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Thermal and Charge Transport in Nanocrystal Solids

Friday, December 14, 2018 11:00 - 12:00
Nuri Yazdani (ETH Zürich)
Big Seminar room Ground floor / Office Bldg West (I21.EG.101)
Physical Sciences Seminar
Maria Ibanez
Lab building west seminar room

Due to the discrete and tunable electronic structure of nanocrystals (NCs) and their facile assembly into conductive ordered superlattices (NC-solids), NCs are often referred to as artificial atoms. Through engineering of the constituent NCs and the topology of their assembly in NC-solids, it is possible to create designer semiconductors with tunable band gaps, mobilities, carrier densities, and thermal conductivities; properties which can be optimised for a given application, e.g. thermoelectric generators, solar cells, lasers, LEDs, and photodetectors. Extrapolating the artificial atom analogy of NCs to the vibrational density of states of NC-solids, one can expect to find inter-NC vibrational excitations of the superlattice, analogous to acoustic phonons of an atomic lattice. Through characterizing and modelling of these excitations via inelastic neutron scattering and a variety of ab-initio and computational methods, I will show how the characteristic energy scale of these excitations, and therefore the thermal conductivity of a NC-solid, can be engineered through the constituent NC size and choice of ligand. I will then present a brief overview of our studies on charge transport in NC-solids, and discuss how our improved understanding of thermal and charge transport can be leveraged towards the rational design of NC-solid superlattices for thin-film thermoelectrics.
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