrum of the Ekman boundary layer problem
Borbála Gerhát
(CTU, Prague)
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
Estimating molecular motions from cryo-EM images with DynaMight
Johannes Schwab
(LMB-MRC Cambridge )
Seminar/Talk |
February 26, 2024 14:00 |
15:00 |
Florian Schur |
Quantum control by effective counterdiabatic driving
Sandro Wimberger
((Parma University))
Seminar/Talk |
April 25, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko / Artem Volosniev |
Upper bound for the grand canonical free energy of the Bose gas in the Gross-Pitaevskii limit for general interaction potentials
Andreas Deuchert
(University of Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
February 13, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Robert Seiringer |
ISTA Egg Hunt
March 21, 2024 16:00 |
March 22, 2024 16:00 |
Prof. Nova Cypher & ISTA Cabinet Noir |
SFB Q-M&S Summer School 2024
Conference |
September 23, 2024 08:50 |
September 27, 2024 18:30 |
Laplacians on Infinite Graphs
Noema Nicolussi
(TU Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
February 20, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Jan Maas |
Sheaves on Stratified Spaces
Jens Eberhardt
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
March 21, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Jakub Löwit |
Rotational control of nanoparticles levitated in vacuum
James Millen
(King’s College London)
Seminar/Talk |
February 23, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
52nd European Mathematical Genetics Meeting
April 3, 2024 09:00 |
April 4, 2024 17:00 |
Macroscopic regularity from microscopic complexity
Lennart Dabelow
(Queen Mary University of London)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
3rd ISTA Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics
June 10, 2024 09:00 |
June 14, 2024 14:00 |
László Erdős, Julian Fischer, Jan Maas, Robert Seiringer |
FENS satellite event On Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses
(Jonas Group)
Conference |
June 24, 2024 10:00 |
19:00 |
Peter Jonas |
Derivation of mean-field models for sedimenting particles with small inertia
Richard Schubert
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
March 5, 2024 17:15 |
18:15 |
Julian Fischer |
ISTA-FKNE-CHET Young PI Symposium
June 23, 2024 09:45 |
21:00 |
Lora Sweeney, Sandra Siegert |
Motor Control Across Scales
February 23, 2024 08:15 |
21:30 |
Lora Sweeney |
Cold and Controlled Molecules & Ions 2024 (CCMI 2024)
Conference |
September 2, 2024 11:30 |
September 6, 2024 13:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Delocalization for Random Schrödinger Operators on Tree Graphs with small disorder
Lorenzo Pigozzi
Seminar/Talk |
March 12, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
How Do Biological Tissues Program Rigidity Transitions (and Can We Make Materials Do That, Too?)
Lisa Manning
(Syracuse University)
Colloquium |
November 4, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Carl Goodrich |
Senior-ISTA Colloquium: Nicholas Barton & Christoph Lampert
Nicholas Barton & Christoph Lampert
Colloquium |
March 4, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jeremie Palacci |
ISTA Informationsabend für Klosterneuburger Bürger:innen
March 21, 2024 18:00 |
21:00 |
Motor Control Across Scales
June 24, 2024 08:15 |
21:30 |
Lora Sweeney |
Relative Langlands duality of singular automorphic periods
Eric Yen-Yo Chen
(EPFL, Lausanne)
Seminar/Talk |
March 14, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Microwave photonic devices in superconducting circuit
Zenghui Bao
(Tsinghua University Beijing | CN)
Seminar/Talk |
April 11, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Non-equilibrium fluctuations, conservative stochastic PDE, and parabolic-hyperbolic PDE with irregular drift
Benjamin Fehrman
(Louisiana State University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 19, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Towards robust Majorana modes: from Lutchyn-Oreg model to Poor Man's Majorana using Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states
Di Xu
(TU Delft | Netherlands)
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Finding the needle in the haystack: machine learning for rare event simulations
Christoph Dellago
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
March 19, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Mechanical Critical Phenomena in Biopolymer Networks
Fred MacKintosh
(Rice University)
Seminar/Talk |
March 18, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Carl Goodrich |
Spring Festival International Day 2024
Internal Event |
May 28, 2024 15:00 |
21:00 |
Event Office |
Long Night of Research
Outreach |
May 24, 2024 17:00 |
23:00 |
Concentration of measure for thermal distributions of quantum states
Cornelia Vogel
(University of Tübingen)
Seminar/Talk |
March 26, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Quantitative stochastic homogenization of non-linear problems arising in mechanics
Nicolas Clozeau
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2024 15:45 |
16:45 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
Soft and adaptive active systems: towards cell-mimetic microdevices
Laura Alvarez
(University of Bordeaux)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Andela Saric |
Laser noise suppression in levitated optomechanics using squeezed light
Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero
(TU Vienna | AT)
Seminar/Talk |
April 9, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Adversarial Training Should Be Cast as a Non-Zero-Sum Game
Volkan Cevher
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Zigzag strategy for Wigner matrices
Joscha Henheik
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
Multi-Scaled Simulations and Modelling of Novel Materials and Electronic Devices
Vihar Georgiev
(University of Glasgow)
Seminar/Talk |
April 17, 2024 09:30 |
10:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Double-perovskite materials as a platform for studying spin-orbit-lattice entangled state
Young-June Kim
(University of Toronto)
Seminar/Talk |
April 24, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Kimberly Modic |
Dr. Salil Vadhan "Differential privacy: from theory to practice and back"
Salil Vadhan
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
April 16, 2024 14:00 |
15:30 |
Monika Henzinger |
Instinctive behavior circuit development is shaped by sensory input, sex, and function
Harris Kaplan
(HHMI Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Catherine Dulac Lab, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 21, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Sweeney Group |
The leading constant in Malle’s conjecture
Tim Santens
(KU Leuven)
Seminar/Talk |
April 18, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Universality limits via canonical systems
Benjamin Eichinger
(TU Wien)
Seminar/Talk |
April 23, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Chemistry Colloquium - Singlet oxygen formation in Ni-rich cathodes for Li-ion batteries
Annalena Genreith-Schriever
(University of Cambridge)
Colloquium |
June 13, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Stefan Freunberger |
A multimodal Atlas of Alzheimer's Disease to Arrange Molecular and Cellular Changes Along Disease Progression
Mariano Ignacio Gabitto
(Allen Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
May 10, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Lora Sweeney |
Concentration of measure in interacting particle systems
David Padilla-Garza
Seminar/Talk |
May 14, 2024 16:15 |
17:15 |
Julian Fischer |
Talk: The viral authors of evolution
William Henriques
(Montana State University)
April 23, 2024 10:00 |
11:30 |
Alicia Michael |
Ultrastrong coupling between Andreev bound states and a high impedance lumped-element resonator
Oleg Shvetsov
(Chalmers University | Sweden)
Seminar/Talk |
April 29, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Anton Bubis (Andrew Higginbotham) |
Joint Moments
Jon Keating
(University of Oxford)
Colloquium |
May 8, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Tim Browning |
Lorentz gas with small scatterers; some non-standard Limit Theorems
Henk Bruin
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 22, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
PDE in Control — Applications in Finance and Learning
Xin Zhang
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
April 22, 2024 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
The two-periodic Aztec diamond
Sunil Chhita
(Durham University)
Seminar/Talk |
June 3, 2024 15:45 |
16:45 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
Localization Schemes
Yuansi Chen
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
June 3, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
Fascination Plant Day Walk
Isabella Klebinger
Internal Event |
April 30, 2024 14:00 |
16:00 |
Jeroen Dobbelaere |
Square roots for symplectic L-functions and Reidemeister torsion
Amina Abdurrahman
(IHES, Paris)
Seminar/Talk |
May 2, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Distance problems for typical norms
Noga Alon
(Princeton University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 7, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Matthew Kwan |
Discrete and continues duality algebras
Leonid Monin
(EPFL, Lausanne)
Seminar/Talk |
May 8, 2024 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
The Bose gas with a short-range impurity potential
Moritz Drescher
(Heidelberg University)
Seminar/Talk |
May 7, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Robert Seiringer |
"Efficiently computing efficiently implementable correlated noise mechanisms for differentially private machine learning."
Dj Dvijotham
May 8, 2024 10:00 |
11:30 |
Monika Henzinger |
LEAF Start and Green Labs ISTA
Jeroen Dobbelaere and Green Labs ISTA
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Jeroen Dobbelaere |
Aspects of Random Simplicial Complexes
Roy Meshulam
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Seminar/Talk |
May 8, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Matthew Kwan |
Expanding the accessible chemical space by utilizing traditional organic chemistry, small transition- metal catalysts, and enzymes
Julia Reisenbauer
(Caltech (Arnold Group))
Colloquium |
August 8, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Bartholomäus Pieber |
Resonant (laser) excitation of the Thorium-229 nucleus
Thorsten Schumm
(Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics / TU Vienna)
Colloquium |
June 11, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Making and Unmaking Vinyl Polymers via Radical Polymerizations
Athina Anastasaki
(ETH Zürich, Department of Materials,)
Colloquium |
June 27, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Rafal Klajn |
Cryo-electron microscopy with a laser phase plate
Petar N. Petrov
(University of California, Berkeley)
Seminar/Talk |
May 8, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Chemistry Colloquium
Arne Thomas
(TU Berlin)
Colloquium |
September 19, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Bartholomäus Pieber |
On the Bernstein decomposition of the stable cocenter
Ngo Bao Chau
(University of Chicago)
Seminar/Talk |
May 16, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Journalist in Residence Workshop: The “polyreportage” as an innovative way of (science) storytelling
Sigrid März, ISTA 2024 Journalist in Residence
(Freelance journalist)
May 27, 2024 09:00 |
17:00 |
Sigrid März, ISTA 2024 Journalist in Residence |
Human & Machine
Harald Schnidar,
xista Event |
June 4, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Edmundo R. Sánchez Guajardo |
Fibration method over F_q(t)
Elyes Boughattas
(University of Bath)
Seminar/Talk |
May 23, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Massive Particle Systems, Wasserstein Brownian Motions, and the Dean--Kawasaki SPDE
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Seminar/Talk |
May 28, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Jan Maas |
Classical dynamics of infinite particle systems in an operator algebraic framework
Christiaan van de Ven
(University of Würzburg)
Seminar/Talk |
June 18, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Robert Seiringer |
Journalist in Residence Workshop: Transferring scientific data to science journalism. What could possibly go wrong?
Sigrid März, ISTA 2024 Journalist in Residence
June 17, 2024 13:00 |
17:00 |
Sigrid März, ISTA 2024 Journalist in Residence |
Atoms and charge beyond type A
Jacinta Perez Gavilan Torres
(Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
Seminar/Talk |
June 20, 2024 13:00 |
14:30 |
Tamas Hausel |
Outreach |
June 9, 2024 12:00 |
July 5, 2024 16:00 |
Carla Casadevall
(ICIQ & University of Rovira I Virgili )
Colloquium |
October 3, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Bart Pieber |
Oxygen-redox Chemistry in High Energy Density Battery Cathodes
Robert House
Colloquium |
October 31, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Stefan Freunberger |
Oliver Dumele
Colloquium |
November 14, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Bart Pieber |
Counting Minimally Ramified Global Fields
Mark Shusterman
(Weizmann Institute)
Seminar/Talk |
June 13, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
The Hadwiger Theorem
Monika Ludwig
(TU Wien)
Colloquium |
June 5, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Jan Maas |
Special Condensed Matter Seminar
Dr. Blesson Sam Varghese
(University of Basel)
June 14, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
A geometric approach to the charge statistics
Leonardo Patimo
(University of Freiburg)
Seminar/Talk |
June 20, 2024 14:30 |
16:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Entangled states are typically incomparable
Matt Kwan
Seminar/Talk |
June 18, 2024 17:30 |
18:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Closing Conversations–A Picnic at the Pond
Julia Carrillo, Sigrid März, Maximilian Prüfer
June 25, 2024 16:00 |
20:00 |
Future of Machine Learning Symposium
Conference |
July 19, 2024 09:00 |
18:00 |
Christoph Lampert and Francesco Locatello |
Future Directions in Statistics Symposium
Conference |
July 29, 2024 09:00 |
18:00 |
Matthew Robinson |
VISTA Sommercampus Kids & Juniors
July 29, 2024 08:00 |
August 2, 2024 15:15 |
VISTA Science Experiences |
Reticular Nanoscience: Bottom-Up Assembly Nanotechnology
Stefan Wuttke
(BCMaterials, Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures)
Seminar/Talk |
July 12, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Maria Ibanez |
Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Cutting-Edge Optoelectronic and Synaptic Technologies
Dr. Shreyasi Das
(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India)
June 24, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
When and why do efficient algorithms exist (for constraint satisfaction and beyond)?
Venkatesan Guruswami
(UC Berkeley)
Seminar/Talk |
July 1, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
The Grunwald Problem for solvable groups
Julian Demeio
(University of Bath)
Seminar/Talk |
June 27, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Nano- and micro-scale phonon-mediated thermal transport in ion irradiated and nanostructured solid-state materials
Zhandos Utegulov
(Nazarbayev University in Astana | Kazakhstan)
Seminar/Talk |
July 4, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Zhanybek Alpichshev |
Insight into p62 mediated condensation and cargoes recognition
Alberto Danieli
(Max Perutz Labs, Vienna)
July 5, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Martin Loose |
Molecular oxygen can be an awkward demand of us absolutely aerobic organisms
Yasuo Mori
(Kyoto University)
Seminar/Talk |
July 15, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Shigemoto Group |
Life Science Retreat
October 17, 2024 08:00 |
October 18, 2024 16:00 |
Life Science Area |
Towards the scaling limit of the intrinsic metric for two-dimensional critical percolation clusters
Jason Miller
(University of Cambridge)
Seminar/Talk |
November 18, 2024 15:45 |
16:45 |
M. Beiglböck, N. Berestycki, L. Erdös, J. Maas, F. Toninelli, E. Schertzer |
Hyperbolic branching Brownian motion
Wolfgang Woess
(TU Graz)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
Inductive Biases for Robot Learning
Jan Peters
(Computer Science Department of the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)
Colloquium |
December 2, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Christoph Lampert |
Fitness landscapes for the study of eco-evolutionary dynamics (Claudia Bank)
Claudia Bank
(University of Bern)
Seminar/Talk |
July 17, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Barton group |
Crazy Telescopes, Ghostly Galaxies, and the Invisible Universe
Roberto Abraham
(University of Toronto)
Colloquium |
October 28, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Ilaria Caiazzo |
Technology Transfer: From Astronomy to Medicine and Recycling
Tanya Urrutia
(Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP))
Colloquium |
November 11, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jorryt Matthee |
Astronomy Symposium
Conference |
October 22, 2024 09:30 |
17:00 |
Jorryt Matthee |
Institute Colloquium: Karolin Luger, University of Colorado Boulder
Karolin Luger
(University of Colorado Boulder)
Colloquium |
February 3, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Alicia Michaels |
Young Scientist Symposium
Conference |
November 6, 2024 08:00 |
18:00 |
Magnonic superconductivity
Khachatur Nazaryan
Seminar/Talk |
July 26, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Entanglement enabled probes of open quantum systems
Kater Murch
(Washington University in St. Louis (USA))
Colloquium |
October 1, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Johannes Fink |
Correlations in neuromodulatory codes during different learning processes
Balint Kiraly
July 18, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Max Joesch |
From Loss Landscape Geometry to Weight Recovery in Neural Networks
Flavio Martinelli
Seminar/Talk |
July 30, 2024 13:00 |
14:00 |
Tim Vogels |
Repeated evolution and the coupling of barrier to gene exchanges in Littorina snails (Alan Le Moan)
Alan Le Moan
(Sorbonne Universite / CNRS)
Seminar/Talk |
October 16, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Louise Fouqueau (Barton group) |
WABI-SABI Materials: a Path to Harvest Wasted Heat
Maria Ibañez
Seminar/Talk |
October 14, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Institute Colloquium: Simona Bordoni, University of Trento
Simona Bordoni
(University of Trento)
Colloquium |
February 10, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Caroline Muller |
bigX 24
Conference |
September 19, 2024 17:00 |
22:00 |
From Algorithms to Startups: A Journey of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Micah Adler
xista Event |
September 18, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Edmundo R. Sánchez Guajardo |
Minimal Kitaev chains: toward coherent experiments with Majorana states
Ruben Seoane Souto
(The Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) | Spain)
Seminar/Talk |
October 29, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Transcendental Brauer—Manin obstructions on singular K3 surfaces
Rachel Newton
(King`s College London)
Seminar/Talk |
November 14, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Hitchin WKB analysis in higher rank
Szilard Szabo
(University of Budapest)
Seminar/Talk |
November 21, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Postdoc Lunch Nir Shavit
Nir Shavit
xista Event |
September 19, 2024 12:00 |
13:30 |
CANCELLED: Drunk T. Tubifex Worms: How are active polymers different from real polymers? (IgNobel prize for Chermistry 2024)
CANCELLED: Daniel Bonn
(University of Amsterdam)
Colloquium |
October 21, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Source-to-detector nanophotonics for advanced X-ray imaging
Simo Pajovic
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | USA)
Seminar/Talk |
October 8, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Symmetry preserving quantum channels and their minimal output entropy
Jan Philip Solovej
(University of Copenhagen)
Seminar/Talk |
September 24, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Robert Seiringer |
Transfer operator approach to 1D random band matrices
Mariya Shcherbina
(Institute of Low Temp. Physics, Kharkov)
Seminar/Talk |
October 21, 2024 15:45 |
16:45 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
On Selmer groups of cyclic twist families of elliptic curves over global function fields
Sun Woo Park
Seminar/Talk |
October 10, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Leveraging rich behavioral phenotyping to identify information processing changes due to a high-risk ASD gene
David Kastner
(University California)
September 24, 2024 12:30 |
13:30 |
Tim Vogels |
The Schrödinger equations as inspiration of beautiful mathematics
Gigliola Staffilani
(MIT Mathematics)
Colloquium |
November 27, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Robert Seiringer |
IST-BRIDGE Postdoctoral Fellowship Celebration event
November 21, 2024 14:00 |
20:00 |
Postdoctoral Office |
S-dual of Hamiltonian G spaces and relative Langlands duality
Hiraku Nakajima
Seminar/Talk |
October 3, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
New Methods and Materials in Quantum Emitter Science
Hendrik Utzat
(UC Berkeley)
Seminar/Talk |
January 9, 2025 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maria Ibáñez |
Jaroslav Fabian
(University of Regensburg (Germany))
Colloquium |
November 12, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Lead-halide-perovskite analogues of high-energy phenomena
Artem Volosniev
(Aarhus University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 8, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Finite free probability and universality principles for roots of entire functions
Andrew Campbell
Seminar/Talk |
October 1, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Illuminating Electron Correlations
Eugene Demler
( ETH Zürich)
Colloquium |
November 5, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
"The concept of Fisher information in wave scattering"
Stefan Rotter
(TU Wien)
Colloquium |
October 15, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn and Johannes Fink |
Moduli spaces for nodal Riemann surfaces
Anton Mellit
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 28, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
(I) Fourier transform as a triangular matrix / (II) Strata in reductive groups
George Lusztig
(MIT Mathematics)
Seminar/Talk |
October 17, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Inaugural lecture - Denitsa Baykusheva and Florian Praetorius
Denitsa Baykusheva and Florian Praetorius
Colloquium |
October 7, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Inaugural lecture: Jack Bravo and Ilaria Caiazzo
Jack Bravo and Ilaria Caiazzo
Colloquium |
December 9, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jeremie Palacci |
Convergent Minds and the Evolution of Complex Cognition
Onur Güntürkün
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Colloquium |
November 19, 2024 11:30 |
12:30 |
Sandra Siegert |
Quantum simulation with tunable multi-body interactions in periodically driven Rydberg atom arrays
Johannes Feldmeier
(Harvard University)
Seminar/Talk |
October 22, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn and Jean Yves-Desaules |
Bain Career Event for Scientists
(Bain & Company)
Course/Training |
March 6, 2025 16:00 |
19:00 |
Postdoctoral Office |
Diversity in Science
November 19, 2024 15:30 |
17:15 |
Equity Diversity and Inclusion Office |
Negative moments of the Riemann zeta function
Alexandra Florea
Seminar/Talk |
October 23, 2024 14:00 |
16:00 |
Tim Browning |
Uniqueness on average of large isoperimetric sets in noncompact manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature
Daniele Semola
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Jan Maas |
Virtual Student Open Day
November 20, 2024 13:00 |
17:00 |
(Neural)-signature methods, applications in finance and some research questions
Christa Cuchiero
(University of Vienna)
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Marco Mondelli |
Nesting of double-dimer loops and CLE(4)
Misha Basok
(University of Helsinki)
Seminar/Talk |
October 21, 2024 17:00 |
18:00 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
talk of Mikhail Feigel'man
Mikhail Feigel'man
(Nanocenter, Ljubljana | SI)
Seminar/Talk |
January 27, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Georgios Katsaros, Mikhail Lemeshko, Maksym Serbyn |
Quantum K-theory of flag varieties
Xiaohan Yan
(Sorbonne Université)
Seminar/Talk |
October 31, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Stars Disrupted, Destroyed and Coalesced
Iair Arcavi
(Tel Aviv University)
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Astronomers |
Inaugural Lecture. Alicia Michael and Alex Bronstein
Alicia Michael and Alex Bronstein
Colloquium |
January 13, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Institute Colloquium: Irene Tracey, Oxford University
Irene Tracey
(Oxford University)
Colloquium |
February 17, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Institute Colloquium: Teri W. Odom, Northwestern University
Teri W. Odom
(Northwestern University)
Colloquium |
March 17, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Latha Venkataraman |
Institute Colloquium: Eva Kanso, University of Southern California
Eva Kanso
(University of Southern California)
Colloquium |
March 10, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Institute Colloquium: Detlef Lohse, University of Twente
Detlef Lohse
(University of Twente)
Colloquium |
April 14, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Björn Hof |
Contact and junction resistances in 2D semiconductors
Aleksandar Matkovic
(Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria))
Seminar/Talk |
November 8, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Hryhoriy Polshyn |
Sharp comparison between the 1-Wasserstein distance and its sliced version
Guillaume Carlier
(Paris Dauphine University)
Seminar/Talk |
November 5, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Jan Maas |
Next Generation Superconducting Circuits
Xanthe Croot
(University of Sydney | AUS)
Seminar/Talk |
November 13, 2024 09:30 |
10:30 |
Johannes Fink |
Inaugural Talk: Samara Ren and Michael Sammler
Samara Ren and Michael Sammler
Colloquium |
February 24, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Andela Saric |
Cryptococcal wars: battles of the brain with killer fungi
Rachael Dangarembizi
(University of Cape Town)
Seminar/Talk |
November 18, 2024 12:45 |
13:45 |
Tim Vogels |
Art-Inspired Curved Crease Origami Research
Klara Mundilova
Seminar/Talk |
November 7, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Samara Ren |
“The quantum limits of precision and timekeeping”
Marcus Huber
(TU Wien)
Colloquium |
November 19, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn |
Multi-resolvent local laws for differently deformed Wigner matrices and applications in mathematical physics
Oleksii Kolupaiev
Seminar/Talk |
November 12, 2024 16:30 |
17:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Novel quantum dynamics with superconducting qubits
Pedram Roushan
(Google Quantum AI, USA)
Seminar/Talk |
November 26, 2024 11:00 |
12:00 |
Maksym Serbyn and Johannes Fink |
On a geometric problem of machine learning
Richard Rimanyi
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Seminar/Talk |
December 19, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tamas Hausel |
Momentum Distribution of Interacting Fermions in the Random Phase Approximation
Niels Benedikter
(University of Milan)
Seminar/Talk |
November 19, 2024 16:00 |
17:00 |
Robert Seiringer |
Exponential sums over finite fields in many variables
Emmanuel Kowalski
(ETH Zürich)
Seminar/Talk |
December 12, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Asymptotic distribution of wildly ramified extensions of function fields.
Seguin Béranger
(Universität Paderborn)
Seminar/Talk |
December 5, 2024 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
Freeze! Show Your Hands… Apprehending Motion and Handedness to Get the Most from Cryo-Electron Tomography
Martin Obr
(Thermo Fisher Scientific)
November 22, 2024 10:00 |
11:40 |
Alicia Michael & Florian Schur |
PGL2-character varieties and Langlands duality over finite fields
Tommaso Scognamiglio
Seminar/Talk |
January 16, 2025 13:00 |
15:00 |
Tim Browning |
On Isings Model of Ferromagnetism
Peter Armitage
(Johns Hopkins University)
Seminar/Talk |
February 11, 2025 11:00 |
12:00 |
Zhanybek Alpischev |
Quantum Colloquium | Tracy Northup (Univ. Innsbruck)
Tracy Northup
(University of Innsbruck (Austria))
Seminar/Talk |
February 25, 2025 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Quantum Colloquium | James Thompson (JILA)
James K. Thompson
(JILA - University of Colorado (US))
Seminar/Talk |
March 25, 2025 11:00 |
12:00 |
Onur Hosten |
Circuit QED with hole spins
Simon Zihlmann
(CEA Grenoble (FR))
Seminar/Talk |
April 8, 2025 11:00 |
12:00 |
Georgios Katsaros |
Ultrafast molecular chirality: a topological connection | Olga Smirnova ( MBI Berlin)
Olga Smirnova
(MBI Berlin)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2024 10:00 |
11:00 |
Mikhail Lemeshko |
Operator Norm Bounds on the Correlation Matrix of the SK Model
Christian Brennecke
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
December 16, 2024 15:45 |
17:00 |
Laszlo Erdös, Jan Maas |
Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Dynamics through Renormalized Excitation Number Operators
Christian Brennecke
(University of Bonn)
Seminar/Talk |
December 17, 2024 15:30 |
16:30 |
Laszlo Erdös |
Embodied processing in whisker somatosensory cortex during exploratory behaviour in freely moving mice
Luka Gantar
January 13, 2025 11:30 |
12:30 |
Jösch Group |
The Uncertain Journey of a Quantum Tech Startup
Thomas Monz
xista Event |
February 20, 2025 16:00 |
17:00 |
Edmundo R. Sánchez Guajardo |
New Year's Kick-off
Internal Event |
January 22, 2025 10:00 |
11:30 |
Spring Festival
Internal Event |
May 22, 2025 15:00 |
21:00 |