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Campus Spotlight: New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - What it means for you & IST Austria

Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:30 - 12:00
Svenja Kutnig, Legal Affairs / Data Protection Officer Tamara Pusch, Project Management Office
Campus Spotlight
Kathrin Pauser

The collection, use, and protection of personal data is a big issue these days. On May 25th, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. It represents changes for a lot of companies and organizations and has implications on IST Austria as well. Svenja Kutnig and Tamara Pusch will explain how the GDPR is applied and how the project was set-up at IST Austria, as well as what the GDPR means for you as a private citizen and your personal data. The project serves as an example of how project management standards and tools can be applied.


Campus Spotlight is a talk series at IST Austria. In a crisp 30-minute session administrative staff from across all divisions and SSUs are invited to present their field of expertise. This is your chance to find out what your colleagues are working on in their daily life and ask questions to understand IST’s inner workings. It is meant to engage the general IST community spanning from scientists, to students and admin staff.

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