Upcoming Talks

Ista white

Glassy nature of hierarchical organizations

Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:00 - 11:00
Maryam Zamani (Eotvos Lorand University)
Mondi Seminar Room 1, Central Building
General Interest Seminar
Gasper Tkacik

The question of why and how animal and human groups form temporarily stable hierarchical organizations has long been a great challenge from the point of quantitative interpretations. The prevailing observation/consensus is that a hierarchical social or technological structure is optimal considering a variety of aspects. In my talk, I will introduce a simple quantitative interpretation of this situation using a statistical mechanics-type approach. We defined an efficiency function for a typical organization/system which is constructed from interacting individual units with a variety of abilities ai (level of the potential contribution of a unit to the performance of the whole system), and developed an approach to address the question of the spontaneous emergence of hierarchical networks displaying behaviours analogous to those of glasses
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