Upcoming Talks

Ista white

IST Lecture: The art of building small

Monday, June 4, 2018 18:00 - 19:00
Ben Feringa (University of Groningen)
Raiffeisen Lecture Hall
Public outreach event
Thomas Henzinger
Central building lecture hall

Exploring across the current frontiers of chemical sciences there is vast uncharted territory to experience the joy of discovery.  Far beyond Nature’s design, the creative power of synthetic chemistry provides unlimited opportunities to realize our own molecular world as we experience every day with products ranging from drugs to displays.  In the art of building small we explore  the fascinating  field of molecular nanoscience .  Among the major challenges ahead in the design of complex artificial molecular systems is the control over dynamic functions and responsive far-from-equilibrium behaviour. A major goal is to gain control over translational and rotary motion. The focus is on my journey in the world of molecular switches and motors.

Free shuttle buses are provided to / from campus:
Regular IST shuttle #142: 5:17 pm from U4 Heiligenstadt/public bus stop (return from IST Austria campus at 7:54 pm)
Special IST Lecture shuttle: 5 pm from the Schwedenplatz/night bus stop (return from IST Austria campus at 8 pm)

Please register for the Lecture and shuttle here by May 27.

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