This talk focuses on 2+1 dimensional interface growth models. I will talk about a Markov chain on lozenge tilings of the plane, introduced by A. Borodin and P. L. Ferrari [CMP 2014]. This can be viewed as a 2+1-dimensional stochastic growth process (the growing discrete interface being the height function associated to the tiling) or as a totally asymmetric interacting 2-d particle system. I will briefly recall some results from Borodin and Ferrari, and then present new results on stationary states, growth of fluctuations, connection with the "Anisotropic KPZ equation" and hydrodynamic limits.
This is based on arXiv:1503.05339 and on work in progress with M. Legras.
If time allows, I will present related results obtained in collaboration with A. Borodin and I. Corwin