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Graduation Ceremony 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018 17:00 - 19:00
Raiffeisen Lecture Hall, Central Building
Central building lecture hall

You are cordially invited to attend this year’s Graduation Ceremony, which is taking place on *Friday, June 29th* at 17:00 (Raiffeisen Lecture Hall).

We’ll be celebrating the graduation of:

Maciej Adamowski (Friml Group), Andreas Pavlogiannis (Chatterjee Group), Michal Rybár (Pietrzak Group), David Hahn (Wojtan Group), Fabienne Jesse (Bollback Group), Chris Pull (Cremer Group), Karin Mitosch (Bollenbach Group), Haibing Xu (Csicsvari Group), Anton Nikitenko (Edelsbrunner Group), Eva Gschaider-Reichhart (Janovjak Group), Maroš Pleška (Guet Group), Harald Ringbauer (Barton Group) Andrej Hurný (Benková Group), Alexander Kolesnikov (Lampert Group), Dora-Clara Trlungeanu (Novarino Group), Chong Chen (Jonas Group), Alexander Leithner (Sixt Group), and Mabel Iglesias Ham (Edelsbrunner Group).

This year’s keynote speaker will be Chris M. Golde, Assistant Director of Career Communities for PhDs & Postdocs at Stanford University. Harald Ringbauer, who is currently doing a postdoc at the University of Chicago, will give a speech as representative of the 2018 graduates. During the ceremony, the winner of this year’s Best PhD Thesis Award will be announced as well.

The ceremony’s official part will end at approx. 18:30 and will be followed by a champagne reception in the foyer. 

The official invitation can be downloaded here: /ckeditor_attachments/25/gc_2018_invitation.pdf

Please come and celebrate with our latest graduates! 

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