Upcoming Talks

Ista white

What we can learn from bottom-up biology

Monday, January 21, 2019 16:00 - 17:00
Martin Loose (IST Austria)
Raiffeisen Lecture Hall
4th year colloquium
Leonid Sazanov
Central building lecture hall

Even if the molecules required for cellular processes have been identified, how they act together to accomplish a specific task is often not well understood. In our lab, instead of looking at complex phenomena in intact cells, we aim to rebuild cellular functions from purified components. This bottom-up synthetic biology approach allows us to quantitatively characterize molecular events underlying a particular cellular processes. 

In my seminar, I will present our results from two research directions: First, the mechanism of bacterial cell division, and second, the emergent properties of Small GTPase networks. I will show how our results not only help us to understand the molecular mechanisms, but also to identify the general principles of protein self-organization, which eventually give rise to the living cell.

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