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Progress and challenges in designing a universal Majorana quantum computer

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 08:45 - 09:45
Speaker: Torsten Karzig (Microsoft Station Q, UCSB)
Location: Mondi Seminar Room 3, Central Building
Series: Physical Sciences Seminar

I will discuss a promising design proposal for a scalable topological quantum computer. The qubits are envisioned to be encoded in aggregates of four or more Majorana zero modes, realized at the ends of topological superconducting wire segments that are assembled into superconducting islands with significant charging energy. Quantum information can be manipulated according to a measurement-only protocol, which is facilitated by tunable couplings between Majorana zero modes and nearby semiconductor quantum dots. The key virtue of the proposed architecture is its modular and scalable design and a natural suppression of quasiparticle poisoning by charge protection. In the second part of the talk I will comment on the importance of elevating these designs to full quantum universality by so called magic state injection. The latter relies on a high fidelity source of specific quantum states and I will point out some of ideas and challenges for providing them.
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