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Ista white

Breakdown of superfluidity in binary Bose mixtures in two dimensions

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 14:00 - 15:30
Volker Karle (Heidelberg University)
Big Seminar room Ground floor / Office Bldg West (I21.EG.101)
Physical Sciences Seminar
Misha Lemeshko
Lab building west seminar room

In this talk I will consider a two-component bosonic gas in two dimensions at low temperatures with a zero-range repulsive interaction.I will focus on the coexistence phase with superfluid behavior in both components, where a phenomenon appears which is not present in the one-component case: The non-dissipative drag between the two superfluid flows (Andreev-Bashkin effect), which originates from the interactions between different components. I will show that this behavior leads to a modification of the usual BKT transition in two dimensions. Ultimately, the renormalization group flow indicates that a collapse of the superfluid of one component can lead to the collapse of the superfluid of the other component and their critical temperatures are in that case equal.
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