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IST Colloquium: Design principles for dendritic inhibition

Monday, September 24, 2012 16:30 - 17:30
Idan Segev (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Raiffeisen Lecture Hall, Central Building
Institute Colloquium
Central building lecture hall

Five open questions about dendritic inhibition (I) will be discussed. (i) Why I is distributed over the whole dendritic tree, far from the axonal output? (ii) Why I on very distal branches? (iii) Why different I-subclasses (basket, Chandelier, bi-tufted, etc.) cover different dendritic subdomain of its target neuron and why each I-axon often makes there 10–20 synapses? (iv) Why, the 1/5 ratio between I/E in neocortex and hippocampus? (v) Why do interneurons so reach in their firing repertoire? This analytical and modeling study provides new and counterintuitive insights into the effect of dendritic inhibition in controlling dendritic excitability and plasticity and in molding the neuron’s output.
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